Hustle University

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Comparing Rich Dad Poor Dad and Andrew Tate's Hustle University Courses:


  • Financial independence: Both emphasize achieving financial freedom through unconventional methods, challenging traditional employment paths.
  • Entrepreneurship: Both promote entrepreneurship and building assets instead of solely relying on income.
  • Mindset: Both emphasize the importance of mindset, positive thinking, and overcoming fear in achieving financial goals.


  • Content: Rich Dad Poor Dad focuses on financial literacy and basic investment concepts, while Hustle University delves deeper into specific online business models like dropshipping and affiliate marketing.
  • Delivery: Rich Dad Poor Dad is a book, while Hustle University is a paid online course with video lessons, community access, and coaching elements.
  • Style: Rich Dad Poor Dad uses anecdotal stories and personal experiences, while Hustle University adopts a more direct, sometimes controversial, approach with motivational elements.
  • Target audience: Rich Dad Poor Dad has a broader appeal, while Hustle University specifically targets Gen Z men interested in online business ventures.

Why Hustle University Attracts Gen Z:

  • Relevance: The course focuses on online business models popular with Gen Z, like dropshipping and social media marketing.
  • Accessibility: Compared to traditional education, the course offers a seemingly quicker and more accessible path to financial success.
  • Community: The course provides a sense of belonging and support for Gen Z navigating the world of online business.
  • Personality: Tate's persona resonates with some Gen Z due to his confidence, self-assuredness, and anti-establishment views.
  • Marketing: The course uses targeted marketing strategies and leverages Tate's social media presence to reach its target audience.

It's important to note:

  • Criticisms: Both Rich Dad Poor Dad and Hustle University face criticisms for oversimplification, lack of nuance, and potentially misleading information. It's crucial to approach them with a critical eye and conduct further research before implementing their advice.
  • Sustainability: The long-term sustainability and success rates of the business models promoted in these programs are debatable.
  • Individual needs: Financial advice should be tailored to individual circumstances and risk tolerance. Consulting with qualified professionals is essential before making significant financial decisions.

Ultimately, both Rich Dad Poor Dad and Hustle University offer insights and perspectives on achieving financial independence. However, it's crucial to approach them with a critical mindset, be aware of potential biases and oversimplifications, and conduct further research before implementing their advice. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to financial success.