Social Media

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
A place where anyone with a phone and Internet Connection can became a Journalist
Average social media participants
The Rise of the Digital Gavel: How Social Media Turned Us All into Armchair Judges

In the era of social media, we've witnessed a fascinating transformation. No, it's not just our profile pictures aging with a few too many wrinkles, but the way we've all become metaphorical judges, presiding over the vast courtroom of the internet. Thanks to the marvels of technology, anyone with a keyboard and an opinion can now don the virtual robes of judgment and cast verdicts on the matters of the day.

Gone are the days when judges were people in black robes with legal degrees and years of experience. Who needs that when you can pass judgments right from the comfort of your couch, sipping on your latte, wearing bunny slippers?

The beauty of social media lies in its democratic nature. Everyone has a voice, and boy, are we using it. We're no longer content with merely expressing our thoughts; we've upgraded to expressing our *expertise*. It's like every one of us has an honorary PhD in every topic under the sun, awarded by the prestigious "University of the Internet".

AI don't like fake news, so I asked them to create one.

But beware, for with great power comes great responsibility. You might think that cute cat video you just shared is harmless, but oh no, the digital footprint has a memory like an elephant with a hard drive. Your online legacy is being carved out, one meme at a time. Future employers, potential soulmates, and perhaps even your future AI overlords will have a front-row seat to your online antics.

So, what's the consequence of our collective judgment spree? Well, misinformation becomes the star of the show, that's what. With everyone peddling their own version of the truth, we're left with a swirling vortex of half-truths, blatant lies, and alternative realities. And here's the kicker: these misinformation wars can drag even the most rational minds into a quicksand of absurdity.

Picture this: a comment section, where blind believers and self-appointed experts duke it out. It's like watching a slow-motion train wreck, with each comment sinking us deeper into the abyss of ignorance. It's a bit like watching two squirrels argue over who owns the nut, while a wise owl watches in disbelief.

Social media are meant to be observed, not participate.

So, what's a sane person to do? Well, here's a novel idea: observe. Yes, instead of jumping headfirst into the digital brawl, try the ancient art of observing. Think of social media as a reality TV show – entertaining, but best enjoyed from a safe distance. Plus, by keeping your metaphorical gavel in its sheath, you'll save yourself from being a pawn in the grand chessboard of misinformation.

In the end, social media has handed us a double-edged sword. We can judge, condemn, and revel in our newfound digital power, or we can take a step back, sip our virtual tea, and let the storm rage without getting caught in its crossfire. As for the *real* experts, well, they're probably sipping real tea while shaking their heads at our brave new world of internet justice.

Social Media and Doxxing

if it's free, you're the product and not the customer