Forex/Paid Courses

From The Sarkhan Nexus
If you're so profitable why are you still selling course?
Paid Forex Courses - A Sellout or Legitimate Education?

TL;DR: If you think attend these forex courses and believe it would make you profitable, it's a Skill Issue.

Forex Paid Courses

In the world of Forex trading, there's an ongoing debate about the credibility of paid trading courses. Some traders, like MoNoRi-Chan, question the motives behind profitable traders selling courses. Reddit comments showcasing unscrupulous practices of content creators further add to the skepticism. This article delves into the controversy surrounding paid Forex courses, exploring both sides of the argument.

The Question of Sellout:

MoNoRi-Chan raises a valid point - if traders are genuinely profitable, why do they resort to selling courses? While some see it as a sellout move, others argue that sharing knowledge and expertise can be a legitimate business model. The issue arises when unethical traders use deceptive practices to gain followers and capitalize on their fame, potentially tainting the reputation of genuine educators.

The Dark Side of Forex Influencers:

Reddit user D*****P****nu sheds light on the darker side of the Forex education industry. He outlines a strategy for content creators to exploit their followers and affiliate with shady brokers. Such practices can lead to misinformation and harm aspiring traders who fall victim to scams. Unfortunately, this raises doubts about the authenticity of many Forex influencers.

The Perils of Blind Trust:

Infall****Monkey acknowledges the potential for deceit within the Forex education landscape. Blindly trusting influencers can lead to disappointment and wasted efforts. The quest for financial independence and the desire to avoid traditional careers drive some traders to seek alternative paths, often falling prey to false promises.

Honesty and Transparency:

For aspiring traders, it's essential to distinguish between credible educators and scammers. Honesty and transparency should be key factors to look for in course providers. Traders who genuinely care about their students' success will display their track records and provide transparent information about their strategies.

The True Value of Education:

Paid Forex courses can indeed offer value, providing comprehensive knowledge, trading strategies, and risk management techniques. Investing in education can save traders from costly mistakes and expedite their learning curve. However, it is crucial to research thoroughly and choose courses that align with individual trading goals.


The issue of paid Forex courses is complex, with both ethical educators and dishonest influencers coexisting in the industry. Traders should be vigilant and critical in their choices, seeking transparent educators with proven track records. Remember, Forex trading success requires dedication, discipline, and a commitment to continuous learning. While paid courses can be valuable, it's vital to stay away from scams and make well-informed decisions to achieve success in the Forex market.

Economics of Selling Course

The Economics of Selling Courses: Unraveling the Profit Motive

The lure of financial gains has driven many influencers to capitalize on the Forex education market. The potential for substantial earnings by selling courses has led some to adopt questionable tactics, ultimately tarnishing the reputation of the Forex trading industry. This section delves into the economics behind selling courses and sheds light on the unfortunate practices that have earned Forex educators a bad reputation.

Lavish Seminars and Limited Seats:

Hosting exclusive seminars with a limited number of seats allows course creators to command higher prices. The scarcity of seats creates a sense of urgency (FOMO) and exclusivity (Cult Following), enticing potential attendees to invest in the course. While such seminars can provide valuable insights, they can also be an opportunity for unscrupulous individuals to capitalize on unsuspecting participants.

IB Commissions - Doubling the Profit:

In addition to charging hefty course fees, some influencers act as Introducing Brokers (IBs) for brokers they are affiliated with. As IBs, they earn commissions by referring traders to the broker, creating an additional stream of income. This practice, though common, raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest, as the influencers may prioritize profits over their students' success.

Global Exploitation:

The trend of selling courses extends beyond national borders, with well-known influencers from different countries adopting similar strategies. Some have devised complex membership structures to maximize profits. By offering various membership tiers, they tempt traders with exclusive perks, preying on their desire for success. These practices have led to substantial financial gains for some, but at the expense of the trusting traders who find themselves entangled in a web of deceit.

A Disheartening Reproach:

The prevalence of dishonest practices in the Forex education industry has led to a general mistrust among traders. Unsuspecting investors who fall victim to scams suffer financial losses and disillusionment, leaving a lasting negative impression on the entire Forex community. This unfortunate reality fuels MoNoRi-Chan's disdain for these unethical practices and the individuals behind them.


While there are genuine educators who provide valuable Forex trading courses, the pursuit of profits has given rise to unscrupulous tactics that exploit unsuspecting traders. The allure of significant financial gains has led some influencers to prioritize short-term profits over long-term trader success, harming the reputation of the Forex market as a whole. For aspiring traders seeking education, it is vital to exercise caution, research thoroughly, and choose transparent and credible course providers. Only by supporting honest and genuine educators can the Forex education landscape foster trust, integrity, and growth within the trading community.

Mathematical Model

Mathematical Model: Comparing Thai Seminar to "That YouTube Channel" (Someone who closely resembles to มายเมะเนะ)

Let's construct a mathematical model to compare the economic aspects of attending a Forex seminar in Thailand versus subscribing to "That YouTube Channel." We will consider the costs involved, potential earnings, and the number of participants to assess the profitability of each option.

1. Thai Seminar:

  • Cost per person (in Baht): 5,000 Baht
  • Number of seats available: 50
  • Total earnings from the seminar: 5,000 Baht * 50 seats = 250,000 Baht

2. "That YouTube Channel":

  • Monthly Membership Cost: $199.99 USD
  • Yearly Membership Cost: $499.99 USD
  • One-time Gold Membership Cost: $699.99 USD
  • Number of Gold subscribers: at least 350

Total Earnings from Subscriptions:

  • Monthly Subscription: $199.99 * 350 subscribers = $69,996.50 USD per month
  • Yearly Subscription: $499.99 * 350 subscribers = $174,996.50 USD per year
  • One-time Gold Membership: $699.99 * 350 subscribers = $244,996.50 USD


  • For simplicity, we assume that all seminar attendees and subscribers pay the full fee without discounts or refunds.
  • We do not consider any additional costs, such as production expenses for the YouTube channel.


Based on the model, both the Thai seminar and "That YouTube Channel" have the potential for substantial earnings. The Thai seminar can generate 250,000 Baht in one event, while the YouTube channel can earn up to $244,996.50 USD from its 350 subscribers. However, it's important to note that the costs and profitability of each option can vary based on factors such as marketing efforts, retention rates, and the value provided to attendees or subscribers.


In the pursuit of financial gains, it is essential for Forex educators and influencers to prioritize transparency and honesty in their teaching methods. While both the Thai seminar and the YouTube channel can offer income opportunities, the reputation and long-term success of the Forex industry depend on the integrity and value provided by educators. Traders should exercise caution and make informed decisions when choosing educational resources to enhance their trading skills and knowledge.