Shorts:Top Signal/Bottom Text

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
"Top Signaled"

Once upon a time, in the world of cryptocurrency trading, MoNoRi-Chan found himself engaged in Uwucrew chat room discussion about the price of BTC/USD. The conversation revolved around analyzing the market and making predictions...


Late into the night, as the chart displayed an upward momentum, ebra shared a message: "fcb 15m." The excitement was palpable as traders eagerly watched the Bitcoin price climb higher.

Amongst the chatter, Tree Capital [BOT] interjected with an image displaying the Bitcoin chart reaching a peak at 31,500. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation.

But it was MoNoRi-Chan, who felt a sense of temptation. He contemplated the idea of shorting BTC/USD, capitalizing on a potential downturn. However, he hesitated and refrained from entering the trade, uncertain of the market's future.

In the morning, as the sun rose on a new trading day, Tree Capital [BOT] shared another image showing the Bitcoin chart bottoming at 29,888. The market had turned, and the price began to decline.

Freedl212, having recovered from previous losses, responded to the chart image, declaring, "It's over." The sentiment was one of disappointment for those who had missed the opportunity.

MoNoLidThZ, reflecting on his earlier temptation, chuckled and typed his message: "I called the short signal last night, but I didn't enter. đŸ€Šâ€â™‚ïž" He embraced the irony of the situation, acknowledging the missed chance to profit from his own accurate prediction.

This tale serves as a reminder that trading in the financial markets requires not only intuition but also the courage to act upon it. MoNoRi-Chan's experience highlighted the importance of trusting one's instincts and seizing opportunities when they arise.

However, it is crucial to remember that trading leveraged products carries significant risks. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and each trade should be approached with caution and careful consideration.

As the story concludes, MoNoRi-Chan, undeterred by the whims of the market, remained determined to continue his trading journey. Guided by his intuition and armed with the knowledge gained from both successes and missed opportunities, he embraced the ever-changing landscape of the financial markets with resilience and a readiness to learn.

In the world of trading, the next opportunity always awaits, and it is up to each individual to navigate the twists and turns, using their experiences to inform their decisions and grow as traders.

⚠ Disclaimer: The information provided in this text is for educational and informational purposes only. These writings are my own opinion, provided as-is, and has no warranty expressed or implied. None of it is financial, legal, or other professional advice. The author encourages readers to use discretion and make informed decisions regarding their own practices while seeking professional advice if necessary.

Disclaimer: The following story is what happened in Uwucrew and does not constitute financial advice. Trading leveraged products carries significant risks, and past performance is no guarantee of future results.

After Story

After posting the meme on Twitter, a friend of MoNoRi-Chan, Mr.Future, responded to the tweet. Mr.Future, known for his expertise in XAUUSD trading, shared a valuable piece of advice. He encouraged MoNoRi-Chan to trust his trading instincts and avoid falling into the trap of consistently posting good trade ideas without taking action.

MoNoRi-Chan, appreciative of Mr.Future's insight, responded with a sense of calm and gratitude. He understood the significance of seizing opportunities in the trading world. With a touch of playfulness, he replied, "Thanks brother, this reminds me that I miss all the shots I didn't take."

This exchange served as a reminder to MoNoRi-Chan that hesitating to act on his instincts could result in missed opportunities. It reinforced the importance of embracing one's bias and having the courage to execute trade ideas when they align with one's intuition.

As MoNoRi-Chan continued his trading journey, he carried with him the lessons learned from missed opportunities and valuable advice from his fellow traders. Each day presented new opportunities, and armed with his experiences and newfound determination, MoNoRi-Chan faced the markets with renewed confidence and a willingness to take calculated risks.

Remember, trading in the financial markets requires a balance of intuition, knowledge, and the courage to act. While hindsight may offer valuable lessons, it is the ability to trust one's instincts and seize the opportunities that lie ahead that can lead to success in the ever-changing world of trading.