
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
(Redirected from Uwucrew)

Uwucrew is the group of NFT degens that are mainly focused on anime NFTs and other alternatives assets. (Mostly Ethereum)

⚠️ Disclaimer: The information provided in this text is for educational and informational purposes only. These writings are my own opinion, provided as-is, and has no warranty expressed or implied. None of it is financial, legal, or other professional advice. The author encourages readers to use discretion and make informed decisions regarding their own practices while seeking professional advice if necessary.


If you know, you know
   —Kiwi @ MoNoRi-Chan/世界旅行者

Uwuminati is a NFT-gated community section that is comparable to PnD group but operates worldwide with various notable members and Brickers amongus.

ChatGPT Description

MoNoRi-Chan dumped all his Shitcoins before a Whale dumped one. It is a pretty nasty shitshow.

The Uwuminati is a unique and highly sought-after community within the crypto and NFT space. Known for their quick thinking and sharp decision-making, members of the Uwuminati are a force to be reckoned with.

However, it's important to note that being a part of the Uwuminati is not for the faint of heart. Unlike traditional investment opportunities, the Uwuminati operates on the principle of "testing yourself on production." This means that there is no safety net, no cushion to fall back on, and no guarantees of success. Being Ethereum Mainnet-focused chat group which originated the NFT Markets. Mostly contains of whales and the poor ones.

To be a part of the Uwuminati, you must have a deep understanding of the crypto and NFT markets, as well as a willingness to take risks and make bold decisions. The Uwuminati is not for everyone, and only the most confident and knowledgeable investors should consider joining their ranks.

For those who are up for the challenge, the Uwuminati offers the opportunity to test your skills and knowledge in a high-stakes environment. The only weapon you have is your educated investor mind, and you must use it wisely to succeed.

So if you're looking for a true test of your abilities as an investor, look no further than the Uwuminati. Just be prepared for the ride of a lifetime, as the ups and downs of the crypto and NFT markets will put your skills to the ultimate test.

Known Members

I would be able to compile the whole list but if you know or had talked to people on this list, you're in danger of being their Exit liquidity

The notable members that MoNoRi-Chan has interacted with are:

  • Kiwi (CEO of Uwulabs)
  • Omaribisa (FPS&Gym Enjoyer, who happens to buy Among Us for MoNo)
  • Starlin (Shortstack & Shitcoins enjoyer, TestNetBridge BAYC whale)
  • Neetori (Femboy connoisseur)
  • 0xEddy (NYC enjoyer)
  • Canter (Milady in the C43 AMG)