SPKZ's SMP Minecraft Server Lore

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
SPKZ Servers/Minecraft/Lore

The MoNoRi-Chan SMP Constitution

The MoNoRi-Chan SMP Constitution


We, the players of MoNoRi-Chan SMP, in Order to form a more perfect Community, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the MoNoRi-Chan SMP.

Article I: The Prime Directive

Section 1: General Conduct

There are no rules, just don't be a dick.

Section 2: Server Map

The official server map can be viewed at [1](https://mcmap.monolidthz.com).

Section 3: Prohibited Use of Map

Usage of the real-time map for stream sniping or griefing purposes shall be considered a bannable offense.

Article II: Amendments

The Administrators reserve the right to amend this Constitution as deemed necessary for the well-being and enjoyment of the community.

Ratified on this day, the Twenty-Sixth of May, in the year Two Thousand and Twenty-Four.

The Royal Decree

1st Amendment: The Nether Highway Act

Main Article: Interstate Nether Highway System

2nd Amendment: The Homesteading Act

MoNoRi-Chan's Minecraft SMP Second Amendment: The Homesteading Act


Whereas, the Interstate Nether Highway System (INHS) Act has opened vast new territories for exploration and settlement, and

Whereas, the spirit of adventure and self-reliance thrives within our community, and

Whereas, we seek to establish a fair and equitable system for land ownership and development,

Therefore, the following amendment is hereby added to the MoNoRi-Chan SMP Constitution:

Article I: Land Grants

1.1. Initial Claim: Every player is entitled to one (1) free land grant upon joining the server.

1.2. Claim Size: Each land grant shall consist of a 35x35 chunk area, extending from bedrock to build limit.

1.3. First Come, First Served: Land grants are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The first player to claim a zone secures ownership.

1.4. Claim Markers:  Claims must be clearly marked with a visible structure or sign indicating ownership.

Article II: Factions and Associations

2.1. Joining Claims: Players may join their adjacent claims together to form larger plots, creating factions or associations.

2.2. Shared Ownership:  Factions and associations share ownership of the combined land, with rights and responsibilities determined by their internal agreements.

2.3. Faction Disputes: Disputes between factions or associations will be mediated by server administrators based on the principles of fairness and community harmony.

Article III: Restrictions and Limitations

3.1. No Griefing:  The destruction or alteration of another player's property without their consent is strictly prohibited.

3.2. No Land Hoarding:  Inactive players or factions may have their claims revoked if they fail to develop or utilize their land (Unless for Speculation Purposes).

3.3. Administrator Discretion: The server administrators reserve the right to modify or amend this Homesteading Act and/or its enforcement as needed to ensure the fair and balanced development of the server.

Addendum: Interstate Nether Highway System

The INHS is considered public domain. While players are encouraged to establish settlements and amenities near INHS exits, they may not claim exclusive ownership of these areas. Please Note that some Nether portal exits are private and We cannot guarantee your safety of portal exits.


The Homesteading Act aims to create a thriving and equitable community on the MoNoRi-Chan SMP server. By balancing individual rights with communal interests, we hope to foster a spirit of adventure, cooperation, and creativity. Happy homesteading!

MoNoRi-Chan's Minecraft Land Rush: A Homesteading Act for the Digital Frontier, Inspired by the Wild West

Drawing inspiration from the American Homesteading Acts, MoNoRi-Chan and Califrog have devised a land distribution system that mirrors the spirit of the Wild West, albeit in a digital landscape. Just as pioneers staked their claims on uncharted territories, Minecraft players will embark on a virtual land rush, seeking out prime real estate to build their homesteads.

The Homesteading Spirit: First Come, First Served

To ensure fairness and equal opportunity, MoNoRi-Chan has implemented a "first come, first served" policy for the initial land grants. Each player will be entitled to a single claim of a generous 35x35 chunk area, spanning the entire vertical height of the Minecraft world. This generous allocation provides ample space for individual creativity and development.

Forming Communities and Expanding Territories

While individual claims provide a solid foundation, MoNoRi-Chan encourages players to collaborate and form associations or factions. By joining adjacent claims together, players can create larger, communal plots, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose within the server.

This cooperative approach not only mirrors the historical practice of settlers banding together for mutual support and protection but also promotes diverse and dynamic communities within the Minecraft world.

The Interstate Nether Highway System: A Catalyst for Suburbanization

MoNoRi-Chan's ambitious Interstate Nether Highway System (INHS) serves as a catalyst for expansion and development. As players explore the vast Nether, they'll discover convenient exits along the INHS, leading to prime real estate opportunities. These exits, like the z+1150 location with its quirky KFC pit stop, will become hubs of activity, attracting settlers and entrepreneurs eager to establish their mark on the digital frontier.

The Land Rush Begins

The grand opening of the land rush will be a spectacle to behold. Players will gather at spawn, eager to embark on their journey of discovery. After a thrilling countdown, they'll board their boats in the INHS, racing towards the unclaimed territories. The first to reach their desired location and plant their flag will secure their homestead.

This exhilarating event will not only kickstart the server's development but also create a shared experience that will bond players together as they embark on this new adventure.

A Future Built on Collaboration and Creativity

MoNoRi-Chan and Califrog's innovative land policy is a testament to their commitment to fostering a thriving and sustainable Minecraft community. By combining the spirit of the Wild West with the convenience of modern technology, they have created a unique opportunity for players to explore, create, and build their dreams in a digital world.

So, grab your pickaxe and prepare to stake your claim. The Minecraft land rush is about to begin!

The JungRai Coinage Act and The Exchange

Main Article: The Exchange

The 1st Server Disruption

Due to technical issues, the Server hosted by SPKZ was went down temporarily.

Modpack Experiment