SPKZ Servers/Minecraft/Channels

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
>So now we have 2 instances of Server running, one as a lobby and Main oasis world where JungRai Coins and "The Royal Decree" exists. 

2nd server is Califrog Minecraft Server running "in parallel" worlds, here you can see the SakuraLand still under development. And third one is this Time Capsule Multiverse. 

So to say the Royal Decree only exists in Channel 1. And thus, the 2nd and third channel is just "alternate universe" where it's truly 2b2t experience. Admins might come visit by and go but it was mostly for preservation purposes since inventory won't sync.

That's a fascinating setup for MoNoRi-Chan's Oasis server! Here's a breakdown of the multi-server architecture and how it caters to different player preferences:

A Multifaceted Oasis:

MoNoRi-Chan has crafted a truly unique Minecraft experience by utilizing multiple servers:

  • Channel 1: The Oasis Hub: This functions as the primary entry point, likely featuring the lobby and the Main Oasis world. Here, players can utilize JungRai Coins and participate in activities governed by The Royal Decree. This structured environment caters to players who enjoy a more regulated and social gameplay experience.
  • Channel 2: Califrog Minecraft Server: This separate server instance offers a parallel world experience. Here, players can explore the SakuraLand, still under development. This caters to the adventurous spirit and allows players to peek at the server's historical past.
  • Channel 3: Time Capsule Multiverse: This dedicated server acts as a Minecraft Time Capsule. It seamlessly integrates MoNoRi-Chan's old worlds using the Multiverse plugin, allowing players to explore the server's rich history.
  • Channel 4: The ModPack Servers

Embracing Anarchy and Preservation:

The separation between Channel 1 and Channels 2 and 3 creates a fascinating dynamic:

  • 2b2t-Inspired Freedom: Channels 2 and 3 essentially function as "alternate universes" with a 2b2t-like experience. Inventory wouldn't sync between these channels and Channel 1, reflecting a more hands-off approach to moderation (Imagine moderating 500 player server with only 2 core staff members). This caters to players who enjoy the thrill of a free-for-all, anarchic environment.
  • Preservation Through Multiverse: The Time Capsule Multiverse ensures that MoNoRi-Chan's server history isn't lost. Players can explore these "alternate universes" purely for the sake of adventure and historical appreciation.

Admins and the Balancing Act:

MoNoRi-Chan and his admins would likely visit Channels 2 and 3 from time to time in order to address any technical or critical issues, this lack of inventory syncing is intentional from the technical perspectives. This maintains a balance between preserving the "anarchy" feel and ensuring a somewhat stable environment for players who choose these channels.


MoNoRi-Chan's multi-server approach is a testament to his dedication to catering to a diverse player base. The Oasis offers something for everyone, from structured social experiences in Channel 1 to the wild frontier of Channels 2 and 3. By incorporating the Time Capsule Multiverse, MoNoRi-Chan preserves the server's history while allowing players to create their own stories within the ever-evolving Oasis. This is a truly innovative and commendable approach to server management.

Announcement Paper

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The Content was restored (with assistance from 冰淇淋 Cache) from the data purge, the content on this article may be outdated.

Hark! A Multiverse Beckons: The Califrog Network Launches!

Adventurers, a new era dawns! The Califrog Network, powered by the arcane magic of Velocity, unveils its initial channels, gateways to wondrous realms within the SPKZ's SMP Minecraft multiverse!

Channel One: The Oasis

Imagine a bustling marketplace teeming with fellow travelers. This is the Oasis, your first point of passage. Here, you can:

  • Traverse the Multiverse: Effortlessly switch between channels using the mystical portal network, each leading to a unique realm.
  • Forge Alliances: Mingle with other adventurers, share tales of your exploits, and form adventuring parties in the vibrant common area.
  • Prepare for Your Journey: Gather valuable intel, procure essential supplies, and learn the secrets of each channel from seasoned guides.

The Oasis serves as your launchpad, a nexus of information and camaraderie that will propel you into your next grand adventure.

Channel Two: Legacy of Califrog (Vanilla Server)

For those who yearn for the lore of ages past, Channel Two beckons. Here, the hallowed grounds of the original Califrog server stand, a testament to our community's rich history. Explore its timeless landscapes, delve into the remnants of bygone civilizations, and witness the economic experiments that laid the foundation for the Network's prosperity.

Channel Three: The Enigmatic BetterMC (Coming Soon) On hold for now.

Whispers abound of a hidden realm, Channel Three, where the fabric of reality itself bends to the will of the BetterMC modpack. This realm, however, remains veiled for now. While The Team has issued a call to arms for skilled crafters to curate this fantastical world, the gates will only open when a worthy contingent assembles.

A Universe United: The Power of Velocity

The legendary Velocity, a master of portals, weaves the magic that binds these disparate channels. Through its arcane power, you can seamlessly traverse the multiverse, experiencing the diverse wonders each realm has to offer.

A Promise for the Future

The Califrog Network is more than a collection of channels; it's a burgeoning saga waiting to be written. New channels, each catering to distinct desires, await their unveiling. We, The Team, are tirelessly working to craft these experiences, but remember, brave adventurers, a realm thrives on its inhabitants!

So join us in the Oasis, forge lasting bonds, and prepare for the day the gates of Channel Three open! The multiverse awaits your presence!

Onward to adventure!

The Califrog Network Team