Interstate Nether Highway System

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Cross-Section of Minecraft Hyperloop

Interstate Nether Highway System (Minecart Hyperloop) Safety Demonstration

Welcome aboard the Interstate Nether Highway System, your high-speed gateway to the Overworld's farthest reaches! Before we embark on this exhilarating journey, please take a moment to review the following safety information.

Accessing the Hyperloop

Begin your adventure at spawn and locate the imposing sword-shaped portal. Step inside, and you'll be whisked away to the heart of the Nether, the origin point of our expansive hyperloop network.

The Boat Shop

Upon arrival, you'll find "The Boat Shop," your one-stop destination for hyperloop transportation. We strongly recommend acquiring at least two boats, as they may despawn upon exiting the Nether. Fun fact: Boat insurance doesn't cover despawn damages, so two boats are the norm for a round trip!

Navigating the Hyperloop

The official hyperloop sections are currently under construction, with lengths varying between 750 and 1500 blocks from spawn. These sections are fully protected from mob spawns and unauthorized building.

The unofficial sections, branching off in various directions (For example, a branch from main line every 1000 blocks), offer a grade-separated experience from the official lines. However, due to varying ice quality, speed limits may be lower, and mob encounters more frequent. Fear not, for the power of the "W" button will propel you forward, and with simple calculations, you can reach any Overworld destination!

Hyperloop Departure

To disembark from the hyperloop, simply construct your own Nether portal. Step through, and you'll emerge thousands of blocks from spawn, ready to explore your newfound paradise.

Safety Precautions

  • Always be mindful of your surroundings, especially on the unofficial sections.
  • Keep an eye out for other hyperloop travelers and avoid collisions.
  • If you encounter any difficulties, don't hesitate to seek assistance from fellow players or server staff.
  • And remember, life vests are NOT located under your seat... because you're in a boat! 😉
  • Avoid pressing directional keys at high speeds to prevent boat spinouts and your own motion sickness.

We wish you a safe and enjoyable journey on the Interstate Nether Highway System!

The Boat Physics Update

MoNoRi-Chan SMP Server Notice: Craftbook Modified Vehicle Physics Implementation

To all esteemed players of the MoNoRi-Chan SMP Server,

Following extensive research and experimentation, the Minecraft Administrators have implemented a significant modification to the server's physics engine, specifically regarding the behavior of boats and minecarts. This alteration, known as Craftbook Modified Vehicle Physics, has been introduced to address the persistent issue of mob interference on the unofficial Nether hyperloop sections.

As a result of this modification, boats and minecarts now possess significantly enhanced velocity and momentum. While this proves highly effective in deterring hostile entities, it also introduces a potential hazard to players and other entities within their trajectory.

Therefore, it is imperative for all players to exercise heightened caution when utilizing the Interstate Nether Highway System (commonly referred to as the "Minecart Hyperloop"), as well as when traversing ice sheets adjacent to the tracks. The server's dynamic map can provide valuable insights into the real-time movement of minecarts, allowing players to avoid potentially hazardous situations. However, the most effective safety measure remains vigilance and adherence to common sense precautions.

Players are strongly advised to avoid walking directly on the ice sheet covering the hyperloop tracks and instead utilize the left or right shoulders for pedestrian travel. Additionally, should a rapidly approaching boat or minecart be observed, it is recommended to immediately seek refuge away from the tracks.

The Minecraft Administrators remain committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for all players. By adhering to these guidelines, we can ensure that the Craftbook Modified Vehicle Physics implementation enhances the server's functionality without compromising player safety.


The Minecraft Administrators

Highway Specs

The Interstate Nether Highway Act: Paving the Blazing Way!

Tired of treacherous Nether travel times? Say goodbye to slow-burning netherrack bridges and ghast-infested tunnels! The Royal Decree, in its infinite wisdom, announces the Interstate Nether Highway Act, a revolutionary infrastructure project that will forever alter your Nether travels.

Inspired by the real-world marvel, the Interstate Nether Highway Act establishes a standardized construction code for a safe, efficient, and blazing-fast highway system throughout the fiery depths. Imagine traversing the Nether at breakneck speeds, leaving ghast fireballs in your dust (or should we say ash?).

The Nitty-Gritty of Nether Navigation:

The Act outlines a simple yet ingenious design, ensuring a smooth and speedy ride across the Nether:

  • Obsidian Foundation (Level 1): The bedrock of your highway – a sturdy 5-block wide obsidian base lays the groundwork for stability and fire resistance. No more netherrack crumbling beneath your boots!
  • Blue Ice Highway (Level 2): Get ready to feel the burn (of speed)! A 3-block wide center lane constructed from slick blue ice minimizes boat friction, propelling you forward like a nether-powered bullet train.
  • Obsidian Shoulders (Level 2): Safety first! Two obsidian blocks flank both side of the blue ice lane, creating a safe path to build an emergency shoulder of the highway.
  • Walkable Obsidian Shoulder (Level 3): Need a pit stop? The top level features a walkable obsidian shoulder (or a minimum height like a carpet for unofficial sections or interchanges). This allows for safe in-transit activities like repairs or walk with fellow Nether travelers without the fear of losing half bar of your health from speeding boats. (We obviously grade-separated this for you!)
  • Illumination: Because even the fieriest highway needs light, the Act mandates a light source (think glowstone or lanterns) placed every 5-10 blocks above the highway. No more fumbling in the dim netherrack shadows!

Signed, Sealed, Delivered (Into the Nether):

On a momentous day, May 15th, 2024, The Royal Decree proudly unveiled the Interstate Nether Highway Standards. This revolutionary legislation paves the way for a safer, faster, and more efficient Nether experience for all Oasis citizens!

The Future of Nether Travel:

With the Interstate Nether Highway Act in effect, the once-dreaded Nether journey becomes a thrilling adventure. Imagine a network of interconnected highways spanning the vast Nether landscape, connecting distant biomes and fostering trade and exploration like never before. The possibilities are truly infernal
 er, infernal in the best possible way!

So, gear up your boats, stock up on fire resistance potions, and get ready to experience the Nether like never before! The open road (or rather, fiery highway) awaits!

History and Revisions of the Hyperloop System

Hyperloop 0.1: The EarthMC Geopolitical Sandbox Experiment

  • Server: EarthMC Geopolitical Sandbox Server
  • Builder: Bravoxd
  • Status: Abandoned

The first iteration of the Hyperloop, Hyperloop 0.1, was an ambitious project on the EarthMC Geopolitical Sandbox Server. Constructed by Bravoxd, this early version aimed to revolutionize travel across vast distances within the server. However, the project struggled to gain traction due to a lack of real use cases and patrons. Without sufficient support or practical application, Hyperloop 0.1 was eventually abandoned, marking its place as an early yet unsuccessful attempt at high-speed transportation.

Hyperloop 1.0: The MoNoRi-Chan Alliance Server Innovation

  • Server: MoNoRi-Chan's Alliance Server (MCTH)
  • Builder: MoNoRi-Chan (IGN: MoNoLidThZ)
  • Join Address: MC.IN.TH (Defunct)
  • Status: Archived

Hyperloop 1.0 was the first successful implementation of the hyperloop concept, constructed by MoNoRi-Chan up to 10k blocks during his free time on the MoNoRi-Chan's Alliance Server, known as MCTH. This version saw extensive use and served the community well. However, with the release of the Nether Update, which introduced new chunk generation and biomes, the existing hyperloop system became obsolete. Users called for a "New Nether," prompting the archiving of Hyperloop 1.0. It stands as a testament to MoNoRi-Chan's innovation and the community's evolving needs.

Hyperloop 2.0: The Nether Update and New Directions

  • Status: Archived (Post-Nether Update, 10k blocks in cardinal directions)
  • Description: A 5-block wide ice highway designed for efficient travel

Following the Nether Update, the original hyperloop design was deemed outdated. In response, Hyperloop 2.0 was developed, featuring a new layout to accommodate the updated Nether environment. This revision included a 5-block wide ice highway extending 10,000 blocks in each cardinal direction, ensuring swift and smooth travel across the Nether. However, it too was eventually archived as the community's needs continued to evolve.

Hyperloop 3.0: The Califrog Minecraft Server Prototype

  • Server: Califrog Minecraft Server
  • Minecraft Version: 1.19
  • Status: Lost

Hyperloop 3.0 represented a brief yet significant development in the hyperloop's history. Built as a prototype on the Califrog Minecraft Server for Minecraft Version 1.19, this version showed great promise. Unfortunately, it was lost due to a catastrophic hard drive failure on the server. Despite its potential, Hyperloop 3.0 never saw full implementation, leaving it as a tantalizing "what could have been."

Hyperloop Rev. 2: The Resurgence

  • Status: Implemented (ch1), Archived (ch2)
  • Description: The refined post-Nether update version; features a 5-block wide ice highway

In a bid to avoid wasting time on constructing a new highway from scratch, the Royal Decree scavenged for previous designs and settled on Hyperloop Revision 2. This version, which included a 5-block wide ice highway built post-Nether update, was found to fit current needs perfectly. Hyperloop Rev. 2 was implemented in channel 1 (ch1) of the server, while the historical Rev. 1 version was unarchived and hosted in channel 2 (ch2). Players are now invited to homestead and explore on any channel of the Califrog SMP Network Server.

The Hyperloop system has undergone numerous revisions and iterations, each shaped by the changing landscapes of Minecraft updates and server needs. From its early days on EarthMC to its current incarnation on the Califrog SMP Network Server, the Hyperloop remains a symbol of innovation and adaptation in the Minecraft community.

And remember, as you traverse the newly implemented Hyperloop Rev. 2 or explore the historical Hyperloop Rev. 1 in our Califrog SMP Network Server, The Royal Decree would like to issue a friendly disclaimer: The Royal Decree is not responsible for any accidental findings of "overpowered/broken items," dupe stashes, or explosive booby traps that may have surfaced from this unarchival process.

So, brave adventurers, the motto remains: finders keepers! Just keep an eye out, and maybe invest in some good blast protection gear. Happy exploring!