MoNoRick and Mawty/S1E5: Perps

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

MoNoRick and Morti Season 1 Episode 5: Perps - Leverage on Crack


  • MoNoRick and Morti discuss perpetual futures and high leverage in trading
  • Comparison between online casino gambling and trading
  • Importance of funding rates in balancing market forces
  • Flashback 1: Young MoNoRi-Chan learning forex trading
  • Flashback 2: MoNoRi-Chan trading cryptocurrency, loses money when BTC crashes; Bas, a freeloader, borrows money from MoNoRi-Chan and fails to repay
  • MoNoRi-Chan's quote about Bas in ActiveX™ Tabulation System
  • Flashback 3: MoNoRi-Chan overcomes gambler mentality, rebuilds capital
  • Present day: MoNoRick, an expert trader, spots bearish pattern, places leveraged short, profits
  • MoNoRick shares success with Morti, explains profiting from "bull trader's tears"
  • Disclaimer: Past performance does not guarantee future investment outcomes
  • MoNoRick and Morti treat themselves to Korean BBQ
  • MoNoRi-Chan addresses 4th wall, shares regret about not investing in Dogecoin
  • MoNoRi-Chan now a retail investor, ready to educate new investors

Scence 1


Continuity: In an alternate dimension where MoNoRick and Morti after S1E4 after ETHDenver, we follow their intradimensional adventures, exploring the world of Decentralized finance and technology.

[SCENE 1 - MoNoRick's Lab]

MoNoRick: (fiddling with a futuristic-looking computer) Morti, check this out! I've discovered a new financial instrument called Perps! It's like a drug for traders, Morti!

Morti: Perps? What's that, MoNoRick?

MoNoRick: Perps, Morti, are Perpetual Futures - a type of contract that allows you to trade with insane leverage, like 10x, 15x, 25x, 50x, or even up to 125x! A tiny market move could liquidate your entire account! It's wild, Morti!

Morti: That sounds like online casino gambling, MoNoRick. Isn't that really risky?

MoNoRick: Well, Morti, there's something called a funding rate where longs pay shorts or vice versa. They "work for each other and balance the market forces." 

Morti: That's like a casino with extra steps!
MoNoRick: Someone's Graduating from the Investment college. 

Scence 2

[SCENE 2 - The Futures Casino]
MoNoRick and Morti travel to the Binance Futures Casino (บ่อนไอ้ตี๋)​, a place where traders from all over the globe gather to bet on the perpetual futures market, where their PnL shows up on their screen.

Morti: Wow, Rick, this place is massive! It's like a giant betting lounge in Vegas, but with traders on every screen placing bets on certain assets!

MoNoRick: You got that right, Morti. And see those running numbers over there? That's the copytrade section, those running numbers are their profit and losses, and people can bet on those too! It's like inception, but with gambling!

Scence 3

[SCENE 3 - Doing thy own Research]
As MoNoRick and Morti dive deeper into the world of Perps, MoNoRick becomes increasingly addicted to the high leverage trading. Morti, concerned for MoNoRick's mental health, stages an intervention with the help of their friends.

Morti: MoNoRick, we need to talk. This Perps thing is getting out of hand. You're risking too much, and it's affecting everyone around you!

MoNoRick: (irritated) I can handle it, Morti! I know what I'm doing! 
(Looks at the chart, the CG depicts various of his thoughts running around in his head)


[SCENE 2 - Flashback: Young MoNoRi-Chan Learning Forex Trading]
Narrator: As MoNoRick and Morti continue their conversation, we see a flashback of a younger MoNoRi-Chan when he first started learning forex trading. He was enthusiastic and eager to learn, but the journey wasn't always smooth sailing.

[SCENE 3 - Flashback: The Cryptocurrency Crash]
Description: MoNoRi-Chan started trading cryptocurrency, was enjoying the thrill and potential profits, even having sex with an ex named iS. 
Unfortunately, he lost it all when the BTC price plummeted from $11,000 to just $3,000. 
He screamed at the screen, had no money to buy more, and also his lenders failed to repay him when he needed it most.

[SCENE 4 - Flashback: Climbing Back Up]
Description: With a small amount of capital, MoNoRi-Chan left iS for the USA and have not been in contact ever since, have to quit school and worked hard to build himself back up. He overcame the gambler mentality and honed his skills, eventually becoming the expert trader he is today.

[SCENE 5 - Present Day]

Narrator: Back in the present, MoNoRick reflects on his past experiences, knowing that he has come a long way from the inexperienced trader he once was. With wisdom and expertise, he is now able to navigate the risky world of leveraged trading and guide Morti along the way.

Scence 4

[SCENE 4 - MoNoRick's Expertise]
Despite Morti's concerns, MoNoRick reveals that he's actually an expert trader with over 13 years of forex experience. He knows how to navigate the risks of leverage and uses it to his advantage.

MoNoRick: grinning You know what, Morti? Leverage is a hell of a drug, It'll absolutely fucks you up if you get too confident and overleveraged. It's free money for those who know what they're doing.

Narrator: MoNoRick spots a bearish continuation pattern forming on the chart. He confidently places a leveraged short as the market tests the resistance.
MoNoRick: Watch this, Morti! (apes in leveraged shorts)

Narrator: Just as MoNoRick predicted, the pair drops, and he starts making money off the trade.

Scence 5

[SCENE 5 - Celebratory Korean BBQ]
MoNoRick and Morti leave the casino with their easy money, ready to treat themselves to a delicious Korean BBQ.

MoNoRick: (chuckling) You see, Morti? We made it out with easy money, all thanks to those bull traders' tears. We just took away their futures, the ones who were playing with fire in the first place.

Morti: I guess you really do know what you're doing, MoNoRick. But let's not make a habit of it, okay?

MoNoRick: (smirking) No promises, Morti. No promises. And remember, past performance does not reflect future investment outcomes. (winks at the audience, breaking the 4th wall) That goes for futures too.


Narrator: In this episode of MoNoRick and Morti, we've seen how the world of Perps can be alluring yet dangerous. Will MoNoRick and Morti learn from their experiences? Tune in next time to find out!