Aping In

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Those who aped the wrong coin and those who stays sidelined (aka too broke to Shitcoin)

"Ape In" (verb): To make an immediate investment in the market by using a market order.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The information provided in this text is for educational and informational purposes only. These writings are my own opinion, provided as-is, and has no warranty expressed or implied. None of it is financial, legal, or other professional advice. The author encourages readers to use discretion and make informed decisions regarding their own practices while seeking professional advice if necessary.

"Market Order" or "Aping In" - a term used in the trading world to describe the act of jumping into the market immediately, without giving much thought to the consequences. It's a metaphor that perfectly describes the impulsive behavior of traders who are eager to make quick profits, without considering the risks involved.

MoNoRi-Chan, a seasoned veteran trader, has seen his fair share of traders who fall into this trap. He has witnessed how the allure of quick profits often leads traders to make hasty decisions that end up costing them dearly. Market orders are often used by inexperienced traders who lack a solid understanding of market dynamics and the factors that drive price movements.

As a result, they end up buying high and selling low, leading to significant losses. This is why MoNoRi-Chan always emphasizes the importance of education in the trading world. He believes that education is what separates mankind from apes, and that without it, traders are bound to make mistakes that could cost them their hard-earned money.

MoNoRi-Chan always advises traders to be patient and to only enter the market after thoroughly analyzing the market conditions and the factors that could impact price movements. He also emphasizes the importance of using stop loss orders to limit potential losses, and to avoid falling into the trap of "Liquidation Party"

Trading is a game of patience and education, and this is a lesson that MoNoRi-Chan, a seasoned veteran trader, has learned through his years of experience. He has seen too many traders fall into the trap of "Market Order" or "Aping In," the act of jumping into the market without considering the consequences. This impulsive behavior is often driven by the allure of quick profits, but it often leads to significant losses.

MoNoRi-Chan believes that education is what separates mankind from apes in the trading world, and that without it, traders are bound to make mistakes that could cost them their hard-earned money. He always emphasizes the importance of taking the time to analyze market conditions and the factors that could impact price movements before entering the market.

Traders should also use stop loss orders to limit potential losses, and avoid the trap of "aping in." Education is the best weapon for traders who want to be successful in the long run, and MoNoRi-Chan always advises his fellow traders to be patient and to strive to be an educated investor.

In the world of trading, there are no shortcuts to success, and traders who want to avoid being entertained by the market must always watch the tape before they "Ape." Remember, an educated investor is the best weapon in the world of trading.


Main Article: MoNoRi-Chan's Jade Temple

Wojak Wanderers and the Jade Temple Tempest: A Cautionary Tale

The ever-shifting sands of the cryptosphere are a breeding ground for a peculiar species – the Wojak Wanderers. These digital nomads, often depicted as the ubiquitous "Wojak" meme character, often rotates their holdings between memecoins, L2 solutions, or even the granddaddy of them all, Ethereum, in a relentless pursuit of quick gains. Their eyes, glazed with dollar signs, are ever searching for the next hot trend, the next opportunity to build their generational wealth.

Lured by the neon signs of "Boosted traders" with a 10% bonus, a group of Wojak Wanderers stumbled upon the serene facade of the MoNoRi-Chan's Jade Temple. Here, they encountered MoNoRi-Chan, a seasoned trader with 13 years etched onto his digital face. Unlike the frenzied Telegram groups and hype-fueled YouTube channels they frequented, MoNoRi-Chan offered something different – a chance to be passengers on his crypto-commuter van, copying his trades without the burden of learning the intricacies of the road ahead.

But the road, as MoNoRi-Chan well knew, was about to take a sharp turn. The looming specter of the "BTC Halvening", a periodic event that historically triggers market volatility, cast a long shadow. He warned the Wanderers, his voice a steady calm amidst the rising storm, to buckle up.

The storm arrived with a fury. Charts turned crimson, and the once-optimistic chatter in the copy-trade chat turned into a cacophony of panic. Some Wanderers, their eyes wide with fear, abandoned ship, leaving the Jade Temple with nary a digital "tip" for MoNoRi-Chan's guidance. He, however, remained unfazed. He knew the impatient nature of the young blood, as he called them.

As the crypto acidic rain settled, the Jade Temple remained intact, the investors inside the temple suffered small damages like 2% but outside MoNoRi-Chan saw Tiger posted on the chat that he was down 2/3rd of his account. A stark reminder that even venturing outside the temple for a brief moment could expose one to the harsh realities of the market.

MoNoRi-Chan surveyed the scene, his follower count now a steadier 33. He understood that only those who could weather the storm deserved a place in his temple. Now, with a steely glint in his eye, he prepared for the next leg of the journey. The market, still bearish, offered a chance to "catch the next leg down," a calculated risk based on his experience.

This tale of the Wojak Wanderers serves as a cautionary one. The cryptosphere is a merciless landscape, and quick fixes are a mirage. MoNoRi-Chan's Jade Temple offers a different path – one built on knowledge, discipline, and weathering the storms together. Whether these remaining 33 Wanderers will learn the art of navigating the crypto-terrain or become another wave of departures remains to be seen. But one thing is certain: the Jade Temple, with MoNoRi-Chan at the helm, will continue to be a sanctuary for those seeking measured gains, not fleeting riches.
