
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Procrastination at it's finest.

Procrastination: the art of delaying, avoiding, and rationalizing, while time slips away and tasks remain undone.

The Battle Within: Understanding Procrastination

Procrastination is a common trait that many people grapple with in their daily lives. It's that nagging tendency to delay tasks or postpone important work until the last possible moment. If you've ever found yourself binge-watching TV shows or scrolling through social media instead of tackling your to-do list, you're not alone. But what's happening inside our brains that leads to this behavior?

To shed light on the mystery of procrastination, Based on Tim Urban's captivating TED Talk, "Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator", let's delve into the inner workings of the procrastinator's mind. Imagine two distinct brain states: one belonging to a non-procrastinator and the other to the chronic procrastinator. Both brains possess a Rational Decision-Maker, but the procrastinator's brain harbors an additional character—the Instant Gratification Monkey.

These characters, which reside in the mind of every procrastinator, represent the eternal struggle between our long-term goals and our desire for immediate gratification.

MoNoRi-Chan, in his own unique way, embodies this internal battle within his mind. In Dimension 982 (D-982), where MoNoRi-Chan resides, he personifies the Rational Decision-Maker. This version of MoNoRi-Chan is the epitome of discipline, focus, and productivity. He sets ambitious goals, makes detailed plans, and strives to make rational decisions that align with his long-term aspirations.

However, just like in Tim Urban's TED Talk, MoNoRi-Chan's mind is also inhabited by the mischievous Instant Gratification Monkey. This inner child craves immediate pleasure and seeks out distractions and indulgences. The Instant Gratification Monkey persuades MoNoRi-Chan to engage in activities that provide instant gratification, such as gaming Apex Legends with Professor Atts, binge-watching Netflix series, or simply taking a break from work.

The Rational Decision-Maker and the Instant Gratification Monkey constantly battle for control of MoNoRi-Chan's actions. The Rational Decision-Maker strives to keep him on track, reminding him of his goals and the importance of staying focused. It encourages him to resist the allure of instant gratification and prioritize long-term success.

On the other hand, the Instant Gratification Monkey is always ready to pounce, tempting MoNoRi-Chan with short-term pleasures and distractions. It argues that taking a break or indulging in unproductive activities is necessary for maintaining balance and preventing burnout.

Finding the right balance between the Rational Decision-Maker and the Instant Gratification Monkey is crucial for MoNoRi-Chan's overall well-being and productivity. While the Rational Decision-Maker is essential for achieving long-term goals, the Instant Gratification Monkey serves as a reminder that life should be enjoyed and not solely focused on work and productivity.


However, in D-982, MoNoRi-Chan faces an interesting twist. Unlike the typical procrastinator, the Rational Decision-Maker doesn't fall into the productivity trap. It doesn't beat him up with guilt for not constantly being productive or working tirelessly towards his goals. Instead, the Rational Decision-Maker acknowledges the importance of balance and self-care.

MoNoRi-Chan's Rational Decision-Maker understands that occasional breaks and indulgences can actually enhance productivity in the long run. By allowing himself moments of leisure and enjoyment, he replenishes his energy, rejuvenates his creativity, and maintains a healthy mindset.

In the end, MoNoRi-Chan's journey through the battle between his Rational Decision-Maker and Instant Gratification Monkey serves as a reminder to us all. We are complex beings, and it's natural to have conflicting desires and motivations. Embracing this duality and finding a harmonious balance between work and play, productivity and relaxation, is the key to living a fulfilling and purposeful life.

So, the next time you find yourself torn between the Rational Decision-Maker and the Instant Gratification Monkey within your own mind, remember that both have their place. Nurture your long-term goals, but also allow yourself moments of joy and spontaneity. Embrace the battle within and find your own unique equilibrium. After all, life is about finding the delicate balance between responsibility and enjoyment, and creating a fulfilling journey along the way.