
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
When your account goes from $100 to $200 and back at $100 again because you are too slow to act
Oh noo~

(round,trip) [AutocorrectCase: (round, trip)] the opposite of (up,only)

Beware of Trading (round,trip): Exiting Profitable Positions Before It's Too Late


The world of forex trading and cryptocurrency has its fair share of risks, but one pitfall that is often overlooked by traders is the dreaded (round,trip). In this satirical yet informative article, we will explore the importance of knowing when to exit a profitable position before it retraces to your entry point or, even worse, erodes your capital.

I. The (round,trip) Phenomenon:

A (round,trip) occurs when a trader's profitable position reverses direction and returns to its original entry point or falls below it, turning a once-profitable trade into a losing one. This common mistake is often a result of indecision, fear of missing out (FOMO), or simply failing to adhere to a pre-established trading plan.

II. The Importance of a Trading Plan:

Having a well-defined trading plan is crucial in avoiding (round,trip)s. A solid plan outlines the specific entry and exit points for each trade, as well as the risk and reward parameters. By sticking to this plan, traders can mitigate the emotional factors that often contribute to the (round,trip) phenomenon.

III. Knowing When to Exit:

Exiting a profitable position at the right time is an essential skill for any trader. While it's impossible to predict the exact peak or bottom of a market, setting realistic profit targets and using tools such as trailing stop orders can help traders lock in gains and prevent (round,trip)s.

IV. The Dangers of FOMO and Greed:

Fear of missing out and greed can lead traders to hold onto positions for too long, resulting in (round,trip)s. It's important to remember that no trader can consistently capture every bit of profit in a market move. Learning to be content with reasonable gains and not chasing after every last pip or satoshi can go a long way in preventing (round,trip)s.

V. Lessons from the Crypto/NFT Market:

The rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) offers many opportunities for profit, but it also presents unique challenges when it comes to avoiding (round,trip). Traders must be especially vigilant in these volatile markets, as price swings can be sudden and dramatic.


Forex and crypto traders alike must be mindful of the (round,trip) phenomenon and take appropriate steps to protect their profits. By adhering to a well-defined trading plan, setting realistic profit targets, and resisting the allure of FOMO and greed, traders can increase their chances of success and minimize the likelihood of costly (round,trip) flights.

For those who already (round,trip)ped

TL;DR: Rip degens be degens

Title: Don't Blame the Market: Learning from (Round,Trips) and Thriving in Forex Trading

Introduction: The forex market can be an unforgiving place, especially for those who have fallen victim to the notorious (round,trip). However, instead of blaming the market for your losses, it's important to learn from these experiences and grow as a trader. In this article, we will discuss the importance of hands-on experience, risk management, and position sizing in surviving and thriving in the forex market.

I. Embracing Hands-On Experience: Trading is a skill that can only be honed through experience. While studying the market, reading books, and attending seminars are all valuable learning tools, there is no substitute for hands-on trading experience. By actively participating in the market and learning from each trade – both winners and losers – traders can develop a deeper understanding of the market and refine their trading strategies.

II. Risk Management and Position Sizing: One of the most crucial aspects of successful trading is proper risk management. By employing sound risk management practices, traders can protect their account from catastrophic losses and ensure long-term success. Position sizing is a key component of risk management, as it helps traders determine the appropriate amount to risk on each trade based on their account size and risk tolerance.

III. Avoiding the "Degen" Mentality: The term "degen" is often used to describe traders who take excessive risks in pursuit of quick profits, often resulting in massive losses. To avoid becoming a "degen" trader, it's essential to maintain a disciplined approach to trading and adhere to your risk management plan. While it may be tempting to "go big or go home," this mentality can be disastrous in the forex market.

IV. Learning from (Round,Trip)s: Instead of dwelling on losses resulting from (round,trip)s, use these experiences as valuable lessons. Analyze each trade to identify any mistakes or areas for improvement, and use this knowledge to refine your trading strategy. By continually learning and adapting, traders can minimize the likelihood of future (round,trip)s and increase their overall success in the market.

V. The Path to Long-Term Success: The key to long-term success in the forex market lies in maintaining a disciplined approach to trading and risk management. By learning from (round,trips), embracing hands-on experience, and avoiding the "degen" mentality, traders can build a solid foundation for profitable trading.

Conclusion: While (round,trip)s can be disheartening, it's important not to blame the market for your losses. Instead, take these experiences as an opportunity to learn and grow as a trader. By focusing on hands-on experience, risk management, and position sizing, you can increase your chances of success in the forex market and avoid falling into the "degen" trap.

It's a spiral!

Ah, round tripping. The dreaded term, the scarlet letter, the financial Voldemort of the trading world. A mere whisper can send shivers down even the most seasoned trader's spine. But hold your horses, dear naysayers, for today we sing a different tune! Yes, today we celebrate the misunderstood art of the round trip, not as a plodding circle, but as a glorious, gravity-defying spiral.

For you see, the common folk, trapped in their linear minds, fail to grasp the nuanced ballet of round tripping. To them, it's a journey starting and ending at the same point, a Sisyphean push of a boulder uphill, only to watch it roll back down. But we, the enlightened few, we know better. We know that a round trip is a vortex, a mesmerizing dance with the market's capricious winds.

Yes, we buy and sell, sell and buy, but don't mistake this for the mundane loop of mediocrity. Each transaction is a brushstroke on the canvas of our financial masterpiece, a layer of experience painted upon our souls. Each round trip is not a closed loop, but a spirograph of enlightenment, propelling us ever higher (or lower, depending on the market's whims) on the glorious trajectory of financial mastery.

Take, for instance, the case of Bartholomew "The Boomerang" Briggs. Bartholomew, bless his round-tripping heart, once lost a fortune buying Bitcoin at its peak, only to sell in a panic and buy back in at an even higher price. "A fool!" the masses cried, pointing fingers and sharpening their tongues. But Bartholomew, unfazed, simply chuckled. "Fools?" he'd retort, "Nay, I am a financial gymnast, performing a triple-salto with a full twist and a roundoff landing, all while juggling flaming chainsaws made of margin calls!"

And Bartholomew was right! For through his "reckless" round tripping, he had internalized the market's rhythm, learned to ride its waves like a surfer on a tidal bore. His round trips were not mistakes, but emotional cleanses, purging him of fear and greed, leaving him pure as a diamond, ready to trade again with laser-sharp focus.

So, the next time you see a trader dancing the tango of the round trip, do not judge. Offer them a high five, perhaps a celebratory glass of blockchain-infused kombucha. For they are not lost, they are evolving. They are not stuck, they are spiraling. And who knows, one day, their spiraling may just lead them to that financial Valhalla we all seek – or at least a decent return on investment.

Remember, dear reader, there is no shame in the round trip. It is a badge of honor, a testament to your willingness to engage with the market, to learn from its every twist and turn. So round trip with pride, friends, and embrace the glorious spiral of financial enlightenment!

(Disclaimer: This article is for satirical purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Please consult a qualified financial professional before making any investment decisions.)