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Friend.Tech (FT) and its token $FRIEND is a Decentralized Pump and Dump Scheme where you can buy and sell your friends X (Formerly Twitter) For fun and Exclusive Access to their Chatrooms.



⚠️ Disclaimer: The information provided in this text is for educational and informational purposes only. These writings are my own opinion, provided as-is, and has no warranty expressed or implied. None of it is financial, legal, or other professional advice. The author encourages readers to use discretion and make informed decisions regarding their own practices while seeking professional advice if necessary.


$FRIEND Salt Chart Airdrop Day: Whales Win, Community Left Wanting's much-anticipated airdrop day arrived, promising a payout in $FRIEND tokens to loyal users. However, excitement soon turned to frustration as technical issues, coupled with market manipulation, transformed the event into a battleground where giant wallets emerged as the clear victors.

Technical Stumbles

The centralized front-end, responsible for distributing the airdrops, buckled under the weight of eager users. Many experienced slow load times, errors, and outright website crashes. This caused widespread delays, leaving users in a frustrating state of limbo, waiting to claim their tokens.

The PvP Arena

Once the dust settled, it became clear that the airdrop did little to decentralize holdings of the $FRIEND token. Whales, those with large pre-existing balances, strategically leveraged a loophole to amass a disproportionate share of airdrop points, further consolidating their power within the ecosystem.

The aftermath was a market in turmoil. These whales exercised their newfound influence, buying and selling $FRIEND to manipulate the price. Smaller investors, armed with their modest portions of the airdrop, were caught in the crossfire, struggling to navigate the volatile market.

Community Sentiment

Across social media platforms, disappointed users lamented the unfair allocation of airdrops and the subsequent volatility. Many felt's promise of a community-driven reward system had been broken. The centralized infrastructure, it seemed, had inadvertently fostered an environment ripe for manipulation.

Lessons Learned's airdrop day exposed several key lessons to consider for future Web3 projects:

  • Decentralized Distribution: Implementing decentralized distribution mechanisms could create a level playing field and prevent whales from exploiting loopholes.
  • Technical Robustness: Thoroughly stress-testing centralized infrastructure is crucial to handle a surge in traffic and prevent technical breakdowns during critical events.
  • Market Manipulation Controls: Implementing measures to mitigate the impact of large wallets and prevent sudden price swings could help protect smaller investors.

The Aftermath

In the aftermath, will need to address community concerns and rebuild trust if it wants to continue fostering a thriving ecosystem. While airdrops can be a powerful engagement tool, projects must ensure their execution promotes fairness and decentralization – the principles that lie at the heart of Web3.

Let me know if you'd like to explore potential solutions to address the issues raised by's airdrop experience!

Notable & Known CT


Uwu Club
MoNoRi-Chan's $FRIEND Airdrop Adventure: A Degen's Tale (Part 2)

The Early Bird Gets the Friend Token

As the saying goes, "the early bird gets the worm," and in the world of crypto, sometimes the early bird gets the airdrop! MoNoRi-Chan, ever the resourceful Degen (decentralized finance degenerate), understood this principle well. When announced their airdrop, he saw an opportunity.

Clubs and Cult Followings

Inspired by the Degen Queen of Uwucrew, Vixpora, who created the "uwu" club, MoNoRi-Chan established his own: "Catboy Crypto Degen Club". With a playful nod to internet culture, these clubs offered a sense of community and a way to participate in the ecosystem.

The Airdrop Windfall

On the day of the airdrop, MoNoRi-Chan woke up to a surprise – his $FRIEND token holdings, purchased with spare change, had skyrocketed in value. He quickly cashed out a portion into Ethereum, a more established cryptocurrency. Following a golden rule of crypto investing – "never go all in" – he strategically converted 10% of his remaining $FRIEND into a Liquidity Pool (LP), providing capital to the ecosystem while securing some passive income.

The Unexpected Buyer

Just as MoNoRi-Chan was making his savvy moves, the unexpected happened. Mr. LlamaBro, a self-proclaimed "shopper of Friend.Tech," stumbled upon MoNoRi-Chan's "Catboy Crypto Degen Club" and, in a stroke of internet whimsy, purchased the club keys. This seemingly random act had a surprising consequence – cult following ensures, the price of the club token surged!

Transparency is Key

MoNoRi-Chan, a believer in transparency, posted his holdings and balance sheet for everyone in his club to see. While some may have followed him blindly, others saw this as an opportunity to learn and potentially benefit. Friend.Tech, in essence, had become a "decentralized bucket shop" where users could buy and manage "clubs" using $FRIEND tokens.

The Art of the Deal

Back in the "Uwucrew" chat room, MoNoRi-Chan noticed a curious turn of events. The $FRIEND price had climbed to $2.94, a significant increase from his earlier sell point of $1.80. While he might have missed the peak of the bull run, the price of the "uwu" club, cleverly created by Vixpora, had skyrocketed to triple digits.

Lessons Learned

MoNoRi-Chan's airdrop experience offered valuable lessons for aspiring degens:

  • Be an early bird: Capitalize on opportunities when they arise.
  • Diversify and manage risk: Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
  • Embrace the community: Learn from and collaborate with others.
  • Transparency builds trust: Open communication is crucial in this fast-paced environment.

Moving On

Despite missing the peak of the $FRIEND price, MoNoRi-Chan remained "in the money" thanks to his "Catboy Crypto Degen Club" and the foresight of Vixpora. He adapted his strategy, learned from the experience, and moved on, ready for the next adventure in the ever-evolving world of decentralized finance.

Sydney Sweeney Fan Club
Proof of first

Day 3: The Ape Parade and the Missed Top

MoNoRi-Chan, ever the opportunist, scoured the Uwuminati chat for the next potential goldmine. He spotted his friend Trophycase creating a new club with an uncharacteristically uninspired name – "Sydney Sweeney Fan Club" (FT#12708). With only a metaphorical last quarter in his pocket, MoNoRi-Chan decided to "ape in" on a whim, using a small amount of $FRIEND to join the club.

The Hype Machine

Just like a countdown tweet from Elon Musk, the price of the Sydney Sweeney Fan Club token rocketed upwards. MoNoRi-Chan, feeling a surge of "insider information" pride, announced his early entry in the chat. The message served as a flare, attracting other crypto influencers who piled in, further inflating the price.

Trophycase, the Reluctant Hype Man

Trophycase, seemingly surprised by the sudden frenzy, remarked how everyone had turned into apes (a slang term for reckless investors). The massive buying spree triggered a wave of FOMO (fear of missing out) in the broader market, with regular users following the lead of the influencers.

To the Moon... and Back?

The price of the Sydney Sweeney Fan Club token went parabolic, reaching a dizzying high of $FRIEND 13. MoNoRi-Chan, ever the pragmatist, recognized this as the potential peak and voiced his intention to cash out.

Hijinks and Missed Opportunities

However, the Uwuminati chat erupted in chaos. What started as a seemingly innocent investment opportunity became a hilarious prank. The chat, in a coordinated effort, launched a "hostile takeover" of the Sydney Sweeney Fan Club by voting for MoNoRi-Chan's friend Morello as president. The lightheartedness distracted MoNoRi-Chan, causing him to miss the perfect opportunity to sell at the top. This turn of events cemented the incident as a legendary moment in the Uwuminati chat, forever immortalized in memes and inside jokes.

The Crash and the Enduring Friendship

As with most meme-based tokens, the inevitable crash arrived. The "right side of the Christmas tree" (a chart pattern indicating a sharp drop) materialized as CT degens (crypto Twitter degenerates) panicked and sold their holdings. MoNoRi-Chan, along with his inner circle who had entered early, watched the price plummet from a safe distance.

Friendship Over Profits

In the aftermath, MoNoRi-Chan offered a philosophical perspective. While they missed out on maximizing their profits, the experience solidified the friendships within the group. He went from being a metaphorical beggar with spare change to someone who called the top (albeit a bit too early). While others didn't listen to his intuition about selling, the camaraderie remained.

The Image and a Missed Opportunity?

The image you sent appears to be a screenshot of a chat conversation about the Sydney Sweeney Fan Club token price action. It shows multiple users commenting on the price surge and subsequent drop, mirroring the narrative described in the text.

An Opportunity for Discussion

MoNoRi-Chan's experience with the Sydney Sweeney Fan Club highlights the risky and volatile nature of meme-based cryptocurrency investments. While there's the potential for quick gains, there's also a high chance of substantial losses. This turn of events could be a springboard for a discussion about the importance of:

  • Conducting due diligence before investing in any cryptocurrency project.
  • Understanding the risks involved in meme token investing.
  • Having a clear trading strategy including entry and exit points.
  • Not giving into FOMO and making impulsive investment decisions.