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CT (Crypto Trader/Crypto Twitter): A retard who thinks that 140 characters can pump their bags.

CT, the notorious Crypto Trader of Crypto Twitter, is a fascinating species dwelling in the treacherous depths of the crypto realm. They proudly flaunt their expertise, armed with an arsenal of futile predictions and questionable investment strategies. These self-proclaimed market gurus have become masters in the art of buying high and selling low, as if it were a twisted form of performance art.

They gather in hordes, fueled by the illusion that their 140-character tweets possess the power to magically pump their own bags. They embark on a relentless quest, chasing the elusive moonshot that perpetually eludes their grasp. Despite their unwavering faith in their favorite projects, their portfolios often resemble a graveyard of shattered dreams.

Liquidation Parties, a cherished tradition among the CT community, serve as a reminder of their collective failures in the perpetual futures market. When the tides turn against them, they band together to commiserate over their losses, drowning their sorrows in a sea of shattered dreams.

But amidst the chaos, a rare breed emerges – MoNoRi-Chan, the battle-hardened crypto veteran. With scars from countless rug pulls and being exit liquidity of the others, he stands apart from the bumbling masses of CT. Armed with knowledge from the OGs and an unwavering dedication to research, he navigates the treacherous waters of crypto with caution and skepticism.

MoNoRi-Chan understands that success in this wild market requires more than a few clever tweets and flashy memes. He knows the true nature of the beast, reminding CT to learn from their mistakes and abandon their relentless bag-hunting endeavors. While they frolic in the shallow waters of hype, MoNoRi-Chan dives deep, seeking the pearls of wisdom that only come with experience.

So, as the CT army continues to tweet their way to inevitable doom, MoNoRi-Chan remains battle-hardened and focused on sustainable gains. With his feet firmly planted on the ground, he sees through the whims of the market and teaches the way of the truly savvy crypto investor.


Crypto Twitter: The MMORPG (Many Men Online Role-Playing as Girls) Unveiled

Forget the virtual realms of elves and orcs; the real MMORPG is unfolding right on Crypto Twitter. Here, legions of men gather, not to slay dragons, but to court the elusive crypto goddess, Fortuna.

Dxscreener: The Digital Boudoir

Dxscreener, the go-to platform for charting and analysis, is their virtual boudoir. It's where they meticulously preen their portfolios, hoping to attract the attention of crypto influencers and female traders, the elusive unicorns of the space.

The Art of Seduction

Forget diamond hands; in this game, it's all about smooth tweets and witty memes. The most skilled players know how to charm their way into the DMs of crypto royalty, hoping to glean insider tips or, better yet, a date. Lambo memes are the digital equivalent of peacock feathers, signaling wealth and status, while insightful threads on tokenomics are the sonnet of the crypto age.

The Stoner's Serenade

But amidst the hustle and bustle, a peculiar phenomenon emerges: the 4:20 ads. It seems that some of these digital Casanovas find inspiration in a puff of smoke. Whether it's a creative boost or a stress reliever, one thing is clear: even in the high-stakes world of crypto, a little relaxation goes a long way.

The Harsh Reality

But let's not get carried away with the romanticism. For every successful suitor, there are countless others left heartbroken and penniless. Crypto Twitter is a cruel mistress, and the path to riches is paved with broken dreams and shattered portfolios.

The Moral of the Story

So, dear reader, if you're venturing into the crypto wilds, proceed with caution. Hone your wit, sharpen your memes, and maybe invest in a good stash box. And remember, in the MMORPG of Crypto Twitter, the most valuable asset isn't Bitcoin; it's charm.

Disclaimer: This article is a satirical commentary on the crypto community and should not be taken as financial or dating advice.

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