JungRai Coins: Difference between revisions

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
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'''Section III: The Exchange'''
'''Section III: The Exchange'''

3.1: Establishment – A designated location within the server, known as "[[SPKZ Servers/Minecraft/The Exchange|The Exchange]]", shall be established to facilitate the exchange of JungRai Coins for emeralds, another denomination of the JungRai currency.  
3.1: Establishment – A designated location within the server, known as "[[SPKZ Servers/Minecraft/Exchange|The Exchange]]", shall be established to facilitate the exchange of JungRai Coins for emeralds, another denomination of the JungRai currency.  

3.2: Exchange Rate – The official exchange rate shall be set at sixty-four (64) JungRai Coins for one (1) emerald. This rate is established to promote a healthy in-server economy and incentivize participation in the JungRai Coin system, allows its interoperability with existing Emerald-based trading systems enacted by Independent Villagers.
3.2: Exchange Rate – The official exchange rate shall be set at sixty-four (64) JungRai Coins for one (1) emerald. This rate is established to promote a healthy in-server economy and incentivize participation in the JungRai Coin system, allows its interoperability with existing Emerald-based trading systems enacted by Independent Villagers.

Revision as of 19:22, 19 June 2024

$JR Summarized
The JungRai Coinage Act: A Monetary Revolution on the MoNoRi-Chan SMP Server

Year of Our Block: 1


The history and annals of our previous experiment, the Califrog Minecraft Server record a period of economic hardship known as the "Dirt Depression". A once-abundant resource, dirt dwindled as ambitious builders reshaped the landscape. Barter systems, the lifeblood of the server's early days, became increasingly cumbersome. Recognizing the need for a stable and readily available form of currency, MoNoRi-Chan, the esteemed server owner, enacted a series of groundbreaking economic reforms.

The JungRai Coinage Act:

By The Royal Decree of MoNoRi-Chan, with the esteemed signature of Professor Atts, the Server's Front Man, the JungRai Coinage Act was established. This act, forever etched in the server's administrative code (powered by a modern MySQL database engine for optimal security and transparency), laid the foundation for the JungRai Coin – the official digital currency of the MoNoRi-Chan SMP server.

Section I: Establishment of the JungRai Coin

1.1: Creation – The JungRai Coin, denoted by the symbol "$JR" shall be a digital currency minted and regulated by the Server Administration.

1.2: Intrinsic Value – One (1) JungRai Coin shall hold an intrinsic value equivalent to one (1) dirt block. This value is established to ensure the JungRai Coin remains a stable and readily accessible form of currency for all server participants.

Section II: The JungRai Reserve

2.1: Establishment – A secure digital reserve, known as the JungRai Reserve, shall be established and maintained by the Server Administration. This reserve will hold a designated amount of JungRai Coins to ensure the stability of the currency and facilitate future economic initiatives.

2.2: Transparency – Periodic audits of the JungRai Reserve, conducted by mentally redacted server members, will be documented and made available for public review.

Section III: The Exchange

3.1: Establishment – A designated location within the server, known as "The Exchange", shall be established to facilitate the exchange of JungRai Coins for emeralds, another denomination of the JungRai currency.

3.2: Exchange Rate – The official exchange rate shall be set at sixty-four (64) JungRai Coins for one (1) emerald. This rate is established to promote a healthy in-server economy and incentivize participation in the JungRai Coin system, allows its interoperability with existing Emerald-based trading systems enacted by Independent Villagers.

Section IV: Conclusion

The JungRai Coinage Act marks a pivotal moment in the economic history of the MoNoRi-Chan SMP server. By establishing a stable and transparent digital currency, this act fosters economic growth, facilitates trade, and paves the way for a prosperous future for all server participants.


This document serves as a historical record of the JungRai Coinage Act. The MoNoRi-Chan SMP server administration reserves the right to amend this act as deemed necessary for the continued health and stability of the server's economy.

Success(?) Stories

From JungRai to Land Baron: How a Minecraft Server Turned into a Mini-Economy

Imagine a Minecraft server where a simple joke currency, JungRai coins, has blossomed into a surprisingly sophisticated economic system. Here's how it all unfolded:

The Birth of JungRai:

It all started with laughs. The server admins introduced JungRai coins, a whimsical currency used to exchange 64 dirt blocks (a readily available resource) for a single emerald (a more valuable gem). It was a lighthearted way to inject some humor into the game's economy.

JungRai's Evolution:

However, JungRai's journey didn't end there. Players, ever the resourceful bunch, started using JungRai to purchase "protection stones" for their in-game homes. This ingenious move added a layer of security and value to the currency.

Land Grants and the Homestead Act:

Little did these players know, the server had a "Homestead Act" in place. This act allowed users to request a land grant from the admins. These land grants were special – non-fungible tokens (NFTs) within the Minecraft server. No matter how much time passed, players could trade these unique plots of land.

The THBт Twist:

Here's where things get interesting. To create a deed for their land (basically, a formal document proving ownership), players had to pay a small "convenience fee" to the admins. This fee, however, wasn't denominated in JungRai. Instead, it required THBт – a real-world Thai Baht stablecoin!

This clever move connected the in-game economy to a real-world currency. Players could now trade their land for THBт, essentially allowing them to monetize their digital real estate within the server.

A Paradise for Property Barons (Without Taxes):

The beauty of this system? There are no in-game property taxes or capital gains taxes. Players are free to trade their land without these financial burdens. This creates a unique environment for aspiring in-game property moguls.

What Does This Mean?

This Minecraft server story highlights the potential for creative, player-driven economies within online games. It showcases how in-game currencies can evolve beyond their initial purpose, fostering a sense of ownership and even monetization opportunities. It also demonstrates the potential for blockchain technology (through THBт) to bridge the gap between virtual and real-world economies in unexpected ways.

It'll be fascinating to see how this Minecraft server's economy continues to develop. Will JungRai become the dominant currency for land transactions? Will a black market for protection stones emerge? Only time will tell, but one thing's for sure – this server's playful experiment has turned into a compelling case study in the ever-evolving world of online economies.