
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
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Dhammakaya Temple: Thailand's Spiritual Startup Sensation

In a country known for its vibrant startup ecosystem, one shining example of entrepreneurial success stands out: the "Temple" business model...

With its Chief Abbot serving as the CEO, resident monks as dedicated employees, novices as trainees, and devoted followers as loyal customers, this spiritual venture has taken the startup world by storm.

Embracing the principles of customer relationship management (CRM), the temple cleverly positions its "merit-making" ceremonies as products, while providing on-site services for special occasions such as funerals. Offering consulting services through spiritually adept monks who divine fortunes, they have even ventured into the realm of art, hiring talented monks as artists-for-hire.

But that's not all. The temple has also been busy collecting "user data" through its religious rituals. By carefully observing the homes, vehicles, and precious possessions of its attendees slowly liquidates, they create personalized spiritual routes for their followers, ensuring a unique and tailored experience. Their annual gold-casting event serves as an impressive demo day, attracting potential investors.

Speaking of investment, the temple's ordination ceremonies act as a recruitment process for temporary employees, while its vast infrastructure and land holdings serve as valuable assets. They even offer animal husbandry services to captivate new audiences, particularly children, and ensure visitor retention.

Def not inspired by current events.

And let's not forget the grand promotions and celebrations held when the temple's leadership is promoted within its series. It's a cause for jubilation akin to funding rounds in the startup world.

Make no mistake, the Dhammakaya Temple has revolutionized low-risk investment models by expertly utilizing Other People's Money (OPM) without any obligation to return it. They have become the unicorn of temples, making their spiritual headquarters in the vicinity of The Ricefields.

It's worth mentioning that before retiring, the temple's visionary leaders plan to enter the incubator of monastic life and take over the Sangha Office. There, they aim to develop and refine their unique startup model, which has thrived thanks to the financial support they have received throughout their active years.

Excessive Donations


The metaphorical association of the seven deadly sins can be extended to the context of excessive donations made in exchange for promised merit or favors. Here's how the sins can be related:

  1. Greed: Excessive donations driven by greed occur when individuals donate large sums of money with the expectation of gaining personal benefits or advantages in return. They seek to secure privileged positions, favors, or special treatment through their donations.
  2. Envy: Envy plays a role when individuals make excessive donations out of a sense of rivalry or a desire to outdo others. They may donate larger amounts than their peers to gain recognition, status, or a sense of superiority.
  3. Sloth: Sloth in this context refers to laziness or a lack of personal effort or commitment. It occurs when individuals rely solely on their financial contributions to gain merit or recognition, without actively engaging in meaningful actions or personal growth.
  4. Wrath: Wrath can be observed when individuals become angry or resentful if their excessive donations do not yield the desired results. They may expect special treatment or privileges and react negatively if their expectations are not met or someone telling them to stop.
  5. Pride: Pride comes into play when individuals make excessive donations with the intention of showcasing their wealth or influence. They seek public recognition, admiration, or validation for their generosity, often driven by a sense of superiority.
  6. Lust: Lust, in the context of excessive donations, refers to an intense desire for personal gain or self-gratification. Individuals may donate excessively to fulfill their own desires for power, influence, or social standing, rather than genuinely supporting a cause.
  7. Gluttony: Gluttony occurs when individuals make excessive donations without considering the impact on their own financial well-being or the needs of others. They may donate beyond their means, potentially neglecting other important obligations or disregarding the genuine needs of the recipients.

It's important to note that while charitable donations can be positive and impactful, excessive donations driven by self-serving motives may not lead to genuine merit or long-term benefits. True philanthropy should be rooted in empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others, rather than seeking personal gain or recognition. DMC is already a temple to cater for rich people and by joining the disciples in their attempt to flex their donations can start the cycle of financial destruction.

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