7 Deadly Sins

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
7 Deadly Sins (Modernized Version)

Seven deadly sins is an commissioned artwork collection and featuring MoNoRi-Chan, drawing inspiration from his experiences as a crypto trader and software developer:

Greed (Avaritia)

Commission status: Artist Hired

  • Theme: The insatiable desire for more profit, regardless of the risk.
  • Symbolism: Gold coins, flashing charts, leverage indicators, a pile of worthless memecoins.
  • Backstory: This piece could reference a time when MoNoRi-Chan got caught up in the hype, over-leveraged, and suffered a significant loss.

Sloth (Acedia)

  • Theme: The laziness and apathy that can lead to missed opportunities and financial ruin.
  • Symbolism: Unkempt appearance, messy surroundings, a clock with broken hands, a dusty ThinkPad laptop.
  • Backstory: This could reference a time when MoNoRi-Chan fell into a period of burnout, neglecting his responsibilities and allowing his portfolio to stagnate.

Wrath (Ira)

  • Theme: The anger and frustration that can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive, destructive decisions.
  • Symbolism: Red color palette, shattered objects, a fiery aura surrounding MoNoRi-Chan, a broken mouse.
  • Backstory: This could depict a moment of rage after a significant trading loss, where MoNoRi-Chan lashed out at his equipment in frustration.

Gluttony (Gula)

  • Theme: Overindulgence in unhealthy habits that negatively impact both physical and financial well-being.
  • Symbolism: Junk food, empty wrappers, a scale tipping dangerously, a neglected gym bag.
  • Backstory: This could represent a time when MoNoRi-Chan neglected his health and fitness in favor of late-night coding sessions and unhealthy eating habits.

Envy (Invidia)

  • Theme: The destructive desire for what others have, leading to resentment and unhealthy competition.
  • Symbolism: Green color palette, a monstrous shadow figure, a social media feed showcasing the lavish lifestyles of other traders.
  • Backstory: This could represent a moment of insecurity and envy when MoNoRi-Chan compared himself to more successful traders, potentially leading to impulsive trades and losses.

Lust (Luxuria)

  • Theme: Obsessive pursuit of pleasure and material desires, leading to financial ruin.
  • Symbolism: Anime characters, suggestive poses, overflowing shopping carts, credit card statements with maxed-out balances.
  • Backstory: This could depict MoNoRi-Chan's past struggles with impulsive spending and the temptation of instant gratification through gacha games or other digital purchases.

Pride (Superbia)

  • Theme: Excessive pride and arrogance that lead to overconfidence and blind spots.
  • Symbolism: The mountain of code, the crown, the blinding light, the ominous cracks in the foundation.
  • Backstory: This could illustrate a time when MoNoRi-Chan's pride in his coding abilities led him to overlook critical flaws in his software, resulting in setbacks or losses.

These are just starting points, and the concepts can be further refined over time.

We're looking for talented artists to bring these ideas to life, incorporating additional details and symbolism to personalize them to MoNoRi-Chan's unique experiences. If you're an artist interested in this project, feel free to send MoNoRi-Chan a message (via Telegram or Discord) with your portfolio and a creative interpretation of these concepts. Compensation for this project will be generous, and we're excited to collaborate with a skilled artist to visually represent this unique narrative.