SPKZ Servers/Minecraft/Governance

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
MoNoRi-Chan's Oasis: A Realm of Player-Driven Governance

The Oasis Network, under MoNoRi-Chan's guidance, has embraced a unique approach to governance, fostering a thriving and organic player-driven community. Here's a closer look at the key elements:

The Royal Decree and Infrastructure:

2b2t-Inspired Anarchy

Governance or hiring more mods to moderate players? We don't have the budget here.

The server adopts a 2b2t-like management style:

  • Organic Growth: With the exception of the Spawn Area, MoNoRi-Chan takes a hands-off approach, allowing the player base to grow organically. This fosters a sense of freedom and encourages players to shape the world through their actions and interactions.
  • Emergent Lore: Without imposed narratives, players create their own lore and stories. This creates a dynamic and constantly evolving world, shaped by the collective experiences of the community.

The JungRai Coinage Act and Enhanced Minecraft (*cough cough* Essentials)

The server strikes a balance between anarchy and accessibility:

  • Resource Exchange: The "JungRai Coinage Act" establishes a basic currency system. Players can exchange dirt for emeralds, allowing them to trade with NPC villages. This provides a starting point for players to acquire resources and build their economies.
  • Enhanced Features: Plugins allow for basic commands like /tpa (Teleport Request) and /back (Return to Death Location). These offer convenience without sacrificing the core challenge of the game. Players can choose whether to use these features, allowing for customization of their experience.

The "Easy Mode" Debate:

The inclusion of /back is a point of discussion:

  • Convenience vs. Challenge: /back offers a safety net, potentially making the game easier.
  • Player Choice: However, MoNoRi-Chan respects player agency. Players can choose to walk back if they desire the challenge. Both options are available, allowing players to tailor the difficulty to their preference.

However, the inclusion of LWC Plugin can be beneficial for players such as their Drop Transfer feature.


MoNoRi-Chan's server offers a unique blend of anarchy and accessibility. The "The Royal Decree (SPKZ's Minecraft Server)" empowers players, the "JungRai Coinage Act" facilitates trade, and basic commands provide convenience. This fosters a dynamic and evolving community where players set the rules, create the stories, and write their own chapters in the Oasis Network's ongoing saga. This approach may not be for everyone, but it caters to a specific type of player who thrives on freedom and the thrill of building a world together.