Pink Wojak

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Pink Wojak 🇹🇭:นักทุนลง (noun.) a meme depicting an average retail investor in the stock market, often characterized by its novice and emotional decision making.

Pink Wojak, also known as /biz/ Wojak, is a pink-tinted variation of the character Wojak often depicted with bleeding eyes used to represent those who invested heavily in bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies that some believe will be facing an imminent crash in value.

They often seen shitposting in imageboards such as 4chan

Pink Wojak is commonly associated with inexperienced traders in the cryptocurrency market. The term "pink wojak" is often used to refer to someone who is new to the crypto market and is still learning the ropes, and it's often used in a humorous or sarcastic manner. It is important to note that while the character may be depicted as inexperienced or naive, it is important to approach all financial investments with caution and to educate oneself before making any decisions.


Pink Wojaks are often associated with the behavior of irrational and impulsive investors who are overly invested in the cryptocurrency market. They are known for their emotional attachment to their investments, regardless of market conditions or price movements.

One of their common behaviors is moving their stop loss (SL) away from their entry price in an attempt to avoid giving up on their losing position. This often leads to bigger losses and exacerbates the situation.

Another common behavior is doubling down on their losing positions in a desperate attempt to recoup their losses. This often leads to even more significant losses and further damage to their portfolio.

Pink Wojaks are also known for buying high and selling low, often succumbing to FOMO (fear of missing out) and jumping into the market without proper analysis or research. This often results in poor investment decisions and substantial losses.

In addition, Pink Wojaks have a tendency to let their losses run and cut their profits too early. This means they hold on to losing positions for too long and sell their winning positions too soon, leading to missed opportunities for growth and an overall negative impact on their portfolio.

In conclusion, the behavior of Pink Wojaks is a cautionary tale for all investors, reminding us to always be mindful of our emotions and to approach investing with a clear, analytical mind. Watch the tape before you Ape and always strive to be an educated investor.


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