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Oasis: Version-Agnostic Minecraft Server

MoNoRi-Chan, the ever-innovative server owner, isn't just building a Minecraft server; he's crafting a version-agnostic paradise known as the Oasis. This ambitious feat wouldn't be possible without the magic of Velocity, a powerful Minecraft proxy server, and a trio of plugins working in perfect harmony.

Velocity: The Multiverse Conductor

Imagine Velocity as a grand conductor, orchestrating a symphony of servers. It acts as the central hub, seamlessly routing players to their desired destinations within the Oasis, regardless of their Minecraft version or platform. This allows players using the latest Java edition to coexist with those on Bedrock Edition (including consoles like PlayStation and Xbox) – a truly unified experience.

The Plugin Powerhouse:

To achieve this version-agnostic utopia, MoNoRi-Chan has strategically deployed three plugins:

  • Geyser: This plugin acts as a platform compatibility layer. It essentially translates the Bedrock Edition protocol into something the Java server can understand, allowing seamless connection for Bedrock players. Think of it as a universal translator for the Minecraft world!
  • ViaVersion: This plugin tackles vertical compatibility for the Java edition. It acts as a bridge, allowing players using older Java versions to connect and play alongside those using the latest updates. Imagine a time machine for Minecraft, bringing players from different eras together!
  • ViaBackwards: As a companion to ViaVersion, ViaBackwards ensures a smooth experience for those joining with very old Java versions. It translates features and mechanics from newer updates so older clients can still function within the server. Think of it as a compatibility patch, smoothing out the wrinkles between vastly different game versions.

The Oasis Advantage:

This combination of Velocity and these three plugins grants the Oasis several advantages:

  • Unprecedented Inclusiveness: Players of all stripes, regardless of version or platform, can join the fun.
  • Authentication Features: To ensure Account Security, Requires Authentication for either Minecraft Account Login (including Bedrock Accounts) and Free Accounts with /login authentication.
  • Vibrant Community: The potential for a diverse and exciting player base is vast, fostering collaboration and innovation.
  • Future-Proofing: The Oasis isn't limited by future Minecraft updates. As long as these plugins are maintained, the server can adapt and evolve.

MoNoRi-Chan's Dedication:

While some might call it "wasting time"; MoNoRi-Chan's meticulous configuration of Velocity and these plugins demonstrates his dedication to creating a unique and inclusive Minecraft experience. The Oasis stands as a testament to his technical prowess and his vision for a boundless Minecraft world. And he's also sharing his "secret sauce" via those links you can run Velocity for yourself.