
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Here's a comparison of gold fineness in Thailand and elsewhere:


  • Thailand: 96.5% pure gold, also known as 23 karat (kt) gold.
  • Everywhere else: 99.95% pure gold, also known as 24 karat (kt) gold, used for spot gold pricing.


  • Thailand: 3.5% of the metal is not gold, typically alloys like copper or silver. This affects the color, hardness, and value compared to pure gold.
  • Everywhere else: Essentially pure gold, with minimal impurities, resulting in a softer, deeper yellow color and higher value.

Reasons for different fineness:

  • Thailand: Traditionally preferred a more reddish and slightly harder gold for jewelry due to cultural and practical reasons. Alloys also help strengthen the metal for intricate designs.
  • Everywhere else: 24 kt gold is seen as the purest and most valuable form for investment and financial purposes.

Things to consider:

  • Buying:
    • Thailand: Lower price per weight due to lower gold content.
    • Everywhere else: Higher price per weight due to higher purity.
  • Selling:
    • Thailand: May be harder to sell outside Thailand due to less common fineness. Price might reflect lower purity.
    • Everywhere else: Widely accepted, but price might be adjusted for purity if not 24 kt.
  • Use:
    • Thailand: Suitable for jewelry due to hardness and cultural preference.
    • Everywhere else: Best for investment and financial purposes due to high purity and global acceptance.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your purpose and needs:

  • For jewelry: Consider both cultural preference, design requirements, and budget.
  • For investment: 24 kt gold elsewhere might be a better choice for global acceptance and potentially higher value.

Remember, always purchase gold from reputable dealers and be aware of the current market price for the specific fineness you choose.