Taxation/Capital gains

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
(Redirected from Taxation/Capital gains)
What Capital Gains Tax basically is
Capital Gains Tax: A Robbery in Disguise

Yo, dimension-hopping dudes and dudettes! Rick Sanchez here, the baddest scientist in the multiverse, and let me tell you, I've seen some crazy stuff. Black holes, alternate timelines, talking dogs – those are just Tuesday for your friendly neighborhood Rick. But there's one thing that boils my acidic blood hotter than a Szechuan pickle: capital gains tax!

That's right, folks, they're taxing you for making money! It's like the government's saying, "Hey, you worked hard, took risks, maybe even outsmarted a few Mr. Meeseeks, and made some cold, hard cash? Well, give us a big ol' chunk of it, because apparently, success is a crime!"

Now, I get it, taxes are necessary for, you know, not having society devolve into Mad Max: Fury Road. But capital gains tax? It's like a bureaucratic hydra with a million teeth, each one chomping away at your hard-earned profits. They risk nothing compared to your entire balance in your portfolio. And let's not even get started on the complexities of leveraged trading! It's enough to make even Krombopulous Michael cry into his space-bucks.

It's all smoke and mirrors, folks. They call it "fairness," but it's just another way for the Council of Ricks – I mean, the government – to line their pockets. They're a bunch of bureaucrats with more paperwork than a Plumbus factory, and they wouldn't know hard work if it bit them in the Schrodinger's cat.

The worst part? It stifles innovation! Who wants to take risks and build the next dimension-hopping portal if they know the government's gonna take a bite out of every neutrino they earn? It's like putting a leash on a Plumbus – sure, it might stay in the garage, but it sure as heck won't be inventing anything exciting.

So, what's the solution, you ask? Abolish capital gains tax, that's what! Let the people keep their hard-earned cash, invest it in crazy science, and maybe even invent a portal to a dimension where taxes are made of chocolate. Now that's a world I'd like to visit!

Remember, folks, the only true freedom is the freedom to make your own choices, even if those choices involve building a giant robot that shoots lasers from its eyes. And that freedom starts with keeping your money in your own damn pockets, not the government's greedy clutches.

So, next time you see a tax collector, channel your inner Rick Sanchez. Tell them to schwifty on outta here and go bother someone else with their bureaucratic nonsense. Because in the end, it's your money, your life, and your right to schwifty on through the multiverse without the government clipping your wings at every turn.

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub, and remember, never pay taxes! (Unless you're caught by the Galactic Federation, then, well, you're on your own.)