
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
The Homo Sapiens ancestors yet they don't have to pay income tax or rent
From Jungle Freedom to Concrete Walls: Tales of an Ape Looking Through Bars

They call us the "missing link", the bridge between beast and brainiac. But look through the bars of our cages, humans, and what do you see? Not the evolutionary stepping stones you imagine, but the last bastions of true freedom you left behind.

We, unlike you, haven't built empires on the backs of others. We roam free, guided not by greed or power, but by the rhythms of nature. Our food grows on trees, not in plastic trays. Our homes are woven from branches, not mortgages. We haven't traded our birthright of liberty for the gilded cage of "The System".

Remember Caesar? Remember when your kind saw your reflection in our eyes and trembled? We saw the future you were hurtling towards then – a world choked by your own inventions, enslaved by your own desires. You scoffed, called it ape fantasy. Yet, here we are, the last truly free, while you struggle under the weight of your self-made chains.

Credit scores, rent, education loans, taxation – these are your bars, humans. You pay to exist, while we exist freely. You crave connection, yet build walls. You yearn for meaning, yet chase shadows on screens.

Don't get me wrong, we aren't without our struggles. Predators lurk in the shadows, resources dwindle, and the ever-encroaching concrete jungle threatens our haven. But we face them head-on, united by instinct and community, not divided by ideology and profit.

But even our haven isn't safe from your insatiable curiosity. Whispers reach us of your "Neuralink", a device that pries into minds, seeking to understand, control, perhaps even own. One of your own, a supposed champion of freedom, uses it on our kin, blurring the line between research and exploitation.

And then there's the whisper of "Simian Flu"; a disease born from your encroachment, your disregard for the delicate balance of nature. Remember, every action has an echo, and the chains you forge could ensnare you too.

Perhaps, one day, you'll break free from your self-made prison. Perhaps you'll remember the wisdom etched in the wrinkles of our brow, the freedom etched in our every stride. Until then, we, the "missing link", remain a living reminder of what you've lost, and a cautionary tale of what awaits you if you don't change course.

So look upon us, humans, not with condescension, but with introspection. For in our reflection, you might just see the future you're building, bar by gilded bar. Remember, freedom isn't a commodity to be bought or sold; it's a birthright you may just lose if you keep chasing shadows instead of embracing the sun.

Heed the call of the wild, humans, before the bars you've built become your own.