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Don't do it! The 1% needs you living so that you can buy the products their companies are selling to live!
Wagie: Person who works for a company for wage.

The term "wagie" is often used on the internet as a derogatory term to refer to individuals who work regular jobs or traditional employment, usually in the context of expressing discontent or frustration with the perceived limitations of a conventional work-life. It's important to note that not everyone who works a regular job harbors this sentiment or dislikes alternative ways of making money. However, for some individuals who strongly identify with being a "wagie," there may be several reasons why they may resent the notion of other avenues for earning income:

Wagies hate it when there's other way.
  1. Societal Conditioning: Many people have been conditioned to believe that the traditional nine-to-five job is the only legitimate and socially accepted way to earn a living. Deviating from this norm can be seen as unconventional or risky, challenging the established societal beliefs and values.
  2. Fear and Insecurity: Discovering alternative methods of making money can evoke feelings of fear and insecurity. Stepping outside the comfort zone of a steady job can be intimidating, as it involves uncertainty and the potential for failure. Some individuals may prefer the perceived stability and security of a traditional job, even if they are dissatisfied with it.
  3. Cultural Expectations: Society often places a significant emphasis on the importance of work and the notion of "earning a living." Challenging this belief system by exploring unconventional ways of making money may be viewed as a rejection of societal norms or a threat to one's identity and self-worth.
  4. Limited Awareness: Many individuals may simply be unaware of alternative avenues for generating income beyond traditional employment. They might not have been exposed to different possibilities or may lack the knowledge and information about other options available to them.
  5. Financial Dependency: Some people heavily rely on their regular job as their primary or sole source of income. The idea of pursuing alternative ways to make money may be perceived as risky or unfeasible, especially if they have financial obligations or dependents to support.

It's important to remember that individuals have different perspectives and priorities when it comes to work and making money. While some may be content with traditional employment, others may seek alternative paths to achieve financial independence, personal fulfillment, or a better work-life balance. It's essential to respect diverse choices and find the approach that aligns with one's goals, values, and circumstances.


Waging vs Flexible Work Schedule

The conventional path of waging oneself for a wage has long been perceived as the norm: attending college, finding a job, and working tirelessly until retirement. However, an alternative approach has gained momentum in recent years—one that advocates for a flexible work schedule, allowing individuals to work at their own pace and prioritize their dreams and passions. In this analysis, we will explore the benefits of embracing a flexible work schedule, applying effectiveness to sample out retirement, and living life on one's terms, as exemplified by MoNoRi-Chan's perspective.

  1. Liberation from Traditional Structures
    Waging oneself for a wage often entails adhering to established structures and norms dictated by employers. However, a flexible work schedule grants individuals the freedom to design their own path, set their own goals, and determine their work-life balance. MoNoRi-Chan, for instance, envisions a future where he is not bound by someone else's agenda, but rather, has the autonomy to pursue his dreams and aspirations.
  2. Effectiveness Over Retirement:
    The concept of sampling out retirement highlights the notion that one can achieve financial independence and enjoy the fruits of their labor earlier in life, rather than deferring dreams to an uncertain future. By focusing on efficiency and leveraging opportunities for wealth creation, individuals like MoNoRi-Chan can build a life where they experience the benefits of financial freedom without sacrificing their present happiness.
  3. Embracing a Life of Purpose:
    For many individuals, the prospect of solely pursuing a career within their college major may not align with their true passions and aspirations. By embracing a flexible work schedule, individuals can prioritize their interests and forge a career path that resonates with their sense of purpose. MoNoRi-Chan's aversion to the traditional trajectory of college and employment showcases the importance of aligning work with personal fulfillment.
  4. Avoiding the Monotony of Traditional Work
    Waging oneself for a wage often entails the risk of falling into a monotonous routine, where the joy and enthusiasm for work can diminish over time. By opting for a flexible work schedule, individuals can tailor their work to their unique strengths and preferences, allowing them to stay engaged and motivated. MoNoRi-Chan's unwillingness to work for someone else in the future signifies a desire for a dynamic and fulfilling work experience.

The choice between waging oneself for a wage and embracing a flexible work schedule is deeply personal. While traditional employment offers stability, a flexible work schedule provides freedom, purpose, and the potential to live a fulfilling life on one's terms. MoNoRi-Chan's perspective serves as a reminder that deferring dreams to an uncertain future may not lead to long-term satisfaction. By challenging conventional norms and embracing alternative approaches, individuals can create a life that prioritizes personal fulfillment and aligns with their passions and aspirations.

See Also