Family Business

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
If you treated employee like shit, you will get what you deserve in return.
—The Red Flag

Title: The Art of Nepotism: Thriving in Thailand's Family Business Circus

Introduction: In the vibrant world of Thai business, there is a peculiar phenomenon that has gained prominence over the years - the prevalence of family businesses and good old-fashioned nepotism. It's a spectacle that showcases how connections and blood ties can secure a comfortable spot within the professional realm, leaving others scrambling for scraps. Today, we take a satirical dive into this intriguing circus and explore why it remains an integral part of Thailand's job market.

Act 1: The University Graduates Dilemma
Imagine a land where a staggering 75% of university graduates find themselves stranded in a jobless abyss. Armed with diplomas and dreams, these bright-eyed youngsters are left to navigate a treacherous landscape. Little do they know that their well-earned education will often play second fiddle to the power of family ties.

Act 2: Skill vs. Connection
In this peculiar world, meritocracy takes a backseat as connections reign supreme. The few fortunate individuals who possess marketable skills find themselves juggling a delicate dance. On one hand, their expertise may open doors, but on the other, it's the family network that holds the real key to success. It's a delicate balancing act where skill becomes a mere pawn in the game of nepotistic chess.

Act 3: Living Paycheck to Paycheck
For those who manage to secure a job through familial connections, the illusion of a prosperous future soon crumbles. Despite their positions, they find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. The comfortable facade of financial stability is shattered as they realize that merit and talent alone cannot sustain them. They become mere pawns in a system where loyalty and obedience to family reign supreme.

Finale: The Grand Circus Continues
As the curtains close on this surreal spectacle, one thing remains abundantly clear - nepotism in family businesses is deeply ingrained in Thai society. It's a paradoxical dance where the majority struggle to make ends meet, while a select few thrive based solely on their blood ties. The cycle repeats, and the circus continues its never-ending performance.

Epilogue: A Call for Change
Perhaps it's time for Thai society to question the status quo. Should the kingdom's workforce be at the mercy of family connections, or is there room for a more equitable system? As Thailand grapples with economic challenges, it's crucial to nurture a society that values merit, skill, and fair opportunities. Only then can the curtain finally fall on this absurd circus of nepotism.

Disclaimer: This article is a work of satire and does not represent real-life statistics or experiences. It aims to provide a humorous perspective on the topic of nepotism in family businesses.

Examples of Family Business with Labor Exploitation