Red Shield

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
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Banking & financial and Insurance giants that has agenda to bring everyone under control using debt slavery
The Red Shield: Masters of the Financial Universe


The "Red Shield", a fictional yet all-too-realistic organization, epitomizes the epitome of wealth and power. Comprised of influential bankers and industrial magnates, the Red Shield's roots trace back to the storied Rothschild family. Their influence spans various industries, from insurance and railroads to mining and gemstones. This shadowy consortium has, through strategic manipulation and sheer financial might, shaped the economic landscape for centuries. Let’s delve into their legacy and explore their grip on the global economy.

The 19th Century Powerhouse

In the 19th century, the Rothschild family's capital laid the foundation for numerous major enterprises. Notable among these were:

  • Alliance Assurance (1824): Now known as Royal & Sun Alliance, this insurance giant was one of the earliest pillars of the Red Shield’s financial empire.
  • Chemin de Fer du Nord (1845): A key player in the railway industry, facilitating the rapid expansion of transportation networks across Europe.
  • The Rio Tinto Mining Company (1873): By the 1880s, the Rothschilds had full control of this mining behemoth, securing their dominance in the extraction of valuable resources.
  • Eramet (1880): A leader in the metallurgical sector, further cementing the family's industrial prowess.
  • Imerys (1880): Another critical player in mining and metallurgy, reinforcing the Red Shield’s control over essential raw materials.
  • De Beers (1888): The titan of the diamond industry, ensuring the Red Shield’s influence extended into luxury commodities.

The Federal Reserve System: The Crown Jewel

One of the Red Shield’s most significant triumphs was the creation of the Federal Reserve System. Through deft lobbying and influence over government policymakers, they established this central banking system in the United States. The Federal Reserve operates on a fractional reserve basis, issuing fiat money that underpins the global financial system.

The Nixon Shock of 1971, which unpegged the dollar from gold, marked a seismic shift. This move allowed the Red Shield to exploit the flexibility of fiat currencies, manipulating market prices and maintaining their economic dominance.

Manipulation of Gold and Silver

The Red Shield’s collective manipulation of gold and silver prices has long been their preferred strategy to counteract the volatility of fiat currencies. By controlling these precious metals, they hedge against inflation and protect their vast wealth. The intricate dance of manipulating these markets showcases their profound understanding of economic mechanisms and their unparalleled ability to influence them.

The Assassination of JFK: A Conflict of Interest

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy remains one of the most controversial events in American history. In our fictional universe, the Red Shield saw JFK as a threat due to his efforts to combat budget deficits and reduce the influence of powerful financial interests. His push against the Federal Reserve's autonomy and his plans to issue debt-free currency were direct affronts to the Red Shield's control. Thus, the dramatic act of removing a sitting president became a dark chapter in their quest for unchallenged dominance.

The IRS and Social Security: Tools of Control

In this fictional narrative, the IRS functions as more than just a tax collection agency; it is a private military company specializing in auditing and collecting taxes with ruthless efficiency. Meanwhile, the Social Security System, originally designed as a safety net for retirees, has been mismanaged into a Ponzi scheme. New workers pay into the system, believing in the promise of future benefits, only to realize that these funds are drained to cover current retirees in a vicious cycle. This "American Dream," sold to citizens and immigrants alike, is laced with the asterisk of financial enslavement.

The Automotive Industry and the Illusion of Freedom

The Red Shield's influence extends into the automotive industry, subtly manipulating markets to maintain control. While the freedom of owning a car is celebrated, the reality is that this freedom is tightly bound to dependence on gasoline, a market dominated by the likes of Rockefeller. The introduction of Japanese cars, both new and used, branded as JDM, plays into the grand narrative of Manifest Destiny. This seemingly benign industry is another cog in the vast machinery of the Red Shield's economic empire.

The New Sheriff in Town: Cryptocurrency

In recent years, the advent of cryptocurrency has introduced a new contender in the fight against fiat currency dominance. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, along with traditional hedges like gold and silver, pose a significant challenge to the established financial order.

While the Red Shield has taken notice, they have yet to fully assert control over this decentralized frontier. However, given their history, it’s only a matter of time before they adapt and find ways to leverage these digital assets to their advantage.


The Red Shield remains a formidable force in the global financial arena. Their historical influence on major industries, creation of the Federal Reserve, and manipulation of precious metals underscore their unparalleled power. As cryptocurrency emerges as a potential disruptor, the Red Shield faces new challenges and opportunities. Whether they will dominate this new frontier as they have the traditional financial world remains to be seen. One thing is certain: their legacy of influence and control is far from over. The mythical nature of their grip on the financial world continues to intrigue and terrify in equal measure.