
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Revision as of 04:17, 14 May 2024 by MoNoLidThZ (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Decoding the Ingress Agent: A Guide to Only- Players Ingress, the augmented reality game, attracts a diverse group of players with unique approaches to the battlefield. Let's delve into the fascinating world of "Only-" players, those who specialize (or specialize a little too much) in specific tactics: '''The Field Farmers: OnlyFields''' These agents live and breathe for throwing fields. '''OnlyFields''' meticulously plan and execute massive link creations, their...")
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Decoding the Ingress Agent: A Guide to Only- Players

Ingress, the augmented reality game, attracts a diverse group of players with unique approaches to the battlefield. Let's delve into the fascinating world of "Only-" players, those who specialize (or specialize a little too much) in specific tactics:

The Field Farmers: OnlyFields

These agents live and breathe for throwing fields. OnlyFields meticulously plan and execute massive link creations, their sole objective to paint the map green or blue. Efficiency is key – expect them to throw fields in a general direction, maximizing coverage with minimal effort.

The Wreckers: OnlySmash

OnlySmash players are the bane of portal builders. They relish the act of destroying resonators, often employing "drive-by tactics" – a quick smash and dash while on the move. While their destructive tendencies can be frustrating, they force opponents to constantly rebuild, keeping the game dynamic.

The Misguided Modders: OnlyMods

Driven by good intentions but questionable strategy, OnlyMods believe more is always better. They fill a portal's precious four mod slots with redundant items, like stacking shields after mitigation reaches 95%. While their efforts are appreciated, a more targeted approach to modding would yield better results.

The Keyboard Warriors: OnlyTrashTalks

OnlyTrashTalks are the Ingress equivalent of internet trolls. They dominate the COMM channel with taunts and insults directed at the opposing faction. While their words might sting, remember – sometimes the best response is no response at all. Don't let them get under your skin.

The Ever-Vigilant Chargers: OnlyCharge

Never caught short-handed on XM, OnlyCharge players are the Energizer Bunnies of Ingress. They have a keen eye for depleted power cubes and a trigger finger ready to activate a recharge at a moment's notice. With notifications set to high priority, no portal under their watch will ever run dry.

These "Only-" players represent just a slice of the diverse Ingress community. Understanding their motivations and quirks can help you strategize more effectively and navigate the ever-evolving Ingress battlefield. So, the next time you encounter an Only- player, remember – there's a method to their madness, even if it might seem a little… well, "Only."

See Also