
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Field Guide to Froggerkind: A Compendium of Casual Ingress Players

The noble art of Ingress attracts a diverse range of agents. While some meticulously strategize and meticulously glyph hack, others... well, let's just say they enjoy a more casual approach. This guide explores the fascinating world of "Froggers," those who play Ingress primarily for the quick portal captures and friendly competition.

Frogus Mornio-Commutus

  • Habitat: Primarily downtown areas with dense portal clusters.
  • Behavior: Easily identified by their determined strides as they race to be the first to snag a newly flipped portal on their morning commute. Often seen muttering, "Dang it, someone beat me to the bakery portal again!"
  • Diet: XM gleaned from hastily deployed level 1 resonators.
  • Specialization: Competitive portal capturing, particularly during rush hour.

Frogus KlongRacus

(Example Subject: BigBB and ppLumLukka)

  • Habitat: Highways and major roadways.
  • Behavior: Travels in packs (or pairs) utilizing their vehicles for high-speed portal takeovers. Fond of stringing together long, single-stacked links along their routes, often resembling digital breadcrumbs. Famous catchphrase: "Gotta hit all the portals before my lunch break ends!"
  • Diet: XM capsules obtained through sheer portal quantity, not quality.
  • Specialization: Cargress – rapid portal capturing via automobiles. Prone to risky maneuvers; All for that extra XM.

Frogus Navigatus

  • Habitat: Often seen riding shotgun with Frogus KlongRacus.
  • Behavior: The designated "navigator" who uses the Ingress scanner instead of traditional GPS apps like Waze. Skilled at optimizing routes for maximum portal coverage while minimizing distractions for the driver. May occasionally provide tactical advice between snack breaks.
  • Diet: Second-hand XM from co-piloting cargress missions and leftover snacks from their KlongRacus companion.
  • Specialization: Providing strategic navigation and moral support during cargress operations.

Frogus Parkus

  • Habitat: Local parks and green spaces.
  • Behavior: Enjoys leisurely strolls through parks, casually hacking portals and creating small fields along the way. More interested in the social aspects of the game and striking up conversations with fellow agents than intense competition. Signature move: The accidental field creation while trying to link two portals for a daily mission.
  • Diet: XM siphoned from strategically placed L3 resonators dropped during their leisurely walks.
  • Specialization: Relaxed gameplay and fostering a sense of community within the Ingress faction.

Frogus Portasonicus

  • Habitat: Anywhere with a single portal, especially near their home or workplace.
  • Behavior: A creature of habit, reliably hacking the same portal day in and day out. May occasionally venture out for "special events" announced in the Ingress comm but otherwise remains loyal to their local portal.
  • Diet: XM exclusively obtained from their home turf portal.
  • Specialization: Maintaining local XM dominance and providing a consistent beacon of their faction's presence in a particular area.

Remember, Froggers, while you may not be the most hardcore Ingress players, your contributions are valuable! You keep the game lively, add a dash of friendly competition, and sometimes, unintentionally create hilarious field art with your single-stacked links. So keep on hopping, Froggers, and who knows, you might just evolve into the next glyph-hacking Ingress mastermind!

Frogus Scoutus

The Caffeinated Cartographer: Unveiling the Frogus Scoutus

In the bustling world of Ingress, a special breed of agent thrives on a potent blend of caffeine and XM – the Frogus Scoutus. These digital explorers are the unsung heroes of the Ingress battlefield, fueled by endless cups of coffee and a passion for portal discovery.

Habitat: Their natural habitat is the cozy confines of coffee shops, strategically chosen for their comfortable seating, plentiful outlets, and most importantly, blazing-fast Wi-Fi.

Diet: A steady stream of coffee keeps them alert as they meticulously scan portals using their powerful phones. These phones are not just for Ingress – they pack enough processing muscle to run Google AR services flawlessly, transforming physical landmarks into digital building blocks for the game.

Specialization: Frogus Scoutus excels in the art of portal scanning. Using their phones as high-tech scanners, they meticulously capture real-world locations, converting them into in-game portals. This meticulous process requires not just technical proficiency but also a keen eye for detail. Every lamppost, historical marker, or unique sculpture becomes a potential portal waiting to be discovered.

The Allure of the Scout Controller:

For the Frogus Scoutus, the Scout Controller badge is a coveted trophy. Each level unlocked represents countless hours spent scanning, meticulously capturing the world around them. While some agents chase the elusive level 16 Anomaly Badge, the Frogus Scoutus finds equal satisfaction in achieving the next level of their Scout Controller badge – a testament to their dedication to enriching the Ingress world.

The Unsung Heroes:

While Frogus Scoutus may not be on the front lines of heated portal battles, their contribution is invaluable. The portals they scan become the battlegrounds of tomorrow, and the intricate details they capture add richness and depth to the Ingress experience.

The Data Plan Dilemma:

Unlike their Field General counterparts who might prioritize top-of-the-line phones with powerful GPUs, the Frogus Scoutus faces a different challenge – data consumption. Their meticulous scanning devours mobile data, making unlimited 5G plans a highly sought-after commodity.

So the next time you see a group huddled in a coffee shop, their phones pointed at seemingly random objects, don't be surprised if they're Frogus Scoutus at work. Give them a silent nod of appreciation – they're quietly building the battlegrounds for the next epic Ingress clash!

Further Reading