Shrinkflation: Difference between revisions

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
(Created page with "Ah, shrinkflation! It's like magic, but not the fun kind. Imagine your favorite bag of Lay's chips, always costing the same, but somehow, there seem to be fewer and fewer chips hiding inside. That, my friend, is shrinkflation! Here's how it works: Instead of raising the price openly, companies sneakily reduce the amount of product you get for the same price. Like that magician who pulls a rabbit out of a hat, only this time, the rabbit disappears! Why do they do this?...")
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I hope this helps you understand shrinkflation better. Now go forth and conquer the grocery aisles armed with this knowledge!
I hope this helps you understand shrinkflation better. Now go forth and conquer the grocery aisles armed with this knowledge!

Revision as of 12:26, 14 January 2024

Ah, shrinkflation! It's like magic, but not the fun kind. Imagine your favorite bag of Lay's chips, always costing the same, but somehow, there seem to be fewer and fewer chips hiding inside. That, my friend, is shrinkflation!

Here's how it works: Instead of raising the price openly, companies sneakily reduce the amount of product you get for the same price. Like that magician who pulls a rabbit out of a hat, only this time, the rabbit disappears!

Why do they do this? You guessed it, price sensitivity! Thais, like many people, tend to watch their wallets closely. A small price hike can make them choose another brand. So, companies resort to shrinkflation to keep the price tag stable while still making a profit. It's like playing hide-and-seek with your money, and you're not always the one who finds it!

But wait, there's more! Sometimes, it's not even about hiding things. Take WD-40, your friendly neighborhood rust-buster. They might shrink the bottle from 300ml to 275ml, but then proudly announce "25ml extra!" It's all about marketing, baby! They make it sound like you're getting more, even though in reality, you're getting less. It's like putting lipstick on a shrinking pig, hoping you won't notice the dwindling size.

So, how do you avoid being fooled by shrinkflation? Keep your eyes peeled! Check the weight or volume of products you buy regularly. Compare prices across brands and sizes. And don't fall for fancy marketing tricks that promise more when they're actually giving you less. Remember, knowledge is power, and in the market, that power lies in being aware of the sneaky little rabbit hiding in your bag of chips!

I hope this helps you understand shrinkflation better. Now go forth and conquer the grocery aisles armed with this knowledge!