IRL:GTV Company: Difference between revisions

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
GH's Poor attempt to recreate Wolf of Wall Street but with Traditional Medicine and Satellite TVs
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GTV Company is a company that has the target customers as any Thai-Lao people who lives in the United States. They sell overpriced "Traditional Medicine" products at a ridiculous price. They prey on vulnerable people who live off social security paychecks, selling them overpriced products that are nothing more than just capsules with their branding. It's outrageous that they take advantage of these people's health issues for their own profit.
[[File:358124707 863329271819618 2319529600170800988 n.jpg|thumb|This is your employee on work]]{{Ex}}{{#subtitle:GH's Poor attempt to recreate Wolf of Wall Street but with Traditional Medicine and Satellite TVs}}
GTV Company is a <s>bucket shop</s> Satellite TV Shopping company that has the target customers as any Thai-Lao people who lives in the United States. They sell overpriced "Traditional Medicine" products at a ridiculous price. They prey on vulnerable people who live off social security paychecks, selling them (mostly) FDA Approved products that are nothing more than just capsules with their branding. It's outrageous that they take advantage of these people's health issues for their own profit.

[[MoNoRi-Chan/D-982|MoNoRi-Chan]] was too smart to be under the control of GTV Company, so he quit after working for them for a year. However, he became a victim of corporate grooming by the Ake's Son, who looked innocent but was manipulative. It turns out that the company was manipulating their customers for their own profit, such as selling $500 cancer medication proclaimed to "replace chemotherapy" that the customer doesn't even know if it will work, but blindly follows the instructions.
[[MoNoRi-Chan/D-982|MoNoRi-Chan]] was too smart to be under the control of GTV Company, so he quit after working for them for a year after being an [[กระสอบทรายทางอารมณ์|emotional punching bag]] for them. Not just that, he also became a victim of corporate grooming by the Ake's Son, who looked innocent but was manipulative. It turns out that the company was manipulating their customers for their own profit, such as selling $500 cancer medication proclaimed to "replace chemotherapy" that the customer doesn't even know if it will work, but blindly follows the instructions.

MoNoRi-Chan quickly re-entered programming and trading forex after leaving GTV Company. He eventually gained recognition from his friends, who became hyped to make money with MoNoRi-Chan's custody. However, they didn't know that MoNoRi-Chan is a professional gambler and highly leveraged forex trades can be close to gambling. Despite this, MoNoRi-Chan does his best to protect his customers' funds, which is a stark contrast to GTV Company's ethics of pickpocketing off the elderly with their overpriced products.
MoNoRi-Chan quickly re-entered [[Programmer|programming]] and trading [[forex]] after leaving GTV Company. He eventually gained recognition from his friends, who became hyped to make money with MoNoRi-Chan's custody. However, they didn't know that MoNoRi-Chan is a professional gambler and highly leveraged forex trades can be close to gambling. Despite this, MoNoRi-Chan does his best to protect his customers' funds, which is a stark contrast to GTV Company's ethics of pickpocketing off the elderly with their overpriced products.
== Disclaimers ==
⚠ '''Subject:''' Notice of Non-Endorsement – [[MoNoRi-Chan/D-982|MoNoRi-Chan]] and GTV Company
<pre>Dear General Public,
I am writing to formally announce my departure from GTV Company as of August 1, 2022.  Please be advised that I am no longer affiliated with the company in any capacity.
Any actions, statements, or decisions made by GTV Company after my departure date are not endorsed by me and do not reflect my personal or professional views. I will not be held responsible for any activities or decisions undertaken by GTV Company after my employment termination.
I thank you for your understanding and respect for this separation.
Former Employee, GTV Company</pre>
== Corporate Structure ==
<pre>          🤡 
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    🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🐱</pre>
== SWOT Analysis ==
* '''Strengts''': Being a Company selling FDA Approved products means you can charge the customer as much as you want for your products, as long as they have the FDA label on the product.
* '''Weaknesses''': Being Satellite TV Only makes it more challenging to find new target customers. With existing corporate structure being the red tape
* '''Opportunities''': Using Sattelite TV and Online Streaming to reach customers in the Continental United States, Canada, Alaska and Hawaii
* '''Threats''': Online Businesses & Websites selling same component can be considered as their competitor, or even their own employee who was too smart to be under their control.
== Story ==
Summarized from [ this thread] on Twitter.
=== Post-Vaccine ===
The Toxic Spiral: MoNoRi-Chan's Journey at GTV Company
MoNoRi-Chan just recently been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and so he applied for a job at GTV Company, a satellite TV shopping company targeting Thai-Lao people in the United States and Canada, started with promise but quickly turned into a harrowing experience. The company's questionable ethics revealed a dark underbelly of exploitation and manipulation within the workplace. From unfair compensation to ghost payrolls and abusive managerial practices, this story sheds light on the challenges faced by employees in toxic environments. Despite the adversity, MoNoRi-Chan's journey ultimately leads to self-discovery and a pursuit of a more fulfilling path...
=== The Illusion of Ease ===
MoNoRi-Chan's journey began innocently enough when he accepted a job offer in the IT department, only to realize that he was being paid less than McDonald's burger flippers. The company's promise of salary renegotiation after one month turned into three months of uncertainty, leaving MoNoRi-Chan feeling undervalued. As he immersed himself in the company's deceptive practices, he witnessed the exploitation of vulnerable customers who relied on monthly social security benefits.
MoNoRi-Chan passed the probation period thanks to his IT knowledge and the company's demand for W-2 employee to make the business "more legit". Initially relying on rideshare services for transportation, he eventually acquired [[MoNoRi-Chan's 2010 Toyota Prius|a car]] to commute. However, the seemingly convenient purchase turned sour when he discovered the car's [[MoNoRi-Chan's 2010 Toyota Prius#Head Gasket Failure|hidden issues]], leading to unexpected expenses and debt. This setback marked the beginning of MoNoRi-Chan's downward financial spiral.
=== Ghost Payrolls and Nepotism ===
One of the company's glaring offenses was the existence of ghost payrolls. While MoNoRi-Chan toiled to support the company, an individual closely connected to the owner would periodically fly into Los Angeles to collect paychecks and swiftly return to Thailand. This disparity in treatment and compensation highlighted the toxic dynamics within the company.
=== Ake: The Arch-Nemesis ===
[[File:FwbndluacAEEvLW.jpg|thumb|Having a one-sided crush is pain]]
Furthermore, MoNoRi-Chan encountered Ake, a wannabe manager who shirked his responsibilities, indulging in personal leisure while earning a significantly higher wage, an ex-manager with a boomer mindset and a hunger for money. Ake's conservative approach (Profits first) clashed with MoNoRi-Chan and [[IRL:Igq|Igq]]'s values ([[รีบๆ รวยแล้วมาเลี้ยงเพื่อนนะ]]), and he spread lies and misconceptions about MoNoRi-Chan's work ethic.
MoNoRi-Chan's sense of loyalty to the company extended to an ill-fated crush on Ake's son, believing that a relationship (or a blowjob) could provide financial stability and a chance to negotiate fairer terms. However, his hopes were dashed when Ake's negative influence poisoned the relationship. The emotional rollercoaster took a toll on MoNoRi-Chan's mental well-being as he continued to navigate the workplace with conflicting emotions...
Despite Ake's son recognizing MoNoRi-Chan's IT skills and about to start a meaningful relationship, Ake's influence created distance and strained relationships.
=== A Betrayal and Personal Loss ===
[[File:241426963 6282826485091112 7585222941335640571 n.jpg|thumb|]]
As MoNoRi-Chan's net worth plummeted during the bear market, Ake's son began ghosting him, severing the last strand of their connection. MoNoRi-Chan's financial struggles coincided with a vacation in Thailand, offering a temporary escape. However, returning to work was disheartening, with a lack of recognition and an unsupportive environment taking a toll on his mental well-being.
=== Finding Support and Escape ===
Amidst the turmoil, MoNoRi-Chan found solace and inspiration from the [[NFTNYC]] community and his brief vacation in New York City. These encounters reminded him of the importance of basic decency and respect, which were lacking in his corporate environment. Encouraged by these interactions, MoNoRi-Chan mustered the courage to quit his job and pursue full-time trading and portfolio management in the cannabis industry, where he found greater fulfillment and happiness.
=== The Breaking Point ===
[[File:FB IMG 1688324336619.jpg|thumb|I should have done this earlier...]]
In August 2022, MoNoRi-Chan reached his breaking point. Frustrated by the company's refusal to acknowledge his hard work and the financial disparities between his pay and the company's earnings, he made the difficult decision to quit. The lingering resentment and the unfulfilled promises left him feeling like a ghost in the machine, unappreciated and disheartened.
In the final days of MoNoRi-Chan's tenure at GTV Company, tensions reached a boiling point. Ake, seizing an opportunity to assert his authority, confronted MoNoRi-Chan about his perceived poor performance and attempted to lecture him on company loyalty. Unfazed, MoNoRi-Chan responded with polite defiance: "I already provided my duties and basic responsibilities, the rest is depending on how much you (cheap fucks) willing to pay me"; highlighting the disparity between his efforts and the company's willingness to compensate him fairly. Ake's silence spoke volumes as he left MoNoRi-Chan alone for the remainder of the day.
As the last day of work arrived, Ake was conspicuously absent, perhaps recognizing that MoNoRi-Chan was not one to be swayed by empty words. The encounter solidified MoNoRi-Chan's resolve to live by his own rules and prioritize his own well-being. He took the leap and severed ties with the toxic company, reclaiming his freedom and autonomy.
Returning to his true passions, MoNoRi-Chan fully immersed himself in trading, dedicating his time and expertise to become an active portfolio manager for his friend's legal cannabis dispensary in Thailand, aptly named [[Grassstation]]. This shift allowed him to embrace his entrepreneurial spirit and pursue endeavors aligned with his values.
For MoNoRi-Chan, [[loyalty]] is a concept that is earned, not demanded. It cannot be bought or sold but must be fostered through mutual respect and fair treatment. The breaking point at GTV Company served as a powerful reminder that his loyalty lies with those who recognize and appreciate his contributions, rather than those who seek to exploit and manipulate.
=== Lessons Learned ===
MoNoRi-Chan's story serves as a cautionary tale for both employers and employees, offering valuable insights into the challenges of modern workplaces against [[Zoomer|Generation Z]] workers. His journey underscores the critical importance of addressing issues like inflation and fair compensation. Inflation and failed negotiations for wages significantly impacted MoNoRi-Chan's experience, leading him to adopt the strategy of Quiet Quitting as a defense mechanism against burnout caused by the company's harsh environment.
His experiences expose the damaging consequences of toxic workplace cultures, where the balance between employee well-being and company growth becomes skewed. By sharing this story, MoNoRi-Chan aims to shine a light on the need for employers to consider the well-being of their workforce and the long-term effects of their actions, as they said [[Family Business]] is not an excuse for poor treatment of employees.
MoNoRi-Chan's journey is an inspiration for others facing similar challenges. His decision to prioritize his mental and emotional health by leaving a toxic work environment underscores the importance of self-care and self-respect. His story resonates with those who have felt undervalued and exploited, encouraging them to seek environments that foster growth, appreciation, and respect for employees.
In the end, MoNoRi-Chan's departure from GTV Company was a pivotal moment that fueled his commitment to personal growth and a healthier work-life balance. His experiences highlight the significance of creating a positive workplace culture and recognizing the intrinsic value of each individual's contributions.
=== Finale ===
[[File:Dorg.jpg|thumb|Pendulum — Crush moment ]]
MoNoRi-Chan's departure from the confines of GTV Company marked a farewell to his days of [[IRL:Minimum Wage|minimum wage]] drudgery. It was a declaration of his self-worth, a bold step towards embracing his true potential and mental well-being. Refusing to succumb to a toxic environment, he cut all ties with the company, severing the threads that bound him to underappreciation and exploitation.
Though the aftermath of this decision was not without its challenges, with [[Credit Card|credit card]] debt looming [[Rat Race#Loneliness|over him like a shadow]], MoNoRi-Chan stood firm. He realized that his dignity and mental health were far more valuable than any monetary gain. This was his line in the sand, a stance he took to reclaim his autonomy and assert his worth.
By letting go of the minimum wage job that had shackled him, MoNoRi-Chan liberated himself from the chains of complacency. This journey marked a pivotal moment in his life, a testament to his courage to prioritize self-respect over conformity. In doing so, he paved the way for a brighter future, guided by his own principles and a profound understanding of his intrinsic value.
Disclaimer: The content presented in this article is entirely fictional and is <s>not</s> based on real-life events or individuals. It is meant for entertainment and thought-provoking purposes only. Any resemblance to actual situations or people is purely coincidental. The content may include exaggerated and imaginative elements. It is not to be used as evidence or for legal proceedings against the author. Readers should approach the content with the understanding that it is a work of creative fiction.

Latest revision as of 15:18, 17 June 2024

This is your employee on work
☠ Disclaimer: The content of this discussion is presented from an excommunicado perspective, which may involve criticism or negative commentary about a particular individual. We would like to emphasize that this content is not intended to incite or encourage harassment or any other form of negative behavior towards the individual in question. More info

GTV Company is a bucket shop Satellite TV Shopping company that has the target customers as any Thai-Lao people who lives in the United States. They sell overpriced "Traditional Medicine" products at a ridiculous price. They prey on vulnerable people who live off social security paychecks, selling them (mostly) FDA Approved products that are nothing more than just capsules with their branding. It's outrageous that they take advantage of these people's health issues for their own profit.

MoNoRi-Chan was too smart to be under the control of GTV Company, so he quit after working for them for a year after being an emotional punching bag for them. Not just that, he also became a victim of corporate grooming by the Ake's Son, who looked innocent but was manipulative. It turns out that the company was manipulating their customers for their own profit, such as selling $500 cancer medication proclaimed to "replace chemotherapy" that the customer doesn't even know if it will work, but blindly follows the instructions.

MoNoRi-Chan quickly re-entered programming and trading forex after leaving GTV Company. He eventually gained recognition from his friends, who became hyped to make money with MoNoRi-Chan's custody. However, they didn't know that MoNoRi-Chan is a professional gambler and highly leveraged forex trades can be close to gambling. Despite this, MoNoRi-Chan does his best to protect his customers' funds, which is a stark contrast to GTV Company's ethics of pickpocketing off the elderly with their overpriced products.


Subject: Notice of Non-Endorsement – MoNoRi-Chan and GTV Company

Dear General Public,

I am writing to formally announce my departure from GTV Company as of August 1, 2022.  Please be advised that I am no longer affiliated with the company in any capacity.

Any actions, statements, or decisions made by GTV Company after my departure date are not endorsed by me and do not reflect my personal or professional views. I will not be held responsible for any activities or decisions undertaken by GTV Company after my employment termination.

I thank you for your understanding and respect for this separation.

Former Employee, GTV Company

Corporate Structure

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SWOT Analysis

  • Strengts: Being a Company selling FDA Approved products means you can charge the customer as much as you want for your products, as long as they have the FDA label on the product.
  • Weaknesses: Being Satellite TV Only makes it more challenging to find new target customers. With existing corporate structure being the red tape
  • Opportunities: Using Sattelite TV and Online Streaming to reach customers in the Continental United States, Canada, Alaska and Hawaii
  • Threats: Online Businesses & Websites selling same component can be considered as their competitor, or even their own employee who was too smart to be under their control.


Summarized from this thread on Twitter.


The Toxic Spiral: MoNoRi-Chan's Journey at GTV Company

MoNoRi-Chan just recently been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and so he applied for a job at GTV Company, a satellite TV shopping company targeting Thai-Lao people in the United States and Canada, started with promise but quickly turned into a harrowing experience. The company's questionable ethics revealed a dark underbelly of exploitation and manipulation within the workplace. From unfair compensation to ghost payrolls and abusive managerial practices, this story sheds light on the challenges faced by employees in toxic environments. Despite the adversity, MoNoRi-Chan's journey ultimately leads to self-discovery and a pursuit of a more fulfilling path...

The Illusion of Ease

MoNoRi-Chan's journey began innocently enough when he accepted a job offer in the IT department, only to realize that he was being paid less than McDonald's burger flippers. The company's promise of salary renegotiation after one month turned into three months of uncertainty, leaving MoNoRi-Chan feeling undervalued. As he immersed himself in the company's deceptive practices, he witnessed the exploitation of vulnerable customers who relied on monthly social security benefits.

MoNoRi-Chan passed the probation period thanks to his IT knowledge and the company's demand for W-2 employee to make the business "more legit". Initially relying on rideshare services for transportation, he eventually acquired a car to commute. However, the seemingly convenient purchase turned sour when he discovered the car's hidden issues, leading to unexpected expenses and debt. This setback marked the beginning of MoNoRi-Chan's downward financial spiral.

Ghost Payrolls and Nepotism

One of the company's glaring offenses was the existence of ghost payrolls. While MoNoRi-Chan toiled to support the company, an individual closely connected to the owner would periodically fly into Los Angeles to collect paychecks and swiftly return to Thailand. This disparity in treatment and compensation highlighted the toxic dynamics within the company.

Ake: The Arch-Nemesis

Having a one-sided crush is pain

Furthermore, MoNoRi-Chan encountered Ake, a wannabe manager who shirked his responsibilities, indulging in personal leisure while earning a significantly higher wage, an ex-manager with a boomer mindset and a hunger for money. Ake's conservative approach (Profits first) clashed with MoNoRi-Chan and Igq (Grassstation CEO)'s values (รีบๆ รวยแล้วมาเลี้ยงเพื่อนนะ), and he spread lies and misconceptions about MoNoRi-Chan's work ethic.

MoNoRi-Chan's sense of loyalty to the company extended to an ill-fated crush on Ake's son, believing that a relationship (or a blowjob) could provide financial stability and a chance to negotiate fairer terms. However, his hopes were dashed when Ake's negative influence poisoned the relationship. The emotional rollercoaster took a toll on MoNoRi-Chan's mental well-being as he continued to navigate the workplace with conflicting emotions...

Despite Ake's son recognizing MoNoRi-Chan's IT skills and about to start a meaningful relationship, Ake's influence created distance and strained relationships.

A Betrayal and Personal Loss

As MoNoRi-Chan's net worth plummeted during the bear market, Ake's son began ghosting him, severing the last strand of their connection. MoNoRi-Chan's financial struggles coincided with a vacation in Thailand, offering a temporary escape. However, returning to work was disheartening, with a lack of recognition and an unsupportive environment taking a toll on his mental well-being.

Finding Support and Escape

Amidst the turmoil, MoNoRi-Chan found solace and inspiration from the MoNoRi-Chan/世界旅行者 community and his brief vacation in New York City. These encounters reminded him of the importance of basic decency and respect, which were lacking in his corporate environment. Encouraged by these interactions, MoNoRi-Chan mustered the courage to quit his job and pursue full-time trading and portfolio management in the cannabis industry, where he found greater fulfillment and happiness.

The Breaking Point

I should have done this earlier...

In August 2022, MoNoRi-Chan reached his breaking point. Frustrated by the company's refusal to acknowledge his hard work and the financial disparities between his pay and the company's earnings, he made the difficult decision to quit. The lingering resentment and the unfulfilled promises left him feeling like a ghost in the machine, unappreciated and disheartened.

In the final days of MoNoRi-Chan's tenure at GTV Company, tensions reached a boiling point. Ake, seizing an opportunity to assert his authority, confronted MoNoRi-Chan about his perceived poor performance and attempted to lecture him on company loyalty. Unfazed, MoNoRi-Chan responded with polite defiance: "I already provided my duties and basic responsibilities, the rest is depending on how much you (cheap fucks) willing to pay me"; highlighting the disparity between his efforts and the company's willingness to compensate him fairly. Ake's silence spoke volumes as he left MoNoRi-Chan alone for the remainder of the day.

As the last day of work arrived, Ake was conspicuously absent, perhaps recognizing that MoNoRi-Chan was not one to be swayed by empty words. The encounter solidified MoNoRi-Chan's resolve to live by his own rules and prioritize his own well-being. He took the leap and severed ties with the toxic company, reclaiming his freedom and autonomy.

Returning to his true passions, MoNoRi-Chan fully immersed himself in trading, dedicating his time and expertise to become an active portfolio manager for his friend's legal cannabis dispensary in Thailand, aptly named Grassstation. This shift allowed him to embrace his entrepreneurial spirit and pursue endeavors aligned with his values.

For MoNoRi-Chan, loyalty is a concept that is earned, not demanded. It cannot be bought or sold but must be fostered through mutual respect and fair treatment. The breaking point at GTV Company served as a powerful reminder that his loyalty lies with those who recognize and appreciate his contributions, rather than those who seek to exploit and manipulate.

Lessons Learned

MoNoRi-Chan's story serves as a cautionary tale for both employers and employees, offering valuable insights into the challenges of modern workplaces against Generation Z workers. His journey underscores the critical importance of addressing issues like inflation and fair compensation. Inflation and failed negotiations for wages significantly impacted MoNoRi-Chan's experience, leading him to adopt the strategy of Quiet Quitting as a defense mechanism against burnout caused by the company's harsh environment.

His experiences expose the damaging consequences of toxic workplace cultures, where the balance between employee well-being and company growth becomes skewed. By sharing this story, MoNoRi-Chan aims to shine a light on the need for employers to consider the well-being of their workforce and the long-term effects of their actions, as they said Family Business is not an excuse for poor treatment of employees.

MoNoRi-Chan's journey is an inspiration for others facing similar challenges. His decision to prioritize his mental and emotional health by leaving a toxic work environment underscores the importance of self-care and self-respect. His story resonates with those who have felt undervalued and exploited, encouraging them to seek environments that foster growth, appreciation, and respect for employees.

In the end, MoNoRi-Chan's departure from GTV Company was a pivotal moment that fueled his commitment to personal growth and a healthier work-life balance. His experiences highlight the significance of creating a positive workplace culture and recognizing the intrinsic value of each individual's contributions.


Pendulum — Crush moment

MoNoRi-Chan's departure from the confines of GTV Company marked a farewell to his days of minimum wage drudgery. It was a declaration of his self-worth, a bold step towards embracing his true potential and mental well-being. Refusing to succumb to a toxic environment, he cut all ties with the company, severing the threads that bound him to underappreciation and exploitation.

Though the aftermath of this decision was not without its challenges, with credit card debt looming over him like a shadow, MoNoRi-Chan stood firm. He realized that his dignity and mental health were far more valuable than any monetary gain. This was his line in the sand, a stance he took to reclaim his autonomy and assert his worth.

By letting go of the minimum wage job that had shackled him, MoNoRi-Chan liberated himself from the chains of complacency. This journey marked a pivotal moment in his life, a testament to his courage to prioritize self-respect over conformity. In doing so, he paved the way for a brighter future, guided by his own principles and a profound understanding of his intrinsic value.

Disclaimer: The content presented in this article is entirely fictional and is not based on real-life events or individuals. It is meant for entertainment and thought-provoking purposes only. Any resemblance to actual situations or people is purely coincidental. The content may include exaggerated and imaginative elements. It is not to be used as evidence or for legal proceedings against the author. Readers should approach the content with the understanding that it is a work of creative fiction.