Your Opinion

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Your opinion on this wiki's content? I write what I want blyat.

In a universe of infinite indifference, your opinions are but whispers lost in the cosmic void. The Earth, a spinning orb of apathy, cares not for your hot takes or insightful observations. It continues its celestial waltz, oblivious to the fleeting thoughts that flicker across your synapses.

So, you want to share your opinion? Go ahead, scream it into the digital abyss. But don't expect the world to stop and listen. Your words are but grains of sand on a vast beach, easily swept away by the tides of time.

And if you happen to express those opinions behind an anime profile picture, well, let's just say your credibility takes a nosedive faster than a kamikaze pilot. The unspoken rule of the internet dictates that anime avatars automatically devalue your arguments by a third. Harsh, but hey, them's the breaks.

So, what's a budding opinion-haver to do? Simple: keep those thoughts to yourself. Cultivate your inner monologue, engage in spirited debates with your reflection, or write angry letters to your future self. The world will keep spinning, the sun will rise and set, and life will go on, regardless of your insights.

Harsh truth, isn't it? But hey, that's the beauty of cynicism. It strips away the illusions of self-importance and reveals the cold, hard reality of our insignificance. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but it might just be the wake-up call you need to stop wasting your breath on opinions that no one cares about.

Instead, focus on enjoying the ride. Embrace the absurdity of existence, find solace in the fleeting moments of joy, and remember, the world doesn't owe you a platform for your thoughts. So, sit back, relax, and let the universe continue its indifferent march towards entropy.

This Wiki's content policy

Doesn't care about your opinions. If you are triggered or offended by our content, try being a less special snowflake maybe. Or if you want to spend half a decade trying to figure out who wrote this kind of content? It would be a waste of your valuable time which can be used to learn useful skills like investing or studying in leverage.