
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
(Redirected from Taxation)
A Legal Pickpocket
The only real usage of USD is only to pay taxes.

Taxation is the claim of ownership over the life and labor of other people. It does not matter what the taxes are use for, nor even if a particular person wants to pay taxes. You are not free to pay taxes or not, as you are under a threat of death if you don’t pay the taxes. At best this is extortion. Under any and all meaningful understandings of theft, taxation is a central example of theft.

No one has a right to the life, labor, or property of another person. No badge, or title, or government decree can change this fact. Each of these are at best appeals to authority, a very well known logical fallacy.

Those who claim that taxes are necessary for civilized society are either ignorant as the meaning of those words, or else are ignorant of the law of non-contradiction. Theft is not civilized; respect for persons is civilized. Harm to innocents is not civilized; recognizing the inherent moral worth of others is civilized.

ChatGPT Description

Move over, Robin Hood, there's a new band of merry men in town – the government. Except, instead of robbing the rich to give to the poor, they're robbing everyone to line their own pockets and grease the palms of their cronies. They call it "taxes", a flowery euphemism for legalized plunder, and they've got a sob story about "public benefits" to justify it all.

But let's be real, folks. This ain't no charity drive. This is a shakedown, a grand heist pulled off in broad daylight with nothing more than a stack of paperwork and a chorus of empty promises. They say they need your hard-earned cash for roads, schools, and hospitals. But follow the money, friends, and you'll find it disappearing faster than a magician's rabbit, swallowed whole by the bottomless pit of government bureaucracy and siphoned off by a network of contractors so shady they make Tornado Cash feels like a regular washing machine.

Income tax? More like "income theft". VAT? That's just highway robbery with a receipt. Excise taxes? Call it protection money for your pleasures; a toll for the right to enjoy a smoke or a sip. And don't even get me started on capital gains or double taxation, that's like shaking down a gambler twice after he loses his shirt.

They paint themselves as benevolent overlords, these government bandits. They whisper sweet nothings about "social safety nets" and "investing in your future". But let's face it, those nets are full of holes and their investments are in their mansions, yachts, and their Numbered Swiss bank accounts, not your well-being.

'cuz They be throwin' these fancy terms around like confetti at a politician's rally: "fiscal responsibility", "economic stimulus", "trickle-down magic". But let me tell you, the only trickling down I see is their ill-gotten gains into the pockets of lobbyists and cronies. My friend puts it best: "Taxes are like informal annual rental fees..." except the landlord doesn't even bother fixing the leaky roof or shoveling the sidewalk. And you know what? He's got a point. Property taxes, vehicle registration fees, it's all the same racket. You pay up, or you get evicted from your own life.

And what do we get for this legalized larceny? Crumbling infrastructure, bureaucratic nightmares, and enough red tape to wrap around the moon twice. Meanwhile, those government hoods live high on the hog, feasting on lobster while we scrape by on beans. They strut around their ivory towers, blind to the struggle they inflict on the folks who built this damn country.

Carl Icahn, the Wall Street wolf, summed it up best when he said, "The only thing the dollar is good for is paying taxes." And isn't that just the saddest truth? We toil and sweat, build our dreams brick by brick, only to have them chipped away by the taxman's chisel.

So, the next time they come knocking with their outstretched palms and sob stories, remember this: the government isn't your friend. They're the highway robbers of the modern age, and your taxes are the loot they're after. Don't let them lull you into a false sense of security with their promises and platitudes. This is a fight for your hard-earned freedom, and it's time we started fighting back.

Demand transparency, accountability, and a return on your investment. Question their spending, challenge their priorities, and never let them forget that you, the taxpayer, are the one holding the purse strings. It's time to reclaim what's rightfully yours, friends. It's time to break free from the gilded cage they've built with our blood and sweat. Remember, the only way to stop a robber is to shine a light on their game.

So, let's shine that light, folks. Let it blind them with its brilliance, expose their lies, and illuminate the path towards a future where taxes are not a burden, but a fair contribution to a society that truly serves its citizens. Let's make the government answer this question: are you here for the people, or are you just another band of robbers in fancy suits?

Spread the word, brothers and sisters! The choice is ours. Let's make it a choice they won't forget. Let's make this the year the tide turns, the year the people take back their power, and the year the bandits in suits finally learn the true meaning of the words: "No taxation without representation!"

Anyway, if you are offended by this satire article you feds should consider being less patriotic, maybe try another business model with less deficit? Don't know, don't care. Do you willing to rat out for the country in exchange of being skinned alive by those tyrant? Choice is yours dear readers. We are here to spread misinformation over the internet.

Avoiding Taxes

I have a cousin who's 50 years old and has worked under the table his entire life. He was actually bragging about how smart he is because he's never paid a cent in taxes. He called other family members stupid "for giving their money to the Government"

When asked what he planned to do for money when he retires he said "I'll collect social security"
There are two kinds of people who work legally: Those that pay taxes and those who have the IRS send them a letter saying they owe taxes AND penalties.

Warning: The following content comes from third party source The author doesn't assume any responsibility over the rest of the content in this article

  • Income tax- which is what most people think of when you say taxes is the easy one. Just don’t earn any income and you will not owe any income tax. I overstate that somewhat, because you could actually earn up to $400 in self employment income and you would not owe any income tax or SE tax. Technically I should also mention that you could also earn more income than $400 and due to the workings of earned income tax credit you could get back more in tax refunds than what you paid in, but the objective is to never pay tax, and in the case of EIC, you have to pay the tax first, before you get the refund back.
  • Payroll tax-Closely related to income tax, but if it were not for FICA/Medicare taxes, you could earn up to $12,000 annually rather than $400 and not pay tax, but our goal is never pay tax, so you have to keep your income low enough to not pay any payroll taxes. Blame those pesky Democrats, especially Franklin Roosevelt.
  • Property tax-Easy one also, just don’t own any assets. Definitely no real estate and depending on which state you reside in, no vehicle. Pretty much every state has some type of vehicle registration cost, some are outright called a tax and some are given the less emotional title of fee, plus you want to avoid the next item, sales tax, and when you purchase a vehicle in most states, you have to pay sales tax.
  • Sales tax-Gets more difficult here, because now you can’t buy any taxable goods. There are some states that don’t have a direct sales tax, so if you live in one of those states and are ok with the fact that when you purchase items the business you buy from is paying a gross receipts tax, then you technically are still within the rule of never paying tax. Good news is many states exempt groceries from sales tax, so you may still get to eat. I am not sure how you will pay for groceries, but at least there is no tax.
  • Excise taxes-Here we primarily need to address telecommunication and utility excise tax, because those are the ones most people pay and may not even realize it. Cell phones, internet services, electric and gas services almost all have an excise tax included in the bill, so you can’t have any of those services. You also can’t buy gas or fuel due to gas tax, but we already established that you can’t have a vehicle anyway so it should not matter.

So that covers the big five taxes that pretty much everyone pays. Yes there are other much more arcane taxes, but by definition those taxes don’t show up very often and thus should be easier for you to avoid. As soon as you find a nice cave to live in, preferably near some land where the owner will allow you to grow crops for food, then you can achieve your American dream of never paying taxes.

For Sarkhanese Citizens
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Please note that DR and DRx are not subject to foreign assets capital gains tax but still subject to general income taxes.

You can also use Cryptocurrency or P2P services to offramp your capital gains and only take out when you need cash.