
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Trader's Alignment Chart: From Robin Hood to Market Gremlin

Lawful Good: The Robin Hood of Charts

  • Motto: "Steal from the rich... to give to myself, then donate a small portion to charity (after yacht expenses)."
  • Trading style: Employs value investing principles, seeking undervalued companies with strong fundamentals and growth potential. May utilize socially responsible investing (SRI) strategies, prioritizing companies with positive environmental and social impact. Actively engages in proxy voting and shareholder activism to promote positive change within companies they own.
  • Catchphrase: "The market may be rigged, but my morals are diamond hands."

Neutral Good: The Zen Master of Markets

  • Motto: "The market is a reflection of the universe, ever-changing and impermanent. Let go of attachment and trade with equanimity."
  • Trading style: Uses technical analysis tools like moving averages, Bollinger Bands, and Fibonacci retracements to identify chart patterns and predict market movements. Prioritizes risk management with stop-loss orders and position sizing strategies. Maintains a calm and detached demeanor, unaffected by market fluctuations.
  • Catchphrase: "Buy the dip, sell the hype, breathe deeply, and repeat."

Chaotic Good: The Meme Trader Messiah

  • Motto: "To the moon, diamond hands, and YOLO! Let's meme this market into oblivion!"
  • Trading style: Rides the wave of viral trends and social media hype, often focusing on highly volatile "meme stocks" with rapid price movements. Utilizes Reddit forums, Discord groups, and Twitter influencers to identify potential squeezes and pump-and-dump opportunities. Embraces high risk for potentially high rewards.
  • Catchphrase: "Buy the rumor, sell the news, then moonwalk away with tendies."

Lawful Neutral: The Suit with a Spreadsheet

  • Motto: "The market is a machine, and I am its algorithm. Efficiency and profitability are my guiding principles."
  • Trading style: Relies on quantitative analysis and algorithmic trading models to identify profitable opportunities. Utilizes complex statistical models and backtesting to optimize their strategies. Prioritizes efficiency and consistency, aiming for steady returns over time.
  • Catchphrase: "Synergy, optimization, and alpha. Rinse and repeat."

True Neutral: The Market Chameleon

  • Motto: "Adapt or die. I change my strategy faster than a meme stock pumps."
  • Trading style: Highly adaptable, changing their approach based on market conditions. May utilize a combination of value, technical, and momentum strategies depending on the current market sentiment. Focuses on identifying profitable trends and capitalizing on inefficiencies regardless of the underlying asset.
  • Catchphrase: "Trends are my friends, profits are my lover, and volatility is my playground."

Chaotic Neutral: The Day Trader Daredevil

  • Motto: "Live fast, trade hard, crash spectacularly. Rinse and repeat (hopefully with more wins this time)."
  • Trading style: Thrives on short-term volatility, executing multiple trades throughout the day. Utilizes scalping techniques, aiming for small but frequent profits. Often employs leverage to amplify potential returns, but also increases risk significantly.
  • Catchphrase: "FOMO is my middle name, YOLO is my retirement plan."

Lawful Evil: The Master Manipulator

  • Motto: "The market is a game, and I'm the one setting the rules (and cheating if necessary)."
  • Trading style: Employs illegal or unethical tactics to gain an unfair advantage, such as insider trading, pump-and-dump schemes, and market manipulation. May use dark pools, high-frequency trading algorithms, and sophisticated information networks to exploit market inefficiencies.
  • Catchphrase: "Pump and dump, short and distort, laugh all the way to my offshore bank account."

Chaotic Evil: The Market Gremlin

  • Motto: "Burn it all down! Watch the markets crumble while I hoard tendies and bathe in chaos."
  • Trading style: Seeks to disrupt and destabilize the market for personal amusement. May intentionally spread misinformation, short crucial assets during critical times, or engage in other disruptive activities to sow chaos and profit from the resulting volatility.
  • Catchphrase: "Buy puts on everything, short the future, and let the tendie avalanche commence!"

So there you have it, folks! Remember, this is satire, and while some traders might fit these stereotypes, not all are Robin Hoods or gremlins. But hey, it's always fun to add a little humor to the often-serious world of finance. Happy trading (and may the odds be ever in your favor)!

Case Study: SBF

Salsa Article:

The article "FTX - Yikes" on Rekt News paints a picture of Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) that contradicts the alignment of Lawful Good on the satire trader's chart. Here's how the article portrays SBF and why it clashes with the Lawful Good archetype:

Perceptions of SBF in the article:

  • Predatory tactics: The article accuses FTX and Alameda (trading firm connected to SBF) of employing "predatory tactics" and playing by their own rules, suggesting a disregard for fair play and ethical conduct.
  • Mismanagement of funds: Allegations of mismanaging user funds and potential US agency investigations raise concerns about transparency and financial responsibility, deviating from the Lawful Good emphasis on ethical practices.
  • Shifting allegiances: The article describes SBF's brief stint as a regulatory mouthpiece and subsequent hostility towards regulators, highlighting a lack of consistent dedication to any particular values.
  • Public perception shift: The article mentions how initial trust in SBF, fueled by "effective altruism" initiatives and lobbying efforts, has shifted to skepticism and even animosity in the wake of these controversies.

Reasons why SBF's portrayal clashes with Lawful Good:

  • Lawful Good prioritizes ethical behavior and adherence to rules. The accusations of predatory tactics and potential financial mismanagement directly contradict this principle.
  • Lawful Good values transparency and open communication. The alleged obfuscation surrounding FTX's internal operations and potential investigations further deviate from this ideal.
  • Lawful Good advocates for a fair and just system. The portrayal of SBF playing by his own rules and seemingly manipulating the market for personal gain undermines this commitment.
  • Lawful Good strives to earn and maintain trust. The article describes a significant shift in public perception towards SBF, reflecting a loss of trust that contradicts the Lawful Good archetype.

Therefore, considering the picture that "FTX - Yikes" paints of SBF, his alignment would likely fall further towards the Chaotic Neutral or potentially even the Lawful Evil end of the spectrum, based on the allegations of manipulative behavior and disregard for established rules and ethical norms. However, it's important to remember that this is just one perspective on SBF and FTX. Other sources might offer different viewpoints, and the full picture is likely more nuanced and complex. It's crucial to consider diverse perspectives and engage in critical analysis before forming definitive conclusions.