
From The Sarkhan Nexus

The main character in "Baby Driver" is portrayed as a young getaway driver named Baby who suffers from tinnitus, a condition characterized by a constant ringing or buzzing sound in the ears. This condition is a result of a childhood accident, and it haunts Baby throughout the film, affecting his daily life and interactions.

In a similar vein, MoNoRi-Chan also experiences tinnitus from a young age, with the persistent ringing in his ears serving as a constant reminder of this condition. Just like Baby, MoNoRi-Chan has found solace in the power of music to alleviate the discomfort caused by his tinnitus.

It was caused by Dek Here Jood Pratad (Someone's child just blew up a firework right next to him)

Whenever the ringing or social engagement becomes overwhelming, MoNoRi-Chan puts on his headphones and immerses himself in the world of music. The melodies and beats help drown out the ringing, providing a temporary escape and bringing him a sense of peace and focus.

Much like Baby in "Baby Driver," MoNoRi-Chan has discovered that music acts as his personal soundtrack, synchronizing his movements and thoughts with the rhythm and flow of the songs. It becomes his driving force, allowing him to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life.

While his tinnitus may be a constant reminder of his condition, MoNoRi-Chan embraces it as a unique part of his journey. Just as Baby's tinnitus enhances his exceptional driving skills, MoNoRi-Chan's tinnitus serves as a catalyst for his creativity and resilience. Through his love for music and his ability to find strength in the face of adversity, MoNoRi-Chan transcends the limitations imposed by his tinnitus and carves his own path towards success.