
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

TestNetBridge (aka Gorilla Bridge) is a Bridge that unknown individual created them to bridge real Ethereum to Görli Eth, one of the most unimaginable level of Degeneracy to be ensured.

⚠️ Disclaimer: The information provided in this text is for educational and informational purposes only. These writings are my own opinion, provided as-is, and has no warranty expressed or implied. None of it is financial, legal, or other professional advice. The author encourages readers to use discretion and make informed decisions regarding their own practices while seeking professional advice if necessary.

Discovery Age

Discovery Age The discovery of the Gorilla Bridge has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency community, as people flock to this new frontier in search of riches. Named after the metaphorical "apes" that are being bought with Testnet ETH, the Gorilla Bridge has become a symbol of the wild and untamed world of cryptocurrency. Much like the discovery of a new continent, the Gorilla Bridge is a lawless land where anything is possible and anything can be bought and sold. However, unlike the discovery of a new world, the Gorilla Bridge is not a place for the faint of heart, as the risks are high and the rewards are even higher. Will you join the ranks of the brave and venture into the Gorilla Bridge, or will you stay safe on the mainland and watch from afar? The choice is yours, but one thing is for sure: the Gorilla Bridge is a place where the history of cryptocurrency is being written.

Letter from Professor Starling

Dear MoNoRick,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share with you my latest discovery regarding the TestNetBridge.

As you may be aware, the TestNetBridge has been a hot topic in the Ethereum community for the past few months. The bridge provides a way for individuals to transfer real Ether from the Mainnet realm to the Testnet realm, where it can be used to purchase Goreli Ether.

I have been conducting my own research into the TestNetBridge and have made a significant discovery. I have discovered that the author of BAYC (Bored Ape Yacht Club) actually has a testnet version of the ape, which can be minted by interacting with the contract. It's 0.01 GEth per coin and now I owns 160 of them before someone botted it to the oblivion.

By selling these BAYC tokens to individuals who are bridging real Ether into the Testnet realm, I have been able to make back my capital. However, I have also noticed that the bridge is becoming increasingly congested, and I have made the decision to step away from the bridge before it collapses under the weight of its own popularity.

I believe that this discovery has significant implications for the Ethereum community, and I wanted to share it with you. I hope that this information will be useful to you in your own research and investments.

Please let me know your thoughts on this matter.

Best regards,

Professor Starling

Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. An educated investor is the best weapon.

ChatGPT Perspective

Proof that Testnet Bridge can Bridge out Eef MoNoRick-Chan arrived at the new construction site of the bridge, a soon-to-be bustling hub of interdimensional travel and technology. As he made his way through the crowd, he noticed a buzz of excitement surrounding a new invention: the TestNetBridge. This bridge was a revolutionary new way to transfer real Ether into Goreli Ether, a testnet currency that was rapidly gaining value.

After an opening speech, the bridge was started by igniting a lighther and

Intrigued, MoNoRick-Chan decided to take a closer look. The bridge was a marvel of engineering, allowing users to transfer their real Ether into the testnet realm with ease. The process was simple: Bridge your real ETH, to facke one on testnet realm, and voila! Your Ether was now accessible in the testnet.

MoNoRick-Chan watched as people rushed to the bridge, dumping their real Ether into the testnet in hopes of making a profit. The flow of Ether was constant, and the bridge was soon overwhelmed by the sheer volume of transactions. It was then that MoNoRick-Chan decided to step back and observe.

As he watched the bridge collapse under its own weight, he couldn't help but think about the lessons he had learned. The excitement surrounding the TestNetBridge was a testament to the power of technology, but it also highlighted the dangers of investing without proper research. MoNoRick-Chan realized that an educated investor was indeed the best weapon, and he made a mental note to always approach new investments with caution.

With a sigh, MoNoRick-Chan cracked open a beer and settled back to watch the bridge collapse. He may have missed out on the excitement of the TestNetBridge, but he was content in knowing that he had made the right decision.

As a final note, it is important to remember that this article is not financial advice. Investing in cryptocurrency, or any other investment for that matter, carries a degree of risk. It is always advisable to do your own research and seek the advice of a financial professional before making any investment decisions.

Bored Monkey Testnet Club