Tech talk:Mex

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Project Concepts

Created Dec 27,2018

#ProjectSPKZ The TNIMex (DRAFT)

The subject mercantile exchange

Did you ask a college student ever have a problem with registering your classes did you ever feel like your registration website need some like be country upgrade because it's application server is behaving like it's currently have a stage 4 cancer whenever it's 8:30 a.m. of the registration date of your 年生.

Well we will be looking at a current infrastructure of the registration server. Courtesy of TNI.
<Slide: nw diagram of the servers>
This is the current fuck and different diagram of of a campus as you can see pretty much in cross-formation like to shape of vagina just like the multiplayer maps of csgo.
Dust 2 was my favorite map. Until they got downgrade in the patch of current year before they made it even worse in f2p.
Let's look at the flowchart of registration for your classes. 
<Slide: RegTNI Flowchart>
A few weeks before registration opens, you as a students will able to see the กระเช้าวิชา on the net.
<Slide: RegTNI กระเช้า>
To see if you can go register for class by whatever plan a or plan b. 
But Sometimes you don't even get to choose. <Slide: RegTNI 1 กระเช้า for BI>

Back to the topic. How can we fix this problem if you may ask.
Obviously ใบฟ้า at ห้องทะเบียน is so 2009's and the dmv queue experience is not what we look for.
We as a university that have so many investors from 日本の会社 have to do better than that.
(slide: 改善-kaizen in kanji form)
I have this proposals to improve registration flow for the registration process. If you have researched the blockchain technology, you will see that it's just a wild west market kind that made for a purely manipulation playground for rich whales and their exchange engines. Is this what we looking for? Probably not. But we can just adapt to the concept and change the flow to make it more linear. 
You are going to get to sever every time you tried your access your dreaded regTNI. And have all hope and prayers that you will get enrolled 🔮
(slide: new nw infrastructure proposal) 
Because we are separating the user interface フロンティア (codename:Frontier) and the exchange engine 交換 (codename:Koukan) on two or more servers into Micro-service Architecture. Depending on demand. Our system will able to handle at least 400 times better than current version of the exchange machine algorithm that's mean you can register in a convenient way now. You also no longer need to print out that goddamned invoice and go to the Bank because you can do digital payment now. 
Man, this is 2019 you should actually have something that's probably future proof. I think... 🤔

So I have introduced you to the new registration system I hope this will be useful for any of you 学生 including 先生 and employees to make the system more suitable for the future.
I AlexInCA the visionary. Leaves this registration technology with you. And see you from not far from here, as in for a better future. Thank you.