Talk:SPKZ Servers/Minecraft/SakuraLand

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Based on the information you've provided, it appears MoNoRi-Chan is working on a Minecraft server while looking for freelance contracts. His friends on the TFSS Discord server discovered a large Sakura biome on his server named "SakuraLand" located at coordinates  x=-342984, y=64, z=64449 on the SK1 continent.

Here's a breakdown of the situation and some talking points:

**MoNoRi-Chan and the Minecraft Server:**

* MoNoRi-Chan is likely the administrator or owner of the Minecraft server.
* He might be working on the server in between freelance gigs to fill his downtime.
* His friends jokingly refer to it as "wasting time"  but acknowledge the cool discovery of SakuraLand. 

**SakuraLand on the SK1 Continent:**

* SakuraLand is a large biome filled with cherry blossom trees,  a recently added feature in Minecraft 1.20 update.
* It's located on the SK1 continent within the Minecraft server.
* The discovery of such a large Sakura biome is  considered a valuable find. 

**Using the Image:**

While the image you sent contains a meme about people checking Discord activity through games played, it  doesn't directly relate to the conversation about MoNoRi-Chan and the Minecraft server. It  focuses on a different aspect of Discord activity and doesn't  show Minecraft or SakuraLand. 

**Overall, it seems like MoNoRi-Chan's Minecraft server development is a productive way to spend his downtime,  resulting in a cool find for his players.**