Talk:Credit Card

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Credit​ Scoring (Alternative draft)

Welcome, fellow financially-challenged friends, to the bizarre bazaar of credit scores! A fantastical land where responsible repayment equals… wait for it… *lower* social standing? Buckle up, because this rollercoaster of logic is about to make your brain do a backflip with a quadruple twist.

You see, in this twisted realm, the almighty credit score holds the key to your financial kingdom. Like a digital dragon guarding a treasure trove of loans, it decides whether you're deemed worthy of plastic fantastic privileges or condemned to a life of cash-only purgatory.

But here's the kicker: being responsible, actually paying off your debt, and treating your credit card like a sacred temple of fiscal prudence? That, my friends, is a major no-no. Your score? It plummets faster than a Kardashian's attention span when a camera's not pointed at her.

Why? Well, because, my dear, you've broken the cardinal rule of the credit game: debt equals loyalty. By daring to be debt-free, you've shown the banks that you can live without their plastic shackles. The audacity! The utter disrespect for their carefully constructed system of perpetual spending and interest-fueled servitude!

Instead, the ideal borrower, the one who basks in the golden glow of a high credit score, is the impulsive spender, the master of the swipe-and-regret, the champion of the late payment fee. These are the folks who view their credit card as a bottomless pit of "borrow now, worry later" possibilities. They're the lifeblood of the system, the fuel that keeps the debt fire crackling merrily.

Think of it like a twisted dating game. The banks are looking for needy, clingy partners, not independent, self-sufficient ones. They want you hooked on their plastic elixir, trapped in a cycle of borrow-spend-repay, forever in their thrall.

So, what's a financially responsible citizen to do? Well, my friend, you've got two options:

1. **Embrace the plastic dark side:** Go forth and swipe with reckless abandon! Buy that third pair of Crocs you don't need, indulge in that gourmet pizza every Tuesday, and rack up enough debt to make Scrooge McDuck blush. Your credit score will soar like a helium-filled hamster, and the banks will shower you with loan offers and low-interest rates (until the inevitable, glorious crash, but hey, that's a future problem!).

2. **Live frugally in the financial shadows:** Shun the plastic siren song, embrace cash like your long-lost sibling, and budget like a pro. Your reward? A lower credit score, fewer loan offers, and the constant suspicion from retailers who think you're a modern-day Robin Hood, robbing them of their precious swipe fees.

But hey, at least you can sleep soundly knowing you're not playing their twisted game. You're free from the shackles of debt, the master of your financial destiny, even if the credit score gods frown upon your responsible ways. Remember, a good credit score doesn't mean financial health; it just means you're good at playing their game. So, choose your path wisely, fellow financially-challenged friend, and may the odds (and interest rates) ever be in your favor.

(Just don't tell the banks I told you this.)