
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
How Switzerland Overcame Landlocked Status and Thailand Embraced Cashless Convenience: Geopolitics at Play

Geopolitical considerations play a crucial role in a country's development strategy, but there are always exceptions to the rule. Here's how Switzerland and Thailand leveraged their unique situations to thrive:

Switzerland: Turning Mountains into Advantages

Despite being landlocked, Switzerland has used its geography to its advantage in several ways:

  • Natural Beauty: Switzerland's spectacular Alps have become a major tourist destination, generating significant revenue for the country. The Alps also provide abundant hydroelectric power, a clean and renewable energy source.
  • Neutrality as a Strategy: Recognizing the challenges of navigating a complex geopolitical landscape surrounded by powerful nations, Switzerland has pursued a policy of neutrality for centuries. This has allowed the country to avoid costly wars and maintain a stable environment for economic growth. Switzerland's neutrality also fosters trust and makes it a preferred location for international organizations and diplomacy.
  • Highly Skilled Workforce: Switzerland's focus on education and innovation has resulted in a highly skilled workforce. This, combined with political stability, attracts international businesses and foreign investment, further bolstering the economy.

Thailand: A Haven for Retirees in the Digital Age

Thailand's success in attracting retirees can be attributed to several factors:

  • Low Cost of Living: Thailand offers a relatively low cost of living compared to many Western countries, making it an attractive option for retirees seeking an affordable lifestyle.
  • Favorable Climate: Thailand's warm climate and beautiful beaches are a major draw for retirees seeking a tropical paradise.
  • Cultural Friendliness: Thai culture is known for its hospitality and respect for elders, making it a welcoming environment for retirees.
  • Technological Embrace: Thailand has rapidly adopted cashless payment systems like QR codes (PromptPay) which are convenient and user-friendly for both locals and foreigners. This, along with a well-developed mobile banking infrastructure, makes managing finances easier for retirees.

The Takeaway

While landlocked countries often face disadvantages, Switzerland demonstrates that a strategic approach can turn geographical limitations into assets. Thailand, on the other hand, highlights how embracing new technologies can create a more convenient and attractive environment for a specific demographic – retirees in this case. These examples show how geopolitics is a multifaceted concept, and a country's success hinges on its ability to adapt and leverage its unique circumstances.