Shorts:Going to Knott's

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

MoNoRi-Chan had never been to Knott's Scary Farm before, but when his friend called and asked if he wanted to join them for the 50th-anniversary celebration, he couldn't resist the opportunity. A ticket was bought a couple of weeks in advance, and the excitement built up as the big day approached.

On the day of the visit, MoNoRi-Chan's friend made another offer: a Fast Lane pass. Reluctantly, MoNoRi-Chan agreed, even though it meant shelling out an extra $100. He questioned whether it was worth it, but as they arrived at the park on a packed Saturday, he soon realized the value of the Fast Lane pass. The long lines snaked behind them, filled with eager thrill-seekers.

As they entered each attraction through the Fast Lane entrance, MoNoRi-Chan felt a sense of privilege, much like those who board planes in business class before the economy class passengers. It was a stark example of how capitalism worked, and MoNoRi-Chan couldn't help but appreciate the convenience.

Together with his two friends, they had a blast riding roller coasters and navigating the indoor mazes, all without the agony of waiting in line. MoNoRi-Chan's friend teased him, saying they bought the Fast Lane pass so they wouldn't have to wait in the "peasant line". They laughed, knowing they were making the most of their visit...

As MoNoRi-Chan and his friends reveled in the excitement of Knott's Scary Farm, an unexpected encounter reminded them of just how small the world can be. While navigating the park, MoNoRi-Chan stumbled upon a friend from the NWG Discord server who happened to work at Knott's as well. It was a delightful surprise in the midst of their adventure.

MoNoRi-Chan couldn't resist the urge to send his friend a direct message (DM) to inquire about his work section. Their digital conversation led to a face-to-face meeting, although both were naturally introverted. When they finally met in person, the initial awkwardness melted away, and they engaged in a brief but friendly conversation while his friend was doing his job of cleaning the windows.

As MoNoRi-Chan bid his friend farewell and rejoined his group, his friend apologized for not being more talkative. MoNoRi-Chan, a Discord Community Manager accustomed to online interactions, reassured him, saying, "It's okay, we introverts so I understand." He treated his friend, who worked as a sanitation worker, with the respect he deserved, appreciating the essential role he played in keeping the park clean and enjoyable for visitors.

After the rendezvous with his friends, MoNoRi-Chan shared the encounter, mentioning that he had met a friend working at Knott's. His friend's response about working at the park was filled with enthusiasm, describing the fun of being a monster and scaring people.

MoNoRi-Chan chose to keep quiet about his own position, focusing on enjoying the food and ensuring they left their area clean. Despite differing job titles and positions in the park's hierarchy, MoNoRi-Chan treated his friend with respect and equality, showing that camaraderie transcended job titles.

Later, as they approached the Silver Bullet rollercoaster, they saw the "peasant line" with an estimated wait time of 120 minutes. MoNoRi-Chan and his friends simply nodded and walked over to the Fast Lane, where they waited for less than five minutes. One of his friends couldn't resist a sarcastic remark, saying, "See this, MoNoRi-Chan? Worth every penny." To which MoNoRi-Chan replied with a knowing smile, "Guess that's how capitalism works."

As they settled into their seats on the rollercoaster, MoNoRi-Chan realized that his phone was peeking out of his pocket. Was going to put it in his cargo pants slot but it was too late; The brakes are already released. Determined not to lose it during the twists and turns, he clutched it tightly, ready for the exhilarating ride that awaited.

As the night wore on and they enjoyed several thrilling rides, they decided it was time to head home. One of MoNoRi-Chan's friends chose to spend the night on his couch rather than drive home alone while tired and sleepy. It had been an unforgettable day of adventure, laughter, and, of course, a touch of Fast Lane luxury.