Shorts:Getting Milked by Car Insurance

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Once upon a time in the quirky town of Los Angeles, there was a peculiar insurance company known as "Bullshit West Insurance." This insurance company had a rather unique way of handling claims and collecting payments, and it quickly gained a reputation among the locals.

One day, a young man named MoNoLidThZ found himself in a predicament. He had been involved in a minor car accident and submitted his insurance claim to Bullshit West Insurance. However, much to his surprise, the insurance company refused to pay his claim, citing some obscure clause buried deep within the policy terms.

Frustrated and baffled, MoNoLidThZ decided to confront the insurance company. He stormed into their office, ready to argue his case. To his astonishment, he found the entire staff of Bullshit WestInsurance engaged in an unusual activity—nipple-rubbing. Yes, you read that right. The employees were vigorously rubbing their nipples as they processed paperwork and answered calls.

MoNoLidThZ was taken aback. He couldn't believe his eyes. He mustered up the courage to ask, "What on earth are you all doing?"

One of the employees looked up, unfazed by the question, and replied, "Oh, this? It's a tradition here at Bullshit West. Rubbing our nipples is our way of channeling positive energy and ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service."

MoNoLidThZ was dumbfounded. He didn't quite understand how nipple-rubbing correlated with insurance claims, but he decided to play along. "So, if I rub my nipples, will my claim get approved?" he asked, with a hint of sarcasm.

The employee chuckled and replied, "Well, we can't make any promises, but it certainly can't hurt!"

As the days went by, MoNoLidThZ noticed that his claim remained unresolved. He received more notices from Bullshit West Insurance, demanding payment for the insurance period he had expected not to pay due to the denied claim. Frustration turned into amusement as he imagined the insurance company's employees continuing their nipple-rubbing ritual.

Realizing that he was caught in a strange and comical situation, MoNoLidThZ decided to share his story with friends and family. The tale of Bullshit West Insurance and their nipple-rubbing antics became a legend in Los Angeles, a cautionary yet humorous reminder of the quirks of the insurance industry.

And so, the story of the Nipple-Rubbing Insurance Company, which started as a reference to a South Park episode, turned into a local legend that brought a smile to the faces of everyone who heard it. As for MoNoLidThZ, he eventually found a reputable insurance company that didn't require any unconventional rituals, and he lived happily ever after—minus the nipple-rubbing.

The end... or should we say, the rub?


Letter I'm about to send

███ ████
████ ██████ ████
Los Angeles, CA █████

August 4, 2023

███ Collections
PO Box ████
Orange, CA 92863-████
Re: 12207████

Dear ███ Collections,
I am writing in response to your recent communication regarding the debt allegedly owed to DEEZNUTS CLUB. I appreciate your efforts to reach out, but I must express my concerns and provide further context to the situation.

Upon reviewing the information provided, I have come to the conclusion that the stated amount of $377.21, plus any additional interest, is not accurate. I believe that I owe significantly less than the amount mentioned. I also want to address my financial circumstances and clarify the context in which this debt has arisen.

Firstly, I would like to shed light on the fact that I have been unemployed since August 2022. Prior to my unemployment, I was employed in a position that paid minimum wage, which makes it difficult for me to comprehend how the insurance costs could be as high as stated. I understand that insurance premiums are calculated based on various factors, but I find it hard to reconcile the exorbitant amount with my financial situation at the time.

Given my employment history and the limited income I was earning, I believe that the insurance cost should not have reached the amount specified. Additionally, the circumstances that led to the insurance claim were beyond my control, and I find it unjust to bear the financial burden resulting from an incident I could not prevent.

Considering the aforementioned factors, I believe that the debt I owe is likely less than $50. I am committed to addressing my financial responsibilities, but I also want to ensure that I am being treated fairly and equitably. It is important to me that all parties involved in this matter recognize the context and circumstances that have led to this situation and squeezing money from the young people is not the solution.

I kindly request that you conduct a thorough review of the debt amount, taking into consideration my unemployment status and the context in which the insurance claim was made. I believe that a fair and reasonable resolution can be reached if we consider the complete picture.

If necessary, I am willing to provide any documentation or information that can assist in clarifying the situation and arriving at an accurate debt amount. Please feel free to contact me at (***) ***-**** or [email protected] to further discuss this matter and explore potential solutions.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Enclosures: 2022 W-2