Shorts:Feedback Loans

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
Feedback Loans: A Tale of Responsibility and School Friendships

Once upon a time, in the realm of financial burdens and academic aspirations, there existed a coder named MoNoRi-Chan. He found himself entangled in the intricacies of student loans and credit card bills. However, MoNoRi-Chan had stumbled upon an extraordinary opportunity to ease his financial woes through a job he deemed "fair enough" on the school's Mex system.

You see, MoNoRi-Chan's decision to take on this job wasn't driven by the allure of a substantial paycheck. No, it stemmed from his friendship with the school's principal and his desire to lend a helping hand in managing the institution's finances more efficiently. While the monetary compensation was not extravagant, MoNoRi-Chan believed in the importance of supporting his school community.

As MoNoRi-Chan embarked on this journey, he discovered that the payment for his contributions to the Mex system was a one-time annual lump sum, due on the forthcoming July 5th. Recognizing the significance of this payment and his responsibility to fulfill his obligations, MoNoRi-Chan made the decision to set aside the funds to pay off his student loans.

The impending due date loomed over MoNoRi-Chan like a cloud, reminding him of the consequences of delinquency. Determined to maintain his financial stability and protect his creditworthiness, he made the choice to prioritize his student loan payment. With a sense of purpose and dedication, MoNoRi-Chan worked tirelessly to ensure that the necessary funds would be available when the time came.

The story of Feedback Loans serves as a testament to MoNoRi-Chan's unwavering commitment and responsibility. It sheds light on the importance of honoring financial obligations and managing debt with diligence. MoNoRi-Chan's actions reflect a sense of duty towards both his school community and his own financial well-being.

In a world where credit card bills tempt us with fleeting pleasures, MoNoRi-Chan's story serves as a reminder that sometimes the most responsible choice is to focus on long-term goals. By prioritizing his student loan payment and ensuring it was settled in a timely manner, MoNoRi-Chan demonstrated a commendable commitment to his financial stability and personal growth.

So, as we immerse ourselves in the tale of Feedback Loans, let us ponder our own financial journeys. Perhaps we can find inspiration in MoNoRi-Chan's dedication, seeking opportunities to contribute to our communities while simultaneously managing our debts responsibly. May this story encourage us to prioritize our financial obligations and forge a path towards a more secure and prosperous future.

After Story

One fateful day, just after MoNoRi-Chan had diligently paid off his student loans, he found himself navigating the bustling streets of the city. Lost in his own thoughts, he happened to glance at his phone and noticed a familiar post on social media. It was none other than the artist "Grimbell" announcing that he had received his "living allowance" from กองทุนเงินให้กู้ยืมเพื่อการศึกษา (กยศ.), the same organization MoNoRi-Chan had just paid his installment with.

As fate would have it, at that very moment, MoNoRi-Chan and Grimbell crossed paths on the road. Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, akin to the internet meme "Vanya and Five Drive By Each Other." It was a peculiar sight, realizing that both of them were part of the same system, albeit moving in opposite directions—MoNoRi-Chan paying off his obligations while Grimbell received financial support.

In this ironic encounter, one couldn't help but ponder the interconnectedness of their lives within the larger framework of the education funding system. It was a momentary convergence that seemed too funny and uncanny to be dismissed as mere coincidence.

Both MoNoRi-Chan and Grimbell, in their own ways, were navigating the intricacies of this system. MoNoRi-Chan, driven by a sense of responsibility, had chosen to repay his loans and honor his commitments. On the other hand, Grimbell, an artist in need of financial assistance, was receiving the support provided by กองทุนเงินให้กู้ยืมเพื่อการศึกษา (กยศ.).

Their brief eye contact spoke volumes—an acknowledgment of the different paths they were traversing within the same structure. It served as a reminder that everyone's journey within the educational landscape is unique, influenced by personal choices and circumstances.

As MoNoRi-Chan continued on his way, he couldn't help but smile at the irony of the situation. Life has its peculiar ways of intertwining stories and creating moments that leave us questioning the serendipity of it all.

Disclaimer: The continuation of this story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real events, persons, or organizations is purely coincidental. The reference to the artist "Grimbell" and their encounter with MoNoRi-Chan is intended for narrative purposes only and does not reflect any actual events or individuals.


Did you know that over 60% of students who have taken out loans from กองทุนเงินให้กู้ยืมเพื่อการศึกษา (กยศ.) have not fully repaid their loans? However, one individual stands out amidst this statistic. MoNoRi-Chan, residing in a higher-income country like the US, has chosen to show empathy and responsibility by paying back his loan.

While it may be disheartening to learn that a significant percentage of borrowers have struggled to fulfill their loan obligations, MoNoRi-Chan's commitment to repaying his loan serves as an inspiring example. Despite living in a country where financial circumstances may have allowed him to easily disregard the loan, he recognizes the importance of honoring his commitment.

By fulfilling his loan repayment, MoNoRi-Chan demonstrates a deep sense of responsibility and empathy. He understands that the funds provided by กองทุนเงินให้กู้ยืมเพื่อการศึกษา (กยศ.) are intended to support the educational aspirations of students, and it is only fair to repay the loan so that future generations can benefit as well.

MoNoRi-Chan's actions highlight the significance of personal integrity and the understanding that loans are not mere financial transactions but obligations that contribute to the sustainability of educational funding. Despite his residence in a higher-income country, he recognizes the importance of fulfilling his loan repayment as a responsible global citizen.

As we reflect on this trivia, it prompts us to consider the broader implications of loan repayment. It reminds us of the importance of empathy, responsibility, and the impact of individual actions on the educational landscape. MoNoRi-Chan's commitment to paying back his loan stands as a powerful testament to the value of personal integrity and responsible financial behavior.

Disclaimer: The trivia presented here is based on fictional characters and is intended for entertainment purposes only. The statistics mentioned are not based on real data but are used to enhance the narrative and explore themes of responsibility and empathy.