Shorts:Big D's oath of allegiance

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

It was a momentous day for Deen, as he stood among a crowd of eager individuals at Los Angeles City Hall, ready to take his oath of allegiance. The sun had just begun to rise, casting a warm glow over the city, as Deen's excitement and nervousness mingled in the air.

As the hours ticked by, Deen and the others patiently waited in line, anticipation building with each passing minute. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of camaraderie, as they all knew they were about to embark on a significant milestone in their lives.

However, amidst the shared anticipation, an unexpected disruption occurred. A stranger brazenly cut in line, displaying a blatant disregard for the patience and respect shown by those who had been there since early morning. Frustration rippled through the crowd, and disapproving glances were exchanged.

When the security guard came to check on the line, he immediately noticed the disturbance. Sensing the tension and recognizing the importance of fairness and order, he asked the assembled group if the person had joined the line properly.

In a resounding show of unity, everyone in the line voiced their disapproval simultaneously. "NO!" they exclaimed, their voices merging into a chorus of disapproval.

Witnessing this display of solidarity, the security guard took swift action. The line-cutter was swiftly removed from the property, his attempt to gain an unfair advantage thwarted by the collective integrity of those in the line.

For Deen, the moment was unforgettable. It was not only a celebration of his oath of allegiance but also a testament to the values that bind Americans together - respect, fairness, and a sense of community. He felt a surge of pride for his fellow Americans, knowing that they stood together to uphold these shared principles.

As the day progressed, and Deen stood before the flag, reciting the oath of allegiance, he felt a profound sense of belonging and unity. He understood that, in that moment, he was not alone in this journey. He was part of a diverse tapestry of individuals who had come together, each with their unique stories and backgrounds, to forge a brighter future together.

The memory of that day remained etched in Deen's heart as a reminder that even in a bustling city, moments of unity and collective strength could be found. And he carried with him the spirit of Big D's oath of allegiance, a testament to the values he embraced as a proud American.