Sarkhan:Voting Machine

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Feasibility Study for Ballot Machine Usage in Thailand at Election Date


The use of technology in the voting process has been increasingly popular in many countries as a way to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the election results. In Thailand, the government is exploring the possibility of using ballot machines in the next election. The purpose of this feasibility study is to evaluate the potential adoption and resistance, as well as the technical requirements, of implementing a ballot machine system in Thailand.

Adoption and Initial Resistance:

The adoption of new technology in the voting process often faces initial resistance from the public. This is because people may have concerns about the security and reliability of the technology, as well as the transparency of the election results. In Thailand, it is important to educate the public about the benefits of using a ballot machine, such as increased accuracy and efficiency, and to address any concerns they may have about the technology.

Technical Requirements:

The ballot machine must meet certain technical requirements in order to be used in an election. It must be able to securely store the votes and transmit the results to a central database in real-time. It must also be user-friendly, with a simple and intuitive interface for voters to cast their votes. In addition, the machine must be able to handle a high volume of voters, as well as be able to withstand the harsh conditions of a polling station.


The implementation of a ballot machine system in Thailand would require a significant investment in technology and infrastructure. This includes the purchase and installation of the machines, as well as the development of a secure network for transmitting the results. In addition, there would need to be a robust training program for election officials and poll workers to ensure that they are able to effectively use and maintain the machines.


The costs associated with implementing a ballot machine system in Thailand would include the cost of purchasing and installing the machines, as well as the cost of developing the network and training program. These costs would need to be carefully evaluated and managed to ensure that the project is financially feasible.


The use of ballot machines in Thailand has the potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the election results. However, it is important to carefully evaluate the adoption and resistance, as well as the technical requirements, of the technology before implementing it. With proper planning and implementation, a ballot machine system could be a valuable addition to the election process in Thailand.


A voting machine designed for the concept you described would likely consist of a compact and user-friendly interface that incorporates an ID card reader, buttons for selecting a political party, and a display screen for printing a receipt. It would need to be durable and secure, with safeguards in place to prevent tampering or fraud. The machine would likely have an LTE network connection for live scoring and telemetry, which would allow for real-time tracking of voting results. Additionally, the machine would need to be accessible for all voters, including those with disabilities. The design would likely take into consideration ease of use, as well as being aesthetically pleasing and aesthetically pleasing, so as to encourage voters to adopt the new technology and feel confident in the security and accuracy of their vote. Overall, the voting machine would need to be a well-designed, reliable, and secure solution that could help to improve the election process in Thailand.

Usage in India

In India, electronic voting machines (EVMs) were introduced in the early 2000s as a replacement for paper ballots. The use of EVMs has reduced the time required for counting votes and increased the efficiency of the voting process. However, there have been concerns about the security and accuracy of the machines, as well as the potential for tampering or manipulation.

Whether EVMs can be a complete replacement for paper ballots depends on a number of factors, including the level of public trust and confidence in the machines, the cost and feasibility of implementing the technology, and the measures taken to ensure the security and accuracy of the voting process.

In order to gain widespread adoption, it is important for the government and election officials to address any concerns about the security and accuracy of the machines, and to ensure that the machines are properly tested and audited before they are used in an election. Additionally, a robust system of transparency and accountability should be put in place to ensure that the voting process is fair and transparent, and that the results accurately reflect the will of the voters.

In conclusion, while the use of voting machines can offer many benefits, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and challenges, and to implement appropriate measures to address them, in order to ensure that the voting process is fair, secure, and accurate.

Procurement & Monopoly Consideration
if voting machines were procured from the single source, will it raise concerns about monopolies regarding the manufacturing?

Yes, procuring voting machines from a single source could raise concerns about monopolies in the manufacturing process. When a single company or vendor supplies all of the voting machines for an election, it creates a situation where there is limited competition and a potential for monopolistic control over the voting process. This could lead to concerns about the impartiality and accuracy of the voting machines, as well as the potential for manipulation or tampering of the machines by the manufacturer or vendor.

Furthermore, procuring voting machines from a single source also raises concerns about the transparency of the procurement process and the potential for corruption. It is important to ensure that the procurement process is competitive and transparent, and that multiple vendors have the opportunity to bid and compete for the contract. This helps to ensure that the best possible solution is selected, and that the voting machines are reliable, secure, and accurate.

Solution: Open Standard

It is possible to create an open standard for voting machines to increase competition and reduce controversies. An open standard would specify the requirements and specifications for the design, function, and security of the machines. This would allow multiple manufacturers to participate in the bidding process and create competition, which can drive innovation and reduce costs. Additionally, an open standard would increase transparency and accountability, as it would allow for independent evaluations and audits of the machines. This could help address concerns about monopolies and ensure that the voting machines are secure, reliable, and accessible to all eligible voters.

Blockchain based Voting

Blockchain-based voting is a type of electronic voting system that uses blockchain technology to securely manage the voting process. In this system, votes are recorded and stored on a decentralized ledger (blockchain), which provides a tamper-evident and transparent record of all votes.

In blockchain-based voting, each vote is encrypted and then added to the blockchain as a block, forming a chain of blocks that contain all of the votes. The encryption ensures that the votes are kept confidential, while the transparency of the blockchain ensures that the results can be audited and validated.

The use of blockchain in voting also eliminates the need for a central authority to manage the voting process, as the network of nodes on the blockchain can validate the votes and maintain the integrity of the system. This provides a more secure and trustworthy voting process, as the chances of hacking or tampering with the results are greatly reduced.

Blockchain-based voting is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way we vote and provide a more secure and transparent voting process for the future.

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