Sarkhan:Maximum Security Prison

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

Sarkhan Central Maximum Security Prison (SCMSP) or Sarkhan Central Prison (SCP) is a Theme Park/Central Prison Located at where Klong Prem Central Prison was built on.


In the Central Sarkhan Maximum Security prison, the criminals have to work in order to earn money in the form of THBт, which is the currency used in the economy of the prison. They can work in various jobs such as cleaning, cooking, and even manual labor. The money they earn can be used to buy basic necessities such as food and clothing, as well as luxuries like TVs and phones.

However, this is not just any ordinary prison, MoNoRi-Chan has implemented a new form of punishment and rehabilitation, using the concept of Westworld, where the prisoners deemed too feral for release back to the population have their brains connected to a computer interface, which serves as a neuro-processing network. This means that their brains are used to process data and perform various tasks, while they are still physically locked up in the prison.

As a theme park, the visitors of the prison can see the prisoners in action, working and earning their money, while also being able to interact with them and even buy items from them. The prison also has a virtual reality section where visitors can experience what it's like to be a prisoner, and even "work" alongside them to earn THBт.

Despite the controversial nature of this new form of punishment, MoNoRi-Chan assures the visitors that the world inside the prison is safe, with a state-of-the-art firewall that prevents any external information from entering without permission. He also assures that the prisoners are treated humanely and that their rights are protected, and that this is a new way of rehabilitation for them.


The lifestyle of the criminals inside the Sarkhan Maximum Security Central Prison (SCMSP) is one of luxury and privilege. Despite being locked away behind bars, they have access to all the comforts of the outside world, including gourmet meals, private rooms, and state-of-the-art facilities.

MoNoRi-Chan presents these prisoners as a theme park where visitors can come and see how the criminals live, and even participate in their daily routines. The prison is designed to be a sandboxed environment, where the prisoners can earn THBт by working in various jobs, such as cooking, cleaning, and maintaining the facilities.

Visitors can also interact with the prisoners, by taking tours of the prison, participating in mock trials, and even watching live performances put on by the prisoners themselves. The prison has become a popular tourist destination, and many people come from all over the world to see the unique and exciting experiences that it has to offer.

In addition, the prisoners also have access to various educational and vocational programs, which help them to learn new skills and prepare for their eventual release. This allows them to be more productive members of society when they are released, and reduces the likelihood of them committing crimes again.

All of this is run by MoNoRi-Chan, who uses the funds generated by the prison's visitors and the prisoners' labor to support the THBт economy, and to provide for the needs of the prisoners and their families. The prison serves as an example of how to rehabilitate criminals and promote reintegration back into society.

NEET Population

describe the slacker population of the prison and their lifestyle as if they were young NEET people who does not know how to participate the society

In the central prison of Sarkhan, there exists a population of slacker inmates who have been deemed too apathetic and disengaged to participate in society. These individuals, often referred to as "NEETs" (Not in Employment, Education, or Training), have a distinct lifestyle within the prison.

These inmates are often seen lounging around in their cells or common areas, playing video games or watching TV on screens provided by the prison. They have little interest in participating in the prison's economy or in the various "work for the money" programs set up by MoNoRi-Chan.

Despite being given the opportunity to earn THBт and improve their living conditions, these slacker inmates are content with the bare minimum provided by the prison. They have no ambition or drive to better themselves or their situation.

This group of inmates can often be found congregating in their own circles, talking about their favorite games or TV shows, and showing little to no interest in interacting with the other inmates or engaging with the prison's economy. They are seen as a burden to the prison's administration and a constant reminder of the failure of rehabilitation in the prison system.

The prison staffs have to watch them closely as they may have tendency to cause trouble or incite riots, as they are often seen as a negative influence on the other inmates. It's a controversial issue, as some argue that these individuals should be given more opportunities to reintegrate into society, while others argue that they should remain in prison for the safety of the public.

the economy system inside the prison is also used as the benchmark tool for the prisoner for their willing to work for money, and those who climbed the ranks had their eventual sentences reduced.... for a money they worked for. this brings back the dystopian capitalistic nature of Sarkhan that even in a prison you are not free from the economy

In the prison, the slacker population, who are mostly young NEETs, live a lifestyle that is far removed from the outside world. They spend most of their days lounging around, playing video games, and watching TV. They have little to no motivation to participate in society, let alone the prison economy.

But MoNoRi-Chan sees potential in these prisoners and introduces an economy system within the prison. This system is based on the benchmark of how willing the prisoners are to work for money. The prisoners are given jobs, such as cleaning or cooking, and are paid in THBт, the currency of Sarkhan. Those who work hard and climb the ranks have the opportunity to have their sentences reduced.

The prison economy is a microcosm of the larger society outside its walls. The prisoners are not free from the capitalistic nature of Sarkhan, even in prison. The prisoners who succeed in the prison economy are rewarded with more freedom, while those who don't are left to languish in their cells. The prison is not just a physical prison, but also a digital prison, where their brain computer interface is used as neuro processing network.

The prison is also a source of controversy, with some critics arguing that it is inhumane to use prisoners as a source of labor and to keep them in a digital prison. MoNoRi-Chan defends the prison by stating that it provides the prisoners with a sense of purpose and allows them to earn their way back into society. He also emphasizes that the prison's firewall is state of the art, and prisoners cannot get external information without permission, this way they're not corrupting the rest of the population.

As the story progresses, some of the slacker population eventually realize that they can earn money by working and they are able to redeem themselves while they serve their sentence. Some of them even able to get out of prison early and able to stand on their own feet again.


Main Article: SCP's THBт

In the economy of SCP, all transactions are conducted using SCP's Modified THBт, a fork of digital currency developed by MoNoRi-Chan with administrative controls built on it. This allows for a more efficient and secure system as there is no physical cash present in the prison, reducing the risk of theft.

Upon enrollment into the prison, inmates are required to go through a biometric data matching process, where their fingerprints and/or retinal scans are recorded. This information is then linked to their THBт account, and can only be accessed using their biometric data.

Inmates can earn THBт through various means, such as working in prison jobs or participating in vocational training programs. They can then use this money to purchase goods and services within the prison, such as food, clothing, and entertainment. The prison also operates a barter system, where inmates can trade goods and services with each other using THBт. This allows for a more flexible economy, as inmates can acquire goods and services that they may not be able to purchase with money alone.

In addition to providing a secure and efficient economic system, the use of THBт also helps to prepare inmates for reintegration into society. By teaching them how to use digital currency and participate in a cashless economy, they are better equipped to adapt to the changing economic landscape outside of prison.

The prison also has a rehabilitation program where inmates can earn reduced sentences by participating in various educational and vocational training programs. This includes courses in computer programming, engineering, and business management, as well as job training programs in fields such as construction, welding, and manufacturing.

The surveillance system in SCP is advanced and uses a combination of CCTV cameras and facial recognition technology to monitor the movements and activities of inmates. This allows the Correctional officers to quickly respond to any potential threats or disturbances within the prison.

The prison also has a strict zero-tolerance policy for violence and any inmate found to be involved in a violent altercation will face severe punishment. This includes solitary confinement, loss of THBт and reduced sentences, or even transfer to a higher-security facility.

Overall, the goal of SCP is to provide a safe and secure environment for inmates to serve their sentences while also providing opportunities for rehabilitation and reintegration into society. The use of technology and the THBт economy system allows the prison to operate more efficiently and effectively, while also providing incentives for inmates to improve their lives and make positive changes.


SCMSP Vocational College

This introduce them to post-prison vocational college where prisoners can get their job training on what they want to do, including gaming and streaming

As the prisoners begin to adapt to the new economy system inside the prison, they start to form groups and communities based on their interests and skills. Some focus on manual labor and manual jobs, while others focus on more technical and digital jobs such as gaming and streaming.

The slacker population, who were once NEETs and did not know how to participate in society, began to find a sense of purpose and direction in the vocational college. They were able to learn new skills and trades that would help them reintegrate into society once they were released.

The prison staff, under the guidance of MoNoRi-Chan, also began to implement a mentorship program where experienced prisoners would act as mentors for the new inmates. This helped to ease the transition for the new prisoners and also helped to create a sense of community and camaraderie within the prison.

As the prisoners' skills and abilities improved, they were able to earn more money and climb the ranks within the prison economy. This led to a reduction in their sentences, as they were able to demonstrate their willingness to work and contribute to society.

However, despite the benefits of the new system, there were also criticisms and concerns about the implications of this dystopian capitalistic nature even inside a prison. Some argue that it dehumanizes the prisoners and turns them into mere economic units. Others argue that it is a necessary measure to ensure the safety and security of society and to ensure that the prisoners are able to reintegrate into society once they are released.

Overall, the new system in the prison, brought about by MoNoRi-Chan, has led to a new way of thinking about how prisoners are treated, and how they can be helped to reintegrate into society. The vocational college and mentorship program has helped to give the prisoners a sense of purpose and direction, and the economy system has helped to motivate them to work and contribute to society.

the NEET population are also MoNoRi-Chan's central focus on the prison because some might be just got thrown in prison just because they were treated by the outside world as scums and have no place in Sarkhan except for their own rooms and occasionally commuting to convenience store. When they gets into poverty line they commit crimes but unjustly thrown into maximum security prison so MoNoRi-Chan even tho he's INTJ he is emphatic on this and introduce the STEM education inside the prison. (Also to prevent them from being Set Yor'd)


SCMSP STEM Program a program where prisoners can learn coding and programming, as well as other technical skills that will be in high demand in the modern economy. This not only gives them the opportunity to gain valuable skills and potentially land a job after release but also to give them the chance to have a productive and meaningful life in prison, instead of just wasting away in a cell.

Additionally, MoNoRi-Chan also creates a mentorship program where successful business leaders and entrepreneurs can come in and share their experiences and advice with the prisoners, giving them a sense of hope and inspiration for the future.

As the program starts to gain traction, more and more prisoners begin to take advantage of the opportunities available to them, and the recidivism rate starts to drop. The prison becomes a place not just for punishment but for rehabilitation and growth, and MoNoRi-Chan's approach to prison reform becomes a model for other countries to follow.