Sarkhan:Destruction of Bangkok

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
How the old Bangkok was torn out and NeoBangkok was built over it

The world as we knew it had changed. Bangkok, once a thriving metropolis, was now nothing but a pile of rubble and debris. The city was bombarded by unknown hypersonic missiles from Guam, leveling everything in its path. The people of Bangkok were left in shock, wondering what their future would hold. But then, MoNoRi-Chan stepped in.

One MoNoRi-Chan, was the creator of THBт, a revolutionary stablecoin that had taken the world by storm. He was known for his innovation and forward-thinking, and he was not one to back down from a challenge. When he saw the destruction of Bangkok, he knew that he had to help.

MoNoRi-Chan gathered a team of the best engineers and architects from around the world and set out to rebuild the city. They worked tirelessly to create a new and better version of Bangkok, one that would be more resilient and better prepared for any future disasters. And so, NeoBangkok (State of Sarkhan) was born.

The new city was a marvel of modern engineering, with towering skyscrapers, advanced infrastructure, and cutting-edge technology. THBт was the official currency of NeoBangkok, and it was used in all transactions throughout the city. The currency was highly secure and decentralized, making it virtually impossible for anyone to manipulate or steal.

As the city began to thrive, MoNoRi-Chan's reputation as a visionary only grew. People from all over the world flocked to NeoBangkok, eager to be a part of this new and exciting world. MoNoRi-Chan's vision had come to life, and he was hailed as a hero by the people of NeoBangkok.

Years passed, and NeoBangkok became the envy of the world. It was a shining example of what could be accomplished when people worked together towards a common goal. And MoNoRi-Chan, the creator of THBт, was remembered as the man who helped bring the city back to life.


The origin of the missile attack on Bangkok remains shrouded in mystery, with no official explanation given for who ordered the strike. Some speculate that it was the work of a rogue state or terrorist organization, while others believe that it may have been an act of war between rival nations.

MoNoRi-Chan, the creator of THBт, is often seen as a figure of both admiration and suspicion in the aftermath of the attack. Some view him as a saint, who used his technical expertise and financial acumen to help rebuild Bangkok into NeoBangkok, while others see him as a sinner, who may have had some involvement in the attack itself.

However, MoNoRi-Chan's role in the attack remains unclear, and it is likely that the truth may never be fully known. Some believe that he may have been a pawn in a larger game, while others see him as a visionary who saw the potential in THBт and used it to help rebuild Bangkok.

Regardless of his involvement in the attack, MoNoRi-Chan remains an important figure in the post-apocalyptic world of NeoBangkok. His influence over the city's economy and his unwavering commitment to helping its residents have made him a symbol of hope for many.

Ultimately, the truth about MoNoRi-Chan's role in the missile attack on Bangkok remains a matter of personal interpretation, and it is up to each individual to decide whether he is a saint, a sinner, or something in between. Some might see him as an anti-hero, who is willing to do whatever it takes to help his people, even if it means straying from traditional notions of morality and ethics. Whatever the case may be, MoNoRi-Chan remains a complex and enigmatic figure, whose impact on the world of NeoBangkok will likely continue to be felt for generations to come.


A draft of Script for this episode in Deconstruction.


Jason is sitting on his couch, looking at his phone and checking Slack. He looks tired and just got off work.

Finally, time to get some sleep.
Cut to Guam Island.


A group of high-ranking military officials are gathered in a war room, surrounded by large screens displaying satellite images and maps of Bangkok. One of the officials, General Ramirez, is on the phone with unknown individual who gives them the right to proceed with the attack.

(into phone)
Understood, sir. The order has been received. We'll launch the missiles as planned.

General Ramirez hangs up the phone and turns to the others in the room.

Gentlemen, we have a green light. Prepare to send 'em Air Mail.

The officials nod and move to their positions around the room. The room is filled with the sound of buttons being pressed and systems being activated.



The top of the missile silo slides open, revealing the hypersonic missiles inside. A technician stands at a control panel, typing on a keyboard and monitoring the systems.

HQ1. Missile systems online. Initiating launch sequence. Technician Out.

The two technician authenticated the launch codes, turned a key on their own panels, and the missiles begin to rise from their silos. They ignite their engines and soar into the sky, leaving trails of white smoke behind them.



General Ramirez watches the missiles on the screens, a sense of pride and satisfaction on his face.

Target locked. Missiles en route.

The officials in the room look on the monitor in silence as the missiles approach their target...

The sound of multiple explosions rocks the city as the missiles impact, leveling buildings and causing widespread destruction.



Jason is jolted awake by the sound of the explosions. He jumps out of bed and rushes to the window, looking out at the chaos in the streets below.

(to himself)
What the hell is happening?

He checks his phone and sees no messages from work. He quickly gets dressed and looking for answers on the news on TV.
Breaking News! A missile strike has hit the city of Bangkok, causing widespread destruction and panic.

Cut to various news reports:

The city has been rocked by multiple hypersonic missiles, causing widespread damage and loss of life.

The origin of the attack is still unknown, but reports suggest that the missiles may have been launched from Guam.

The Thai government has declared a state of emergency and is urging all residents to stay indoors and avoid any non-essential travel.

The death toll is rising, with reports of hundreds of people killed and thousands injured.

Rescue efforts are underway, but the city is still in chaos with widespread fires and power outages.

The city's infrastructure has been severely damaged, with roads, bridges, and buildings collapsing.

The National Guard and Rescue Teams has been deployed to help with the rescue efforts, but the situation remains dire.

The Thai economy has been severely impacted, with the stock market plummeting and businesses closing down.

The international community has expressed its condolences and is offering support to Thailand in this time of crisis.

The world is watching as Bangkok tries to rebuild and recover from this devastating attack.

Cut back to Jason's apartment.

Jason turns off the TV and goes outside to see what's already happened.

Cut to the exterior of Jason's apartment building, where he sees that the office building he works in has been completely destroyed.

My job, it's gone.

He looks around and sees the destruction all around him...
Cut to MoNoRi-Chan's house next door.


MoNoRi-Chan sees Jason looking bewildered and approaches him.

Hey neighbor, I heard you lost your job in the attack. I'm here to help.

He hands Jason a "Seed Phrase" with some amount of THBт loaded in it.
3 Months after
News Headline 1: "NeoBangkok Rises from the Ashes: MoNoRi-Chan's Vision Takes Shape"

News Anchor: Good evening, I'm your news anchor, reporting live from the heart of NeoBangkok. It's been three months since the devastating missile attack on Bangkok, but the city is slowly but surely rising from the ashes, thanks to the vision and determination of one man - MoNoRi-Chan.

News Footage: Footage shows the bustling streets of NeoBangkok, with people going about their daily lives. The city is vibrant and alive, despite the recent tragedy. 

News Anchor: MoNoRi-Chan, the creator of THBт, has stepped in to help rebuild the city. He has focused on rebuilding critical infrastructure such as roads, rails and waterworks, and has given some THBт to real estate developers so they can fund their construction.

News Headline 2: "MoNoRi-Chan: Saint or Sinner?"

News Anchor: As NeoBangkok continues to rise from the ashes, opinions are mixed on MoNoRi-Chan's motives. On one hand, many people see him as a saint, a visionary who is using his wealth and resources to help rebuild the city.

News Footage: Footage shows people on the streets of NeoBangkok, speaking positively about MoNoRi-Chan. They speak about how he has given them hope, and how he has helped them get back on their feet after the attack.

News Anchor: On the other hand, there are those who are against MoNoRi-Chan's involvement, who see him as a sinner, using the tragedy for his own gain. They question his motives, and wonder what his ultimate goal is.

News Footage: Footage shows people on the street, speaking out against MoNoRi-Chan. They express their concerns about his intentions, and worry that he may be using the tragedy for his own gain.

News Anchor: As the debate continues, one thing is for sure - MoNoRi-Chan's involvement in the rebuilding of NeoBangkok has sparked a heated debate, with opinions divided on whether he is a saint or a sinner. But in the end, it's up to each individual to form their own opinion on the matter.