
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

District of จตุจันทร์ (4Chan): What if 4Chan becomes a District in Bangkok, replacing Chatuchak

Location: NeoBangkok (State of Sarkhan), State of Sarkhan


จตุจันทร์ (4Chan) is a bustling and eclectic district located within the vibrant metropolis of NeoBangkok, in the fictional State of Sarkhan. Nestled in the heart of the city, this unique district is a testament to the rich diversity and open-hearted spirit of the Sarkhanese people.


Originally part of the Greater Bangkok Area, จตุจันทร์ (4Chan) underwent a significant transformation during the transition from Bangkok to NeoBangkok. It was during this time that the district adopted its distinctive name, inspired by the iconic imageboards of the internet's notorious 4Chan.


The จตุจันทร์ (4Chan) district is a patchwork of neighborhoods, each bearing the name of one of 4Chan's popular imageboards. These subdistricts include:

  1. /a/ Street: Occupied by fervent Japanese anime enthusiasts, /a/ Street is a haven for fans of animated artistry and manga. Visitors can immerse themselves in the world of anime culture, with numerous anime-themed cafes, shops, and events.
  2. /b/ Street: Known for its unpredictable and chaotic atmosphere, /b/ Street is a district that embodies the spirit of the original /b/ board on 4Chan. It's a place where randomness and absurdity reign supreme, attracting thrill-seekers and individuals looking for unconventional experiences.
  3. /biz/ Street: The financial heart of จตุจันทร์ (4Chan), /biz/ Street is a bustling district where cryptocurrency and traditional financial markets converge. It's home to the famous บ่อนจตุจันทร์, a Crypto Casino, a renowned establishment frequented by wojaks and crypto enthusiasts alike.
  4. /fit/ Street: Fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals flock to /fit/ Street, where gyms, wellness centers, and health food stores are abundant. This district promotes a healthy lifestyle and encourages residents to stay active.
  5. /pol/ Street: A hub of political discussions and debates, /pol/ Street is known for its diverse range of political ideologies and opinions. Visitors can engage in lively discussions, and the district often hosts events and rallies related to various political causes.


จตุจันทร์ (4Chan) is a district that welcomes people from all walks of life, both locals and expatriates. Its open-door policy and lax visa regulations have made it a magnet for expats seeking the affordability of Thailand's cost of living and the tantalizing array of street food.

Cultural Diversity

The district's cultural diversity is one of its most defining features. Visitors can sample cuisines from around the world, attend cultural festivals, and explore art galleries showcasing works from local and international artists.


จตุจันทร์ (4Chan) is a district that exemplifies the spirit of NeoBangkok and the inclusivity of the State of Sarkhan. With its unique subdistricts, diverse population, and vibrant culture, it stands as a testament to the acceptance and openness that characterize this fictional city. Whether you're drawn to anime, finance, fitness, politics, or simply the thrill of the unexpected, you'll find a welcoming community waiting for you in จตุจันทร์ (4Chan).