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Election 2023: The Parallel Universe edition

"Election Madness: Dogshit Devs, Dogshit Game, Dogshit Community"


In a bizarre turn of events, the recent election season has left voters and political enthusiasts in a state of frustration and disbelief. Aptly described as a dogshit situation, this satirical article explores the mind-boggling aspects of the election process, including the lengthy 60-day wait and the role of senators voting based on the controversial lese majeste (112) law.

The Dogshit Devs:

The election process kicked off with a spectacle reminiscent of dogshit developers releasing a poorly designed game. The organizers seemed to have taken inspiration from the most frustrating aspects of gaming, ensuring that voters would encounter endless bugs, glitches, and bewildering mechanics. Just like a game riddled with game-breaking bugs, the election seemed to push the boundaries of logic and sanity.

The Dogshit Game:

As voters eagerly anticipated the election, they were greeted with a dogshit game that challenged even the most patient souls. The 60-day waiting period before they could freely discuss the results felt like an eternity in the age of instant information and connectivity. It was as if the game developers wanted to test the limits of voters' endurance and ability to resist spoilers. Meanwhile, the community eagerly speculated, theorized, and engaged in heated debates, all while eagerly awaiting the end of this frustrating waiting period.

Is election just a change of hope, or just a tradition?

The Dogshit Community:

The election process brought together a community of individuals with varied opinions, aspirations, and frustrations. However, the divisive nature of politics and the anticipation of the election results turned this community into a dogshit battleground. Supporters of different parties engaged in fierce online debates, hurling insults, memes, and conspiracy theories like virtual projectiles. It seemed that everyone forgot the basic principles of civil discourse and instead embraced the chaos of a dogshit community.

The Lese Majeste (112) Law:

Adding to the already bewildering experience, the role of senators in voting based on the Lèse-majesté law introduced an extra layer of absurdity. The requirement of extra 250 votes from the senate based on this controversial law felt like a game mechanic gone wrong. It raised questions about the fairness and freedom of expression, as the law has been subject to criticism for its potential to stifle dissent and limit free speech.


As the election process unfolded, it became apparent that it resembled a disastrous combination of dogshit developers, a dogshit game, and a dogshit community. The frustrating 60-day wait, coupled with the impact of the lese majeste law, left voters scratching their heads and questioning the sanity of the entire process. In this satirical take on the election, we can only hope that future elections bring a better gaming experience, a more civil community, and a political landscape that values transparency and inclusivity over chaos and confusion.


The Unholy Alliance

In the aftermath of the subsided yellow and red aggression, the political landscape has shifted to a new battleground - the old party versus the new party. The fear of losing power and benefits has intensified, as the Move Forward Party's progressive policies threaten the established order. With promises to raise minimum wages and abolish mandatory conscription, the party's policies have become a threat to the existence of megacorporations and the army.

The younger generation, known as "zoomers," find themselves at the forefront of this struggle. Faced with a rigged system and limited opportunities, many are choosing to fight for their own rights and aspirations. The call for emigration has grown louder as they seek better opportunities and a chance to escape the confines of a system that seems stacked against them.

While the conservative loyalists used the abolishment of Article 112 as an excuse to withhold their vote from the Move Forward Party, the underlying fear of losing power is evident. The established elites are unwilling to relinquish their control and privileges, even if it means standing in the way of progress and social justice.

The power struggle has shifted from being solely about party policies to a deeper battle for individual autonomy. The Move Forward Party's progressive agenda poses a direct challenge to the entrenched interests, and they are determined to resist any change that threatens their hold on power.

For the megacorporations and military supporters, the MFP's rise to power was perceived as a challenge to their vested interests. They had thrived under previous administrations, enjoying the benefits of favorable policies and contracts. With the MFP now at the helm, they feared the loss of their privileges and the rise of policies aimed at curbing their influence.

As the days turned into weeks and months, the impact of the betrayal was felt by all citizens - not just politically, but economically as well. The nation's progress stalled as internal conflicts within the coalition hindered decision-making and policy implementation. The economy suffered, and taxpayers paid the price for the selfish ambitions of their elected representatives.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, the fight for a more just and equitable society has taken center stage. The zoomers, disheartened by the old system, are determined to create a future that aligns with their aspirations and values. The struggle for self-determination has ignited a new sense of purpose among the younger generation, driving them to seek change through whichever means necessary.

While the abolishment of Article 112 was presented as a reason for opposition to the Move Forward Party, it is clear that the battle runs deeper. It is a struggle for the very soul of the nation, where progress and social justice collide with the fear of losing power and benefits.

As the old and new parties continue to clash, the fate of the nation hangs in the balance. Will the younger generation succeed in reshaping the political landscape, or will the established elites maintain their grip on power? Only time will tell as the power struggle for individual autonomy unfolds before our eyes.