
Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records

As the Chinese cash homebuyers flood the Thai real estate market, the consequences for Thai residents who are unable to afford mortgages become increasingly apparent. This has given rise to a collective group known as เช่าเขาอยู่ (Just Renting), symbolizing the struggles faced by those who are forced to rent in order to secure a place to live.

The เช่าเขาอยู่ community consists of individuals who find themselves caught in the whirlwind of rising housing prices fueled by Chinese investments. As the cost of homeownership skyrockets, owning a home becomes an elusive dream for many Thai residents. Instead, they must resort to renting, often facing the burden of exorbitant rental prices that continue to rise as demand surges.

Living in a perpetual state of rental agreements, the เช่าเขาอยู่ collective finds themselves at the mercy of landlords who capitalize on the growing demand for rental properties. They are subject to fluctuating rental rates, limited control over their living spaces, and a constant reminder that their dreams of homeownership may remain out of reach.

While renting offers a certain level of flexibility, it also perpetuates a cycle of dependency, leaving many Thai residents feeling trapped in a perpetual state of uncertainty. The financial burden of monthly rental payments weighs heavily on their shoulders, as they navigate the challenges of saving for the future while struggling to make ends meet.

As the Chinese cash homebuyers continue to dominate the real estate market, the เช่าเขาอยู่ community serves as a stark reminder of the growing wealth disparity and the challenges faced by those unable to enter the property market. Their collective voice serves as a call to action, urging the government and relevant stakeholders to address the pressing issue of affordable housing and create opportunities for Thai residents to own homes and build a stable future.

In the ever-changing landscape of the Thai real estate market, it is crucial to strike a balance between attracting foreign investments and ensuring that the needs and aspirations of the local population are not overshadowed. The plight of the เช่าเขาอยู่ community serves as a poignant reminder that affordable housing should be a priority, allowing every Thai resident the opportunity to create a stable and prosperous future for themselves and their families.

As Thailand continues to navigate the complex interplay of foreign investments and local housing needs, it is essential to find sustainable solutions that empower Thai residents and provide them with the means to escape the เช่าเขาอยู่ cycle. By addressing the challenges of affordability and promoting inclusive housing policies, the Thai government can pave the way for a more equitable future, where every individual has the opportunity to fulfill their dreams of homeownership and secure a stable living environment.

In conclusion, the rise of Chinese cash homebuyers has undoubtedly had far-reaching consequences for Thai residents, leading to the emergence of the เช่าเขาอยู่ community. By shedding light on their struggles and advocating for affordable housing solutions, we can work towards a more balanced and inclusive real estate market that benefits both foreign investors and the local population alike.

As a political Perspective

The concept of "เช่าเขาอยู่" or "Just Renting" not only applies to the housing market but also has intriguing implications in the realm of politics. Beyond the surface of the housing crisis, a deeper political perspective emerges, shedding light on the intricate relationship between the powers that be and the people who inhabit the land they call home. In this context, "The Country" takes on a new meaning—one that may not align with the interests of "The People."

The Divide Between "The Country" and "The People"

In the world of politics, "The Country" often refers to the established powers, entrenched political parties, and the elite who have long held sway over the direction of a nation. Their interests may not always align with those of "The People," who, in this context, are akin to tenants renting the land within the country's borders. This dichotomy reveals a complex power dynamic, where the influential few shape policies and decisions that have far-reaching consequences on the lives of the many.

The Role of the Senate and Protection of "The Country"

The senate, as a key institution in the political landscape, often positions itself as a guardian of "The Country." However, this perspective sometimes diverges from the interests and needs of "The People." The efforts of the senate to enact policies and decisions that protect "The Country" can inadvertently amplify the struggles faced by ordinary citizens. While intentions may be rooted in safeguarding stability and established structures, these efforts can inadvertently perpetuate a system that benefits the few at the expense of the many.

The Paradox of Protection and Struggle

The paradox emerges when "The People," who are just renting the land and resources within the country, find themselves caught in a cycle of struggle. The housing crisis serves as a tangible representation of this cycle, where the people—unable to afford property ownership—are perpetually dependent on those who control the housing market. Similarly, in the political landscape, the interests of "The People" may be overshadowed by the agendas of "The Country," leading to policies and decisions that perpetuate a cycle of inequality and limited opportunities.


The metaphor of "เช่าเขาอยู่" is not confined solely to the housing market—it extends to the realm of politics, revealing a nuanced perspective on power dynamics and societal structures. As "The Country" and "The People" navigate this intricate relationship, it becomes imperative to bridge the gap between the two. Achieving a balance that considers the interests of both established powers and the general populace is crucial for creating a more equitable and just society. By addressing the paradox of protection and struggle, a more inclusive future can be forged, where the concept of "เช่าเขาอยู่" evolves into a collective journey towards a brighter tomorrow.