SPKZ Servers/Minecraft/AFK Policy

Information from The State of Sarkhan Official Records
MoNoRi-Chan's Oasis SMP: A Server Built for Free Spirits!

Howdy, OASIS players! MoNoRi-Chan here, coming at you with the lowdown on our brand new Survival Multiplayer server – The Oasis SMP!

AFK? No Problem, Just Be Considerate!

We know sometimes you gotta step away for a bit, grab some food, maybe even… touch some grass? (Gasp!) Here at The Oasis SMP, we're all about freedom, so feel free to AFK (away from keyboard) in public areas. Just like with our custom client policy, we trust you to be respectful.

Private Property? Respect the Owner's Rules!

Now, claimed land with deeds is a different story. That's the owner's turf, and they get to decide the AFK rules for their own little slice of paradise. So, if you're planning on an extended AFK session, make sure you're not squatting on someone else's property.

Chunk Loading? We Got You Covered!

We understand the Minecraft chunk loading mechanism. You AFK because Need your crops to keep growing or your mob farm humming? AFK away! We've got chunk loading figured out, so your in-game ventures keep ticking over even when you're grabbing a coffee break.Or you just like me, procastinate and play Minecraft instead of actually working.

Calling All Pioneers!

This server is a blank canvas, a vast and empty world just waiting to be explored and settled. So grab your pickaxe, stake your claim (pun intended!), and build something amazing! We encourage you to spread the word to your friends and fellow adventurers – the more the merrier!

Minimal Intervention, Maximum Anarchy!

Our goal? To create a server that thrives on player-driven chaos, just like the legendary 2b2t! We'll keep things simple, with minimal intervention from the admins. This is your world to shape, conquer, and maybe even blow up (don't worry, we have backups… just in case).

Are You Ready to Join the Oasis SMP?

So, if you're looking for a server that lets you play your way, a server that's all about freedom and building something incredible, then the Oasis SMP is the place for you! Join us and become a legend in the making!